Chapter 1861: 379: immediately stunned! 4

Translator: 549690339

“Qiu Di looked at the head chief and continued, “Wu Han is the best proof.” ”

Wu Han?

But Wu Han was clearly ye Han!

“”Head chief, I think you should know that Wu Han used to be called Ye Han. Do you know why he suddenly changed his name to Wu Han?” ”

The head chief narrowed his eyes and did not say a word.

What was this autumn flute up to?

“Autumn flute continued, “It’s because of Miss Ye. Actually, to tell you the truth, Ye Han can no longer remember anything from the past, including Miss Ye. Do you know why he suddenly became like this?” ”

“”It’s also because of Miss Ye. Miss ye knew that this experiment was doomed, so she arranged everything in advance. “She changed ye Han’s memories so that ye Han would forget about him. In order to prevent anything from happening to her, Ye Han was filled with grief and indignation, so she transferred all of Ye Han’s memories of her to me. “That’s why ye Han was so loyal to me.” ”

“At this point, Autumn Flute’s eyes reddened, she continued, “Miss Ye is a good person, and even more so, a good sister. “I knew that my qualifications weren’t enough and that it would be difficult to wait for the grand hall, but Miss Ye had decided on me. “She asked me to take good care of Ye Han, and since there was no one else by Miss Ye’s side that I could rely on, I could only agree to her.” ”

Everything that Qiu di said seemed to be within reason.

But the head patriarch felt that something was wrong.

Was it really because of this that ye Han lost his memory?

“Also, since ye Zhuo already knew in advance that this experiment was doomed, why didn’t he reveal anything in front of the eight great clans? ”

“Qiu Di couldn’t control her tears. As she cried, she said, “After Miss Ye left, I was also very sad. You might not believe me if I told you, but it took me two whole months to completely accept reality.” ”

“Speaking up to this point, Qiu di seemed to have thought of something and continued, “Oh right, this is the information of the star-crossing case. I’ll return it to its original owner now.” ”

“Looking at the information on the star-crossing case.., the head patriarch continued, “Since you keep saying that you and miss ye are good friends and that you once saved Miss Ye’s life, then why didn’t miss ye tell you what the password for the information on the star-crossing case is?” ”

“If ye Zhuo really regarded Qiu di as his successor, it was impossible for him not to tell her about this matter! ”

“Qiu di sniffed and continued, “Miss Ye told me everything. It was I who was unwilling to take it. Because I didn’t believe that anything would happen to Miss Ye!” ”

“”Head chief, I really didn’t lie to you. Even if you didn’t believe me, I should believe Miss Ye.”Saying this, Qiu di passed a string of pink beads to the head chief. “Oh right, this is the keepsake that Miss Ye gave me.” ”

“Seeing this string of beads, the head chief’s pupils constricted. ”

This string of beads was not some rare treasure.

“One star dollar could buy five or six of those kinds, but to ye Zhuo, they were even more precious than rare treasures. ”

This was the only keepsake that ye Zhuo’s birth mother had left for ye Zhuo.

He had not expected that ye Zhuo would actually give such an important thing to the autumn flute!

“Qiu Di quickly put the beads back into his pocket and continued, “Head chief, I think you should know the origins of this string of beads! This is the only thing that Miss Ye’s mother left behind for Miss Ye.” ”

The head chief narrowed his eyes.

“Qiu di said, “And this wooden token that allows you to enter and exit Chang Yue country at will was also left behind by Miss Ye. If I wasn’t the person that miss ye trusted the most, do you think she would have left all these things to me?” ”

“For a moment, the chief was a little confused. ”

What was going on?

Could it be that everything that Qiu di said was true?

Should he believe Qiu di or not?

What should he do now?

“If what Qiu di said was true, then wouldn’t he be letting down ye Zao? ”

“Saying this, Qiu di stood up, he continued, “You are clear about Miss Ye’s ability, and you are also clear about ye Han’s ability. If it wasn’t because Miss Ye volunteered, who do you think could force Miss Ye, and who else would have the ability to change ye Han’s memories?” ”

“As he finished speaking, Qiu di placed the information on the star-crossing table on the table and bowed slightly at the head chief, “Head chief, I’ve already said what I wanted to say. Miss Ye’s meaning has already been conveyed. If you don’t believe me, it’s fine. At least, I won’t feel like I owe miss ye anything.” ”

“After saying what he wanted to say, Qiu di turned around and left without the slightest hesitation. ”

“Looking at the back of Qiu Di, the chief frowned deeply. ”

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