“Chapter 1836: 376: average, 31st in the world”

Translator: 549690339

Wu Han had unreserved trust in the autumn flute.

“Because in his memory, it was the autumn flute that made him. ”

Everything he had originated from the autumn flute.

“Thus, Wu Han turned on the portable system and played the things he encountered with the chief to the autumn flute. ”

The portable system was created by Ye Zhuo.

It was omnipotent.

It could record everything at any time and place. It also had the most advanced attack and defense systems.


“Ye Zhuo had set the permissions on the portable system. Other than ye Han himself, no one could operate the portable system. ”

“Otherwise, Qiu di would have taken the portable system for herself. ”

“Now, although Qiu di could not use the portable system for the time being, her team had been looking for a way to crack it. ”

“Unfortunately, until now, the team had not come up with anything. ”

Qiu Di stood in front of the big screen with her eyes slightly narrowed.

“Shangguan Jue, this old Fox, had indeed recognized ye Han at a glance. ”

“Fortunately, she had been prepared. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. ”

“After watching a video, Qiu di turned to Wu Han and asked, “Do you think what Shangguan Jue said is true?” ”

“”Of course not!”Wu Han slightly bent his knees and knelt on the ground, “Miss, without you, there would be no me. No matter what, I will never betray you. As long as you say it, I will do anything, no matter if it’s a mountain of knives or a sea of Fire!” ”

“Is that so?”Qiu Di asked.

“Yes.”Wu Han’s eyes were very firm.

“”Alright.”Qiu Di nodded. He looked into Wu Han’s eyes and slowly said, “What if I say that I want your life?” ”

This sentence did not have the slightest intention of joking.

“Wu Han did not hesitate at all. He took out a gun from his waist and said, “Since the eldest miss wants it, then Wu Han will return your life to you now.” ”

“After saying that, Wu Han pulled the trigger. The entire process did not have the slightest bit of sloppiness. Facing death, Wu Han did not have the slightest fear. He was indifferent like a tool man. ”

He was not afraid of life and death.

PA —

“At this moment, Qiu di raised his hand slightly. A laser beam shot out from the precision instrument and shot down the gun in Wu Han’s hand. ”


“The laser beam shot onto the wall not far away, directly piercing through the wall. ”

“If Qiu Di had not made a move, the thing that would have been pierced through would have been Wu Han’s head. ”

Wu Han was also slightly stunned.

He had not expected Qiu di to suddenly save him. He had thought that Qiu di would really take his life.

“Wu Han bent down. “Thank you, Young Lady.” ”

“”Get up.”Qiu di clapped his hands and continued, “The thing I hate the most is betrayal. If one day I find out that you have betrayed me, then this wall will be your end.” ”

“When Qiu di said this, she raised her chin slightly, her tone clear and shallow. ”

“At this moment, Wu Han actually saw another person’s figure on Qiu Di. ”

“They overlapped, but they didn’t look like a person. ”

“The person’s back was facing her, and the room was dark. A beam of light shone through the open door. ”

“”Since you’ve decided to follow me, the thing I hate the most is betrayal. If one day I find out that you betrayed me...” ”

“At this point, she paused, raised the gun in her left hand, and directly pierced through the vase on the cabinet. ”

“The vase had clearly been pierced through, but the body of the vase did not shatter. It could be seen how skilled the person holding the gun was with his marksmanship. ”

It was somewhat terrifying.

“After a moment, the person’s back was facing him, and he slowly said, “This vase is your end.” ”

The Vase is your fate.

The wall is your fate.

Why do these two sentences sound so familiar?

Who is this person who suddenly appeared in his memory?

Why Can’t he see her face clearly?

“Facing the shattered memory that suddenly appeared in his mind, Wu Han was absent-minded for a moment. ”

His head hurt.

It felt like it was exploding.

“He tried his best to recall, but he couldn’t remember anything. ”

This kind of feeling was a little uncomfortable.

It made Wu Han recall the situation at the head chief’s side.

What exactly was going on?

“Seeing that Wu Han didn’t react for a long time, Qiu di frowned slightly and said in a slightly cold voice, “Wu Han!” ”

“Hearing this, Wu Han shuddered and immediately reacted, “Yes! Young Miss!” ”

“Looking at Qiu di again, Wu Han felt that the person in his memory was a little like Qiu Di. ”

“Whether it was his marksmanship, his tone of voice, or his posture. ”

“Most importantly, no one had said this to him except the flute. ”

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