Alexander and Aleyria immediately made preparations to depart. But before they could go, there remained one more issue to settle. The Zantrolls.

Although King Dirz'On was dead, his army was already on the march. They had to be dealt with first before the duo could go dragon hunting.

"One battalion against the entire Zantroll army? Are you confident? That's almost 100 thousand trolls AND almost 40 000 borgs" Alexander asked Aleyria.

"Weren't you the one who ordered me to go against the entire Zantroll army with only 1 battalion?" Aleyria asked Alexander in surprise.

"Well, yeah I did say that. But I only did so to remove old Rimett from the Minister of War position and put you in command. I needed direct control of the army, you know." Alexander explained.

Aleyria laughed. "I see. Although unintentional, your orders were spot on. I do not need more than a battalion to wipe the trolls out. In fact, a squad of Earthmages supporting me and my 3 body guards would be enough. I just need a barrier of some sort to keep them at bay while my elementals kill them."

"Elementals. THAT's the significance of being a Spacemage with affinity the elements as well." Buccephalas said. "At a high enough level, they are able to split space and open a portal into an elemental world. In addition, they can combine space and elemental magic to form a control seal upon an elemental and drag them to our world."

Alexander looked at Aleyria in surprise.

"You're an amazing woman, Aleyria." Alexander said admiringly.

Aleyria turned beet red. She quickly turned around and left without a word.

"What? What did I do?" Alexander asked Buccephalas, confused.

"For once, I think you did rather well." Buccephalas sighed.


When Campaign Commander Shriak finally gave the order to march, his army numbered close to a hundred thousand fighting trolls and Borg Riders. At daybreak, rank upon rank of Zantrolls wielding their poison-edged dual-scimitars poured out of Dur'Ator. Borg-Riders with their curved spearhooks and tribal armor took up flanking positions on either side of the army. With the beat of the wardrums and the thunderous pounding of boots against the earth, they marched into Rin-Turah in a mighty air.

Campaign Commander Shriak rode at the head of this vast army on a giant Borg. Grinning in supreme confidence, he could already visualize thrusting his sword into the bodies of Rin-Turah royalty. Weak minded fools, he thought. They do not deserve the wealth that God had blessed their lands with. It was only a matter of time before someone stronger took their wealth away from them. Campaign Commander Shriak intended to make sure that he was the one to do so.

The Zantrolls were warriors. In the continent of the Twelve Kingdoms, only the Human Kingdom, the Kingdom of Lea boasted a more powerful land army. And that was to be expected.

Lea heads the Conclave of the Twelve Kings and their army policed the entire continent to maintain peace. Built upon trade and commerce, Lea was both the richest AND the strongest Kingdom.

Rin-Turah, however, was a Kingdom of Mages. An open and beautiful kingdom with almost no walls or fortresses, it was filled with massive libraries and sprawling academies. The Garden City of Rin, their capital, was more like a giant garden than a city.

Trees, buildings and roads were laid out artistically around the city so as to resemble the petals of a flower. In the middle of the city is the pistil, a grand governmental tower, the nerve center of the entire Kingdom.

Campaign Commander Shriak had been to Rin-Turah on multiple occasions and had even been to the Garden City of Rin. Each and everytime he had marveled at how ridiculously simple it would be for him to march into Rin-Turah and pillage their cities. He simply had to cross their shared natural boundary, the Valgorn Mountains, through wide valleys no less, and before him would be the Garden City of Rin, and the entire Rin-Turah Kingdom laid bare. Juicy and oh so very ripe for the picking.

With the Ristorian Sea to its south and west, and the walled Kingdom of Rosendur to its north, Rin-Turah was beautifully trapped.

Campaign Commander Shriak led his army into the valleys leading straight to Rin