Chapter 1800: 370: Cen Wuye who was forced to become a monk! 5

Translator: 549690339

“Yes.”Yu Zifei nodded. “Of course it’s true.”

“”That’s great! That way, I’ll have time to spend with my parents.” ”

Yu Zifei nodded.

“Li Xiang continued, “By the way, team leader Yu, what is the meaning of returning to Earth?” ”

“We’ll be back soon!”


Over here.

Ye Zhuo called for an emergency meeting.

“She sat at the head seat and said, “Everyone, it’s very likely that an alien life form has appeared on Mars. For the sake of everyone’s safety, do not leave the area of the unauthorized base for the time being.” ”

“When she said this, the audience broke into a flurry of discussions. ”


“Very quickly, everyone thought that Yu Zifei’s matter was definitely related to aliens. ”

“In other words, Mars was no longer safe. ”

“As they discussed this issue, everyone’s voices grew louder. ”

“After all, other than life and death, there was no big deal. ”

“No matter when, the safety of life was the most important. ”

“”Miss Ye, is the base absolutely safe?” ”

“”Yes.”Ye Zao nodded slightly and opened his red lips. “Before this meeting, I’ve already activated the top-tier defense system. As long as you don’t step out of the base’s range, there won’t be any problems!” ”

“In fact, Ye Zao had encountered alien life forms before, but it was not Mars. ”

Ye Zao had nothing to be nervous about when dealing with alien life forms with higher levels of civilization.

“”Miss Ye, what if something happens?” ”

“Ye Zao flipped a page of the document and continued, “In an hour, there will be a spaceship that can take you back to Earth. If anyone is afraid, they can follow the spaceship and leave this place.” ”

“Hearing this, everyone hesitated. ”

“The Oasis project was an international project. If it was successful, just like the last time they built an aircraft carrier, their status would rise along with it. ”

“If they left, there would be nothing left. ”


They could not leave.

“But if they did not leave, what if they were attacked by aliens? ”

“On one side was fame and fortune, and on the other side was the safety of their lives. This made everyone very conflicted. ”

“Three minutes later, elder Sun stood up and said, “Miss Ye, can you give us some time to think about it?” ”

“Ye Zhuo nodded slightly. “Then before five o’clock tomorrow afternoon, before five o’clock tomorrow afternoon, I’ll go back and arrange for the spaceship to fly back to Earth once more. At that time, everyone must think carefully. This opportunity can not be missed again.” ”

“Okay.”Everyone nodded.

“Ye Zhuo looked at everyone. After a while, he stood up from his chair and said, “That’s all for now. Meeting adjourned.” ”

“After saying that, Ye Zhuo left the meeting room. ”

“She had stayed on Mars for almost a week. Now that she had found Yu Zifei and Li Xiang and upgraded her defense system, it was time for her to go back. ”

It would only take about an hour to return by spaceship.

“An hour later, the spaceship landed at the Cen family base. ”

“As soon as ye Zhuo got off the spaceship, Cen Shaoqing went up to greet him. “Leader.” ”

“Yes.”Ye Zhuo nodded slightly.

Cen Shaoqing frowned slightly when he saw the tired look in ye Zhuo’s eyes. “Didn’t you say that there was nothing serious on Mars? Why Are You So Tired?”

“He was afraid that Cen Shaoqing would be worried, so ye Zhuo did not tell Cen Shaoqing the truth. ”

“”I’m not tired, I’m just a little hungry.”Ye Zhuo had drunk the nutrient solution for five days in a row. Now, he only wanted to have a normal meal. ”

“Everything is ready. Come with me.”Cen Shaoqing held ye Zhuo’s hand tightly.

The two of them walked into the restaurant.

“The table was full of dishes that ye Zhuo loved to eat, as well as sweet and delicious desserts. Seeing this, the weariness in ye Zhuo’s eyes instantly disappeared by more than half. He sat down and ate heartily. ”

“She did not eat slowly, but her every movement gave off an elegant aristocratic temperament, which made people think of a noble princess. ”

“Moreover, this temperament could not be imitated. ”

“Seeing her eat so well, it actually brought Cen Shaoqing’s appetite back. ”

“Forty minutes later, the plates on the table were almost empty. ”

“Cen Shaoqing walked over and continued, “Do you still want to eat?” ”

“I’m full.”Ye Zao wiped his mouth.

“Cen Shaoqing sat next to Ye Zao and held her hand. He asked in a low voice, “What happened on Mars?” ”

“Ye Zao looked at Cen Shaoqing. “Let me hug you for a while.”With that, ye Zao put his arm around Cen Shaoqing’s waist and buried his face in his chest. ”

“Through a thin layer of expectation, he could clearly hear his strong and powerful heartbeat. ”

“Bang, Bang, Bang. ”

One beat after another.

His nose was filled with the faint scent of sandalwood. Ye Zao took a sniff and felt extremely at ease. He immediately forgot all the tiredness and trouble and slowly closed his eyes.

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