Chapter 1845: 377: Someone is carrying a heavy load for you! 3

Translator: 549690339

“Hearing this, father Yu frowned. “What nonsense is this? Why Can’t I Understand?” ”

“It’s like this...”Tian Zhifang told Father Yu the whole story.

“After listening to the whole story, Father Yu’s face became even gloomier. ”

“Yu Zifei sighed and said with some difficulty, “Dad, I...” ”

“”Don’t say anymore.”Father Yu raised his hand and stopped Yu Zifei from continuing. He continued, “I know what you want to say.” ”

“Tian Zhifang said, “Zifei, now that your dad is here, tell us, do you want your dad and me or your dream? I’m telling you, today’s matter must be put to an end!” ”

“Father Yu continued, “Zifei, Dad understands you and knows that you’ve had an aerospace dream since you were young. Dad understands you and supports you.” ”

“Hearing this, Yu Zifei thought that he was hearing things. ”

What did his father say?

Support Him?

Understand Him?

Did he really not mishear?

Tian Zhifang looked at Father Yu in surprise!

“”Dad?”Yu Zifei looked at Father Yu in surprise. “You, are you serious?” ”

“Father Yu nodded and smiled. “Zifei, don’t worry about chasing your dream! Your mother and I are the strongest supporters. We will never hold you back!” ”

“”Old Yu! What are you talking about! Are you crazy?”Tian Zhifang said angrily, “Do you know how dangerous Mars is! Zifei is our only son!” ”

“If it weren’t for Yu Zifei’s luck this time, he would have died on Mars! ”

What about the next time?

“If it weren’t for his luck, they wouldn’t have met Yu Zifei this time, but Yu Zifei’s remains. ”

Mars was a place where people were eaten. There might not even be any regrets.

“No matter what, Tian Zhifang could not let such a thing happen again! ”

“Father Yu looked at Tian Zhifang very calmly, “Dangerous? What in the world is not dangerous? Aren’t firefighters dangerous? Aren’t the People’s police who protect the safety of the people dangerous? Aren’t the soldiers stationed at the borders of the Motherland Dangerous? Are the scientists who contribute to science dangerous? Which one of them isn’t their parents’only child? Which one of them isn’t their parents’treasure? But have they retreated because of this? If our country didn’t have these people’s existence, would there be peace today? It’s not that there are no dangers in this world, but there are people who are carrying the weight for you!” ”

Father Yu’s words were sonorous and powerful.

“Hearing this, Tian Zhifang was immediately stunned. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She choked and couldn’t say a single word. ”

“Father Yu looked at Tian Zhifang, he continued, “Zhifang, we can’t be so selfish. The children of the motherland are protecting us. Our sons should also carry a heavy burden and move forward to open up a brand new home for them. “If everyone has the same thoughts as you and decides to quit because they feel that their job is in danger, wouldn’t the world be in Chaos?” ”

“Although Yu Zifei wasn’t a policeman, a firefighter, or a soldier who defended the border, he was a researcher. ”

The mission of a researcher was to benefit mankind and create a beautiful home for mankind!

“Therefore, father Yu supported Yu Zifei! ”

“Seeing that Tian Zhifang did not speak for a long time.., father Yu continued, “Zhifang, the people working at the CEN family base are not only our son, but also other people, including Cen Fifth Master and Miss Ye. None of them are much safer than Zifei! But have they backed down?” ”


“Not only did they not back down, but they also faced the difficulties head-on. The more they faced difficulties, the braver they became! ”

“Yu Zifei looked at his father, his eyes filled with shock. ”

He really did not expect that someone who was usually so calculative about a single cent would say something like this.

He also never knew that his father’s situation was so big!

“This man, who only had a junior high school education, was the first person Yu Zifei admired. ”

“Sometimes, the situation was not determined by one’s education. ”

People with higher degrees might not have the same ideological awareness as Father Yu.

“On the contrary, people with lower degrees could sometimes sacrifice themselves to protect the interests of the people. ”

Tian Zhifang looked at father Yu and trembled.

“What father Yu said made sense. From Hongguang’s point of view, she was indeed too selfish, but from a mother’s point of view, she just loved her son. ”

She didn’t want to lose her son.

Was she being selfish?

A Mother’s greatest pain was losing her son.

“Compared to the pain of losing her son, what was being selfish? ”

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