“Chapter 1725: 357: slap her in the face, log into Europa and regret it! 6”

Translator: 549690339


Lin Jinshui’s phone fell to the ground.

Zhou Yuelian was also staring at Lin Shasha with her mouth agape.

Even Zhou Yuelian was stunned.

What the hell?

First place?

And first place in Yunjing City?

Just Lin Shasha?

How was that possible!

“Lin Shasha was not good at studying, how could she be first place? ”

“At this moment, Lin Jinshui reacted and looked at Lin Shasha. “Shasha, what did you say? You got first place?” ”

“Yes.”Lin Shasha nodded.

“”Is there a mistake?”Zhou Yuelan said, “Is there a mistake in the system? Or are you lying to your parents? Shasha, let me tell you, you can’t use this kind of thing to lie to your parents!” ”

There were too many such things!

“Last year, it was still reported on the news that an examinee had concealed the fact that his parents had made a fake notice to a famous school. It was only until the day of school that it was exposed. ”


The matter with Lin Sha was definitely fake!

“”Aunt, am I really that bad in your heart for this niece of yours?”Lin Sha turned to look at Zhou Yuelan. ”

“Renee said, “Cousin, it’s not that my mom looks down on you, but she’s afraid that she made a mistake! What’s your admission card number? Let me check it for you.”Renee also felt that Lin Shasha was bragging, for Someone like Lin Shasha, it was already good enough that she could get into a trashy university. How could she dream of getting first place in Yunjing City. ”

It was simply a dream!

“Hearing that, Zhou Yuelan quickly said, “Yes, yes, yes. Let Nini check it for you. Nini just took the exam last year and has more experience than you!” ”

“Renee immediately took out her phone and opened the search system. “Cousin, give me your admission number.” ”

She couldn’t wait to Slap Lin Shasha’s face.

It wasn’t a shameful thing to fail the exam!

But it was her fault for acting like a fat person.

Lin Shasha reported a string of numbers.

Renee clicked on the search.

“The next second, Renee was also stunned. She thought she was hallucinating. ”

First place?

It really was first place!

Renee quickly checked her next personal information

That’s right.

It was Lin Sha!

“Zhou Yuelan said anxiously, “Renee, did you find out?” ”

“I found out.”Renee’s emotions were complicated.

There was competition between cousins.

She thought that she would definitely be better than Lin Sha in the future.

She did not expect that Lin Sha would actually get the best scholar in the city.

The top 985 scorers could be chosen at will.

Her two books had no presence in front of the top scorer.

“”How was it?”Zhou yuelan continued to ask, “How did your cousin score?” ”

“Although Renee didn’t want to say anything, she still said, “7,740, the top scorer in the city of Yunjing.” ”

“Hearing this, Zhou Yuelan almost fainted. ”


It was really the top scorer!

“Zhou Yuelian and Lin Jinshui were also about to faint, but they were happy! ”

“”Shasha, that’s great!” ”

“I have to quickly tell Weiwei the good news.”

“Then I’ll call second brother and third brother’s house!”

The couple was so happy that they were busy calling their relatives to inform them.

Zhou Yuelan did not feel good.

How could she have thought that someone like Lin Shasha could get the first place in the city.

She was going to make a fool out of herself and find a match for Lin Shasha while she was down.

She didn’t expect that she would become a joke in the end.

“Zhou Yuelan nudged Reyne with her elbow and asked in a low voice, “Is she really the top scorer in the city?” ”

“Yes.”Reyne nodded.

“Could there be a problem with the system?”Zhou Yuelan asked.

“Reyne said, “No!”If there was a problem with the college entrance examination scoring system, it would be terrible! ”

“Zhou yuelan sighed, “How could she get first place!” ”

It would be great if their Nini got first place.

“Unfortunately, she let Lin Shasha get first place. ”

She was really lucky!

“Let’s go.”Zhou Yuelan looked at Renee.

“Now That Lin Shasha was the top scorer, what was the point of them staying here? ”

Were they looking for trouble?

“”Sister, don’t go!”Zhou Yuelian walked over and held Zhou Yuelian’s hand. “I’m happy today! Let’s go to a restaurant later!” ”

“Zhou Yuelian was not in the mood to go to a restaurant now. She put on a fake smile and said, “You and your family can go! We Won’t go! We have other things to do at home.” ”

“”Then sister, you two ride slowly on the road.”Zhou Yuelan and her daughter came on an electric bike. “It just rained outside. The road is slippery.” ”

“I know.”Zhou Yuelan nodded.

“After Zhou Yuelan and Renee left, Zhou Yuelian continued, “By the way, Shasha, did you tell burning?” ”

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