All-rounder Artist

Chapter 79 - Chapter 79: Chapter 76 Big Boss Level Treatment_i

Chapter 79: Chapter 76 Big Boss Level Treatment_i

Translator: 549690339

Lin Yuan didn’t expect that the System would also grant title buffs.

It wasn’t a mission or anything. It just bestowed a blessing on him out of the blue, much like those farming games.

“Does this mean I’ll be even better at teaching than teachers?” Lin Yuan thought to himself.

His previous success in teaching his students was purely due to his elevated skills and the one-on-one teaching style.

But now, it was different.

With the “Master” effect, the comprehension of his students would improve, making it easier for them to learn!

What exactly does doubling the comprehension mean?

Lin Yuan decided to give it a try, he looked at Zhong Yu and said, “I can teach one more today.”

Zhong Yu paused, “Aren’t you going to rest?”


“Alright then. The next one is named Chen Rui. Chen Rui, are you here today?”

“I’m here!”

Chen Rui quickly raised his hand, utterly delighted.

He had booked a lesson with Lin Yuan last week.

He thought it would be his turn only tomorrow, but Lin Yuan, the GOAT, was willing to teach an extra class today!

“Let’s begin.”

Lin Yuan said, “You first copy this painting. If there’s anything wrong in the process, I’ll help you correct it.”

By now, Lin Yuan had figured out some teaching experiences.

He liked to let his students draw in front of him. During this process, the students would reveal their weaknesses.

At this point, Lin Yuan could stop them and provide targeted correction and guidance.

Today was no exception.

Chen Rui quickly revealed his first weakness; he had poor control over his straight lines.

Lin Yuan demonstrated, “To draw a straight line, you have to control the steadiness of your wrist. Using the side, flat, or middle edge of the pencil, you can draw evenly spaced lines…”

Chen Rui:

As a student who struggled with sketching, Chen Rui felt that the principles Lin Yuan talked about were also in the books, and the correct sketching methods had been emphasized a thousand times by the teachers. But he just couldn’t master it, what could he do?

Helplessly, he could only do it as Lin Yuan instructed.

The first attempt, the second, the third… Initially, he didn’t have much hope. He just wanted Lin Yuan to understand that he was one of those art students who were worst at sketching.

However, as he continued drawing, Chen Rui suddenly had a miraculous feeling: “I think I’ve got it.”

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

With his wrist shaking, he drew several straight lines in a row, with just the right strength.

The results even exceeded Chen Rui’s own expectations. For a moment, he even thought he was a sketching genius.

What’s happened?

Have I understood it?

I couldn’t get it when my teacher explained it many times, so how could I understand it just by Lin Yuan explaining it once? Their contents are quite similar after all.

Feeling astonished,

Chen Rui began to concentrate and continued to learn from Lin Yuan.

After studying for half an hour, Chen Rui’s perception of Lin Yuan had completely changed!

My goodness!

What a great teacher!

So far, Lin Yuan had been teaching him for half an hour.

In this half hour, Chen Rui felt his mind becoming clearer. A lot of things he didn’t understand before, he could now comprehend as soon as Lin Yuan explained them.

Have I become smarter?

Or am I really a genius?

Impossible, I have no innate talent for sketching.

Chen Rui gradually recognized the truth: It seemed as though I’ve become smarter, but it was all thanks to Lin Yuan’s excellent teaching. His graduated approach in instruction cleared my thought process, making me truly understand what sketching is!

At this moment, Chen Rui finally understood why his teacher advised him to join the art club and pay money to have this GOAT as a tutor!


So awesome!

Initially, he thought that the hourly charge of 500 was a bit much.

Lin Yuan looked even younger than him, so why should his charge be so high?

But now, Chen Rui was completely convinced. He even felt that paying 500 per hour was a bargain. Not only was Lin Yuan exceptionally talented in sketching, his ability to teach others sketching was also formidable!

Lin Yuan was not aware of Chen Rui’s thoughts; his current feeling was only one:

The effect of Teacher Buff is so powerful!

Chen Rui, this student, didn’t seem too bright when he started sketching.

Lin Yuan had already prepared for a hard battle because these kinds of students are the hardest to teach.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan found out that Chen Rui made rapid progress in a short time.

He understood most of the theories Lin Yuan thought he wouldn’t understand!

This must be the effect of the Teacher Buff.

These days, Lin Yuan has been teaching a lot of students.

So, he knows how hard it is to teach students who are poor in sketching.

Just like that.

After an hour and ten minutes of teaching, Lin Yuan stopped.

He said to Chen Rui, “That’s all for today.”

Chen Rui reluctantly stood up, “GOAT, can I continue to learn from you?”

Lin Yuan replied, “Join the waiting list.”

Zhong Yu is responsible for scheduling appointments.

Whoever is next in the scheduling list, Lin Yuan will teach. This is fair, otherwise, there would always be a group of people vying for teaching slots.


Chen Rui immediately scheduled an appointment with Zhong Yu.

This scheduled lesson is at least one hour long, how many hours it will last depends on Lin Yuan’s available time.

“Let’s call it a day.”

Lin Yuan roughly understood the effect of the “Teacher Buff” by now.

According to the System, the more students he teaches in the future, the stronger the protective effect of the Teacher Buff will become.

Sooner or later, even the dumbest student could become a genius under his guidance!

“It seems like I’ll have to increase my rates.”

The effect of Teacher Buff is truly powerful.

However, Lin Yuan hesitated, as raising the price might make his lessons unaffordable for many students.

A college student’s monthly living expense is only around two to three thousand yuan.

Lin Yuan doesn’t have the talent of a greedy merchant, so he’s slightly reluctant to keep raising the price.

“Forget it, let’s keep it this way for now.”

Lin Yuan repressed his urge to increase the price and continued to charge five hundred an hour for his lessons in the following days.

But the effect of Teacher Buff is really handy.

Students who continued to learn painting from Lin Yuan had no idea how they were influenced by his blessings. After Lin Yuan’s class, they had two feelings:

The first feeling was, ‘Did I really understand sketching this much?’

The second feeling was, ‘Mr. GOAT Lin is such a great teacher!’

The second feeling often overtakes the first because they still have classes with their other professional teachers.

Many students with poor sketching foundations underwent a complete transformation after being taught by Lin Yuan, it stunned even Mr. Lian!

Some of these students were considered hopeless by their other teachers but Lin Yuan turned them into gold.

This made Lin Yuan’s reputation thrive enormously.

After all, these miraculous improvements were tangible, making Lin Yuan’s name as the GOAT of sketching increasingly renowned.

As a result, the number of applications to join the art club also increased.

Ever since Zheng Liang became the vice president of the art club, he considered implementing some application restrictions for the first time—

In the past, he could never have imagined that the art club would become so popular one day!

The art club now boasts over three hundred members.

All thanks to Lin Yuan!

If things keep going on like this, all art majors wanting to improve their sketching level would join the art club!

“This is so unreal!

As the number of students tutored by Lin Yuan increased, Lin Yuan received VIP treatment in the art club!

With food, drinks, and supplies…

All Lin Yuan needed to do was lift his eyelids a bit and people would bring everything right to him.

Most of these people were members he had taught, and the number was constantly increasing.

Looking at the way Lin Yuan was treated, he seemed much more prestigious than Zheng Liang, the vice president.

Meanwhile, it was already the end of the month.

Lin Yuan’s submission under the name Chu Kuang, “Death of a Small Civil Servant”, was finally about to be published in the Tribe Literature section..

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