The car Jared drove was a black one, making it more difficult for Damian to chase it during the night, but nothing too difficult for him, who used his invisibility cloak and his Telekineses to chase it like a ghost!

He did not use a car for himself, no. The traffic would only slow him down, and there were no laws preventing anyone from flying — little people could fly using their powers. Damian was a lucky bastard.

So, despite the traffic on the streets of Jake Lake City, it was not a problem for Damian. They traversed through half of the city until reaching a harbor area near a lake, which also gave access to the sea further down.

Jared stopped the car near a metal fence with some bulky man with guns. "Jared? You did not warn you were coming to see the boss."

"We have some complications and that's why I came rushing. Do you mind opening this gate? Or do I need to remind you are only a thug?" Jared said after he pulled the window of his car down, facing the bulky men.

Damian could feel the tension, even from afar, yet the thugs did nothing, opening the gate like loyal dogs. From that, Damian was understanding the place was the base of operations of the gang, but he still did not know who the boss was.

So, different from Jared, who had to enter using normal means, Damian flew through the metal fence, entering the harbor area with minor problems, following Jared's car closely behind to not lose it.

The car stopped once again, but this time, in front of an immense building that looked like a storage room in the harbor. Then Jared left his car and went inside.

There were thugs in the front, back, and all around the building.

pαпdα Йᴏνê1,сòМ "This must be the place where the boss is. It would explain the tight security," Damian thought as he scanned the area looking for an entrance.

The good part about all of that was the people securing the place. They were all weak, most weren't even superhumans, and those who were did not have the training to control their abilities.

Also, the power of Damian's cloak was just too powerful against these weak people, as they did not even sense his presence.

Damian flew past them, scanning the top of the building for an entrance — even with his invisibility, opening the door right in front of the thugs would be impossible, so he had to find some other entrance.

Gladly, there was a type of window at the top, so Damian used that to enter the building and have a good view of what was happening down there.

When Damian looked down, he saw more thugs inside the building. Jared passed by them, walking into he reached a small room.

"Please don't go in, please don't go in!"

The ideal circumstance would be for the boss to emerge, so that Damian could get a glimpse of the man. When Damian centered his vision on the man who emerged from the minor room, he was stunned.

Well, it would have made sense for that person to want to kill him, but how did he learn about his identity?

"Fucking Joffrey? What the fuck?"

It was Joffrey, the same one who tried to attack Damian during the tournament, yet the attack did not work as intended.

"How does he know about my identity? Impossible!" Damian thought as he kept staring at Joffrey, trying to see if it was really him.

On getting the information, Damian left, particularly since Jared and Joffrey went into a little area, making it impossible for Damian to hear anything.

"I want a room for the night," Damian said.

The place he stayed was a cheap hotel, a place no one would go looking for him. A lady was behind the counter, and she did not mind for a guest to have a mask on — people were that crazy.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

She gave Damian the keys to his room. He gladly accepted them and went to the second floor. The staircase creaked at each step of how old it was, but Damian did not mind walking all the way to his room.

He tossed his items on the cheap bed, grabbed his laptop, and sat on a wooden table near the kitchen.

Damian wanted to know how Joffrey got the information about him, and how should he proceed with the situation.

Out of all the members of The Dawn, Vanessa was the most acknowledgeable one.

<Vanessa, something is happening here>

<Sup Damian. Missing me already?>

<Shut up. Look, I got the money from the contract, but it was a trap>

<A trap? What do you mean?>

<Do you know Joffrey? That dude from Garmony who would marry Aurora, but she ditched him>

<The blonde one with an ice ability?>

<Yes. He rules a freaking gang here, and he hired the man to kill me>

<What? How? Look, he might be out of Garmony since this is the time of the year they give their students a vacation. But how did he know it was you? Aren't you wearing a mask?>

<I am! He tried to kill me back then when the tournament was happening, and I attacked him. Is it possible he has some divination ability or some other bullshit?>

<Right, I almost forgot about that!‌ He is from a freaking noble family who lives in a secluded castle. They surely have someone with some divination abilities. It would explain how he knows your identity, and how he knows you would go to Jake Lake City>

After reading the last sentence Vanessa sent him through the message app, Damian bumped the table with his fist, "fuck. Aren't these abilities the counter of being a secret organization?"

Damian went back to the keyboard of his laptop, typing another sentence to Vanessa, one that would turn into a mission for her.

<Is there a way to avoid divinations? Like an enchanted item, perhaps? We will need one for all the members of The Dawn>

<Well, I know someone who is an enchanter. I will try to contact it>

<Good. I'll keep in touch if something else happens here>

It was not a good feeling to have someone read all of your movements through some divination bullshit, and Damian would not let that pass.

"Do you like a beat up, Joffrey?"


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