All-rounder Artist

Chapter 124 - 121: Eat Ribs Tomorrow_i

Chapter 124: Chapter 121: Eat Ribs Tomorrow_i

Translator: 549690339

All editors like to read novels.

And those who do, probably all have a bit of a delusional streak.

For example, when an author continually emphasizes how handsome their protagonist is, they start to feel an intense sense of identification—

This is known as being delusional.

By the time Lin Xuan was off work in the evening, she had calmed down and quit her various flights of fancy.

She excitedly gave Lin Yuan a call: “Little bro, guess where I am!”

Lin Yuan said: “Su City.”

Lin Xuan paused: “How did you know?”

“I guessed.”

The truth was, YangFeng had told Lin Yuan at noon.

Lin Xuan didn’t dwell on it, but rather excitedly said: “I’m now working at Silver Blue Books. It won’t be long now before I meet my idol!”

Lin Yuan felt puzzled: “Who’s your idol?”

She found it odd: “Shouldn’t you be asking why I’m working at Silver Blue Books?”

Lin Yuan: “…”

Lin Xuan laughed somewhat proudly: “You really wish to know, don’t you? I didn’t get fired. After Ice River was acquired, I and a few colleagues were transferred over to Silver Blue. They must have seen something in my abilities.”

Lin Yuan said half-heartedly: “Wow, impressive.”

Lin Xuan quickly changed the subject: “Actually, I’m more suspicious about whether the Editor-in-Chief of Silver Blue is enchanted by my beauty…”

“How dare he!”

Lin Yuan let out in a heightened tone.

Lin Xuan laughed dismissively: “I’m just kidding. Tell me honestly, are you a little obsessed with your older sister? Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not obsessed with my little brother. Instead, I’m smitten with a girl, my one true love is BigYaoyao!”

Lin Yuan: “…”

What the hell is she talking about?

Lin Xuan continued: “Actually, I don’t really know why, but Silver Blue has been quite accommodating with me. However, I’ve just arrived in Su City and have nowhere to stay. Do you have a place for me?”

Everyone in their family knew that Lin Yuan had rented a place off-campus.

Students wanting to live off-campus had to get their guardians’ approval.


Lin Yuan said: “Don’t waste your money on renting a place, you can just comfortably live in my apartment. The room is big enough; I can send you the address.”

“That works. Haven’t you asked me who my idol is?”

Lin Yuan asked: “Who?”

His sister laughed: “Chu Kuang!”

Lin Yuan looked stunned: “I thought you hated him?”

Lin Xuan coughed: “We may have been rivals in the past, but times change. Now Chu Kuang is my idol. I should be able to get his autograph before too long!”

Lin Yuan thought for a moment: “I’ve got books from when I was a kid that he signed; Mom probably hasn’t thrown them away, they’re all in our old house.” “What good is your autograph going to do me? It’s not like I can sell it.” “…You want an autograph just to sell?”

“What else would I want it for?”

“Is it worth a lot?” Lin Yuan was now quite intrigued.

Lin Xuan thought for a moment: “I have a feeling it will be valuable in the future.”

Lin Yuan: “…”

In that case, I’d better stick to teaching painting.

Lin Xuan said casually: “Ok, well I should give mom a call to let her know about my new job, so she won’t worry.”


After ending the call, Lin Yuan texted his address to his sister.

As for his sister coming to work in Su City, Lin Yuan was pretty happy about it.

Silver Blue Books is really nice.

I should publish my next short work there at Silver Blue.

Even if they pay a bit less, it would be worthwhile to curry favor with them. They ought to treat my sister well in return.


Silver Blue Books.

In the Editor-in-Chief’s office, Lu Bei sat enjoying his music when a woman knocked at the door.

Lu Bei said: “Come in.”

As the woman stepped in, she bowed:” It’s all just as you’ve expected. Ever since ‘Zhu Xian’ was released, all the publishers, including Ding Sheng, are hot on the heels of Chu Kuang’s trail. They are inquiring around, it looks like they want to pinch him. But, I’ve followed your instructions to keep Chu Kuang’s personal information as private as possible.”

“Those who always want to pinch my people, keep dreaming.”

A sneer appeared on Lu Bei’s face yet he didn’t seem stressed.

The woman sounded unsure: “But I must remind the Editor-In-Chief, as per their current diligent persistence, it’s only a matter of time before they get Chu Kuang’s details. At that point, will they…”

“Rest assured.”

Lu Bei stared out the window: “Even if I gave Chu Kuang’s information to them now, it would be hard for them to poach him.”

“Why is that?”

“You don’t need to know.”

Lu Bei grinned: “Henceforth, you won’t need to worry about this. Go back to your office work. There’s a newcomer in the Editor-In-Chief’s office. As the first secretary of the office, you have to take good care of her. This will be your top priority.”


After the woman nodded and left, she still felt puzzled: A newcomer? Who could it be that would garner such attention?

When Lin Xuan arrived at Lin Yuan’s place, as per the address given, her eyes widened: “This is the place you rented?”


Lin Yuan replied, smiling.

He had already informed Ms. Zhao about it.

Ms. Zhao, as always, was quite understanding. When she heard that the person was Lin Yuan’s sister, she immediately allowed Lin Xuan to stay as long as she wanted and even suggested having a meal together sometime.

“Hello, you must be Ms. Lin’s younger brother. I’m Zhang Cheng, Ms. Lin’s assistant!”

Just as Lin Xuan entered, a bald head peeked out from behind her to greet Lin Yuan.

