All-rounder Artist

Chapter 275: Spring Festival Gala Song_i

In the following days, it was business as usual for the film crew.

Liu Zhengwen’s acting skills were really good, as he could play both the look of the male lead pretending to be blind and the look of the male lead who was genuinely blind…

As the director, Yi Chenggong continued to shoot strictly according to Lin Yuan’s script.

Everything was in good order.

However, Lin Yuan was still the representative of the composition department of the Ninth Floor, so there were always some matters he had to handle personally.

In late October.

On the 23rd, Lin Yuan didn’t go to the set, but came to the company’s composition department to attend a collective meeting of the Ninth Floor.

Wu Yong was the host of the meeting.

It should have been hosted by Lin Yuan, but Wu Yong was more familiar with the specifics of the job, so Lin Yuan let him host.

It wasn’t only the Ninth Floor that was like this.

The composition departments on the upper floors were the same.

After all, other than Lin Yuan, the representatives of the composition departments on the other floors were Maestros, and some Maestros didn’t even bother to show up for important internal meetings.

The fact that Lin Yuan was willing to show up already showed a lot of respect. Today’s meeting was about some major matters at the end of the year in the department.


Blue Star released a new policy at the meeting—

The highest government decided that February would no longer serve as the official Spring Festival for some continents.

Blue Star’s official Spring Festival was January 1st.

The Spring Festival time varies across continents.

The Spring Festival of Qin and Qi is usually in February.

Now Blue Star has forcibly synchronized the timeline of the holidays across all the continents.

This is very important for us, as it means all the major music awards will adjust their timelines and will make the competition in January and December particularly intense because one is at the start of the year and the other is at the end.”

“There’s another important piece of news.”

“The merger of Qin and Qi has been happening for almost a year. This historical decision has led to leaps and bounds in development across all industries in the merged Qin and Qi, with tangible improvements in all kinds of data. Therefore, the decision has been made to further expand the scope of the experiment. From next January, Chu Continent will join the merger of Qin and Qi!”

“The transportation is already covered.”

“Another cultural barrier is about to be shattered. Those of you who have experienced the Qin-Qi merger should know what that means. A broader future is waiting for us!”

  • I If

The Qin-Qi merger, now with the addition of Chu Continent, is intimately related to the lives of ordinary people, and it’s even more important for entertainment companies like Starlight.

Because it means the competition in all industries will become even fiercer in the future!

Even Lin Yuan was deep in thought.

Next year, another continent will join the merger. Does this mean that he will be able to make even more money?


After the meeting.

Lin Yuan returned to his office.

Wu Yong followed him in, smiling, “There was one other thing that wasn’t mentioned at the meeting because I figured it couldn’t be solved just by an ordinary gold medal. Mr. Lin might need to take a hand.”

Lin Yuan asked, “What is it?”

Wu Yong replied, “In celebration of the first anniversary of the Qin-Qi merger, Qin and Qi will host a joint cultural exchange event at the end of December. They will invite the ‘King and Queen of Singing’ from both places to sing each others’ characteristic songs. In other words, our ‘King and Queen of Songs’ from Qin will have to sing in Qi language, while the ‘King and Queen of Songs’ from Qi will have to sing in Mandarin. This won’t be difficult for the Qi ‘King and Queen of Singing’, they just have to sing in the official language. But it’s a bit tricky for our Qin ‘King and Queen of Singing’, they might not be proficient in Qi language.”

Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow, “Did our company have a ‘King or Queen of Singing’ get chosen?”

Wu Yong nodded, “Our long-standing King of Singing’, Lan Yan was chosen. This is not only because of Lan Yan’s standing within the industry, but also because Lan Yan is one of the few big-name singers who is fairly familiar with Qi language. So the company is taking this matter very seriously. The composition departments within the company are all working to write for Lan Yan. I was thinking because you, Representative Lin, have experience in composing songs in Qi language, so…”


Lin Yuan didn’t give a definite answer.

These official projects, even for the ‘King and Queen of Singing’ level singers, are valuable opportunities.

Therefore, the importance of this song is very high.

Wu Yong hopes that he can represent the Ninth Floor Composition

Department, submit a song, and try to get it released for this special occasion.


Seeing Lin Yuan’s lukewarm attitude, Wu Yong was nervously saying, “If we get this opportunity, it will be of great significance to Representative Lin. Due to the high requirements for this song, the company has announced that if the song is ultimately chosen, there will be an additional reward of three million. While the money may not be much…”

“I can try.”

Lin Yuan suddenly said.

Wu Yong was stunned. He had prepared a lot more arguments to persuade Lin Yuan to give it a shot. He didn’t expect that Lin would agree to try before he had hardly begun.

He was immediately excited, “It’s great that Representative Lin can participate!”

Lin Yuan asked, “Are there any specific requirements?”

Wu Yong eagerly explained, “Actually, there aren’t many specific requirements, just as long as it’s catchy and positive. For example, an inspirational song would be good. The specific choice will depend on Lan Yan’s consideration. The most important thing is that it can be well received by the Qi audience.”


Lin Yuan nodded.

Looking at these requirements, they didn’t seem difficult for him.

However, Lin Yuan also understood that sometimes, the simplest requirements can be the most difficult.

Because it means the competition will be even fiercer.

Songs that are inspirational, that have positive lyrics…

There are too many of these kinds of songs!

Because there are so many of these kinds of songs, it’s extremely difficult to stand out!

“By the way.”

Wu Yong said, “If this song is chosen, in addition to competing in the December season, it may also be performed at the Spring Festival Gala after the Qin-Qi merger. I’m talking about the event on the night of December 31st. So some people predict that this gala’s viewership will break records, as audiences from both Qin and Qi will be watching.”

Wu Yong was indirectly reminding him of just how important this song was.

Lin Yuan nodded.

Wu Yong chatted with Lin Yuan for a while longer before leaving.

After Wu Yong left, Lin Yuan called up the System.

Given the background of the Qin-Qi merger, the importance of the first Spring Festival Gala is self-evident. This might be an opportunity to make a killing, so he was going to start customizing a song.

“Qi language…”




Perhaps that’s the song he can try?

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