Chapter 1859: 379: she was stunned! 2

Translator: 549690339

“What? We broke up!”The surprise in Ouyang Yuan’s eyes turned into disbelief.

“Yeah.”Ouyang Nai nodded. “We broke up.”

“Are you stupid? !”Ouyang Yuan was almost angered to death by Ouyang Nai. “This is a marriage that others can not get even if they begged for it. But you! You just broke up!”

Ouyang Nai was also about to cry. This feeling of missing out on a billionaire was too unbearable. “I thought her family was just an ordinary sheep farmer!”

“Idiot!”Ouyang Yuan cursed angrily. “You are an idiot! As stupid as your mother!”

Ouyang Nai lowered her head and did not say anything.

It was too late to say anything now.

“Ouyang Yuan continued, “Which one of you went after the other first?” ”

“”I went after her,”Ouyang Nai replied. ”

“Ouyang Yuan said, “Since she accepted you, it means that she definitely has you in her heart. How about this, you can go after her again.” ”

Didn’t the books say that?

“It only took a minute to like someone, but it took a lifetime to forget someone. ”

“Ouyang Nai was very handsome. She was simply a young male idol. Now that all the young girls were infatuated with her, Li Yueyue would definitely not forget Ouyang Nai so quickly. ”

“Is this okay?”Ouyang Nai asked.

“Ouyang Yuan’s face was stern. “Whether it’s okay or not, we have to try. We can’t just let a little fat sheep escape.” ”

There was nothing to lose by trying.

What if it succeeded?

Ouyang Nai nodded. She took out her phone and added Li Yueyue’s various social media accounts.

“Back then, in order to stop Li Yueyue from pestering her, Ouyang Nai blocked all of Li Yueyue’s social media accounts! ”

“After clicking on the add, Li Yueyue did not immediately agree. ”

Ouyang Nai comforted himself in his heart.

“Li Yueyue was on the plane now. The signal was bad on the plane, so it was normal that she could not see. When Li Yueyue got off the plane, she would definitely agree! ”

“After all, Li Yueyue loved him so much! ”

“Thinking of this, Li Yueyue felt a lot better. ”

At the same time.

On the other side.

Changyue country.

“At present, it had been a week since Qiu di had obtained the information on the star-crossing case. ”

But Qiu di still hadn’t found a way to open the information on the star-crossing case.

Qiu Di was a little anxious.

She couldn’t wait like this anymore!

“After all, the day of the general election was approaching. If she was still unable to check the information on the star-crossing case, at that time, she would definitely be taken out to make a fuss. ”

“Thus, autumn flute brought ye Han to the headquarters of the eight great families. ”

“Before coming back, she had already prepared a foolproof plan. ”

“Therefore, on this trip, she would definitely be able to gain the trust of the eight great families and smoothly ascend to the throne. ”

She walked out of the aircraft.

Autumn flute looked at Ye Han. “You wait here. I’ll go in first.”

“”Yes, eldest miss.”Ye Han nodded. ”

Qiu Di turned around and walked inside.

“”Stop.”Just as she reached the door, Qiu Di was stopped by a guard. ”

“I’m Qiu Di. I want to see the Chief.”Qiu Di said.

“Do you have an appointment?”The guard asked.

Qiu Di looked at the guard and frowned. “I want to make an appointment to see your chief?”

Did she know who she was?

She was someone who looked down on others!

“The guards looked at Qiu di and said, “No matter who you are, you have to make an appointment when you see our Chief.” ”

“Qiu di frowned slightly and opened the communication device. “Wu Han, come over here for a moment.” ”

“”Okay,”ye Han said. ”

“In less than three minutes, ye Han came over. ”

“When they saw ye Han, the guards still refused to let him pass. ”

Ye Han directly took out a red sandalwood token.

“The wooden token looked very ordinary, with the word ‘Ye’carved on the side. When the guards saw this wooden token, they immediately bent over 90 degrees. “Miss Ye!” ”

This was ye Zhuo’s wooden token.

“With this wooden token, one could freely enter and exit any place in changyue! ”

Qiu Di narrowed her eyes and stretched out her hand towards ye Han. “Give it to me.”

“If she had known that ye Han had a wooden token, she wouldn’t have gone through so much trouble! ”

“Hearing this, Ye Han immediately handed it over with both hands. ”

Qiu Di took the wooden token and swaggered inside. She turned to look at Ye Han. “Wait outside.”

Ye Han stayed where he was and waited for orders.

“Because of ye Zhuo’s wooden token, Qiu di smoothly arrived at the great clan leader’s study. ”

“Standing in front of the great chief’s study, Qiu Di narrowed his eyes. In the next moment, his expression changed and he knocked on the door. ”

“Soon, the great chief’s voice came from inside. ”

“Come in.”

Qiu Di pushed the door open and entered.

“”Chief Shangguan,”Qiu di said. ”

“Hearing Qiu Di’s voice, the great chief frowned. He turned around and saw Qiu di, “Why are you here?” ”

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