Perhaps calling him bald was a bit inappropriate as he still had a few stubbornly gelled strands of hair that wouldn’t budge no matter how he shook his head.

“Chief editor, you really don’t need to be so formal.”

Lin Xuan felt helpless. This was the assistant she eventually chose—

Zhang Cheng, her former chief editor from her time at Ice River.

However, it’s not that she was deliberately trying to torment her former chief editor. When the editor-in-chief asked her to choose an assistant today, Zhang Cheng kept making faces at her, insisting that he become her assistant.

Lin Xuan was desperate.

Do you invite discomfort to yourself by getting your former chief editor as your current assistant?

Tonight, Zhang Cheng insisted on coming with her because there was so much luggage, and he didn’t want a girl like her to carry everything by herself.

Lin Xuan could only go along with it.

Lin Yuan smiled and said, “Hello.”

Zhang Cheng nodded, glanced inside the house, and laughed, “I’ll leave now,

Ms. Lin. If you need anything, remember to call me.”

“Alright, take care, chief editor.”

Zhang Cheng waved his hand, “Don’t call me chief editor, just call me Little Zhang. You’re at Silver Blue, how would the real chief editors think if you call me that?”

Lin Xuan, helpless, said, “Then I’ll just call you Old Zhang, as that’s how we used to refer to you privately.”

Zhang Cheng: “…”

In the moonlight, Zhang Cheng left.

Light on his feet and a smile on his face, he truly realised Lin Xuan’s background wasn’t that simple!

Firstly, this apartment complex isn’t cheap, Lin Yuan is clearly a student and yet he can afford to live here; how could this be possible without some kind of backing?

Moreover, the house deco is gorgeous.

Thinking that back at the company, Lin Xuan used to eat noodles with everyone, and once nearly started a fight over a sausage, it really makes you emotional.

What a man of the people!

In the future, as long as he takes good care of this lady at Silver Blue, getting a decent position shouldn’t be an issue at all!

Your prospects are looking very bright!

Just that he’s curious about who could be backing up this powerful lady?

After Zhang Cheng left.

Lin Xuan scanned the rooms, “Which one is mine?”

Lin Yuan asked, “How about the master bedroom?”

Lin Xuan made a face. “You think I have that kind of authority in this house? If our mother finds out, I’ll never fit in again.”

“Then, this one.”

Lin Yuan pointed to the left. “This is Xia Fan’s room. If you want to stay here in the future, it’s fine. I’ve spoken to her before, she’s likely going to be away at contests and won’t have much opportunity to stay here.”

In fact, Jian Yi and Xia Fan only came over a few times.

As students, it’s very hard for them to stay for the night, even on weekends.

If worst comes to worst and it gets fully booked, they could just let Jian Yi sleep on the sofa. He probably wouldn’t mind.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Jian Yi and Xia Fan were good friends of Lin Yuan. They often visited Lin Yuan’s house before going to college, so Lin Xuan knew them.

“Oh yeah.”

As if she recalled something, Lin Xuan chuckled, “Our little sister is about to do her college entrance examination this month!”

“So soon?”

Lin Yuan was taken aback, he had completely forgotten. July is the season for college entrance examinations, and their sister Lin Yao is a senior high school student this year. Therefore, she indeed needs to take the college entrance examination.

Lin Xuan spoke mysteriously, “Can you guess which university she wants to enroll in?”

After thinking for a bit, Lin Yuan said, “Is she also planning to apply to the Qin Continent Art Academy?”

Lin Xuan snapped her fingers, “Correct answer! Since brother is at Qin Art, of course she’d want to come here as well. Once she’s in your college, you have to ensure she isn’t getting bullied.”

Lin Yuan decisively said, “I’ll protect her!”

As for whether Lin Yao can be admitted to Qin Art, no one in the family has any doubts.

Lin Yao, their youngest sister, is truly a top student. Her academic performance has always been among the best in school. Every year, whenever Lin Xuan asked her what gift she wanted, Yao’s answer was always:

Study materials.

Lin Yuan suddenly came up with a question, “Has mom agreed?”

Lin Xuan made a face, “If it were up to her, mom definitely won’t agree. Studying art is expensive, and it’s only you, her son, that can make such a choice freely. For us, we have to submit to mom’s arrangements. But now it’s different, you’ve earned quite a bit of money, and the family is doing better. Since Big Yaoyao wants to study art, mom has agreed.”

“That’s good.”

He’s not sure what major Yao is going to choose. Doesn’t she really like drawing?

As for this matter, Lin Yuan surely won’t intervene. He supports his sisters in whatever they choose to do.

“Things will be better from now on.”

Lin Xuan said softly, “Big Yaoyao and I will both be in Su City. We can also take care of each other. In fact, when we were young, we’ve also had grudges against you. We felt that mom was too biased and gave all the best things to you, as if we seemed redundant. I’ve even suspected that mom only gave birth to us so we could look after you in the future.”

Lin Yuan was silent.

Lin Xuan revealed a smile, “But then I remember, there was a time when mom saved pork ribs for you, but you secretly passed it to us. That day, Big Yaoyao cried all night without making a sound because you know, we all slept together in the same room with mom… Are you surprised? We, your sisters, indeed held grudges too.”

Lin Yuan still remained silent.

Lin Xuan whispered, “Are you upset?”

Lin Yuan shook his head, “I was thinking, we should have pork ribs for dinner tomorrow. I have a good friend, he’s my senior and is incredibly knowledgeable about food.”

Lin Xuan: “…”

She pinched Lin Yuan’s cheek, turned around and said, “You should go washed up and go to bed, I’ll clean up the room.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

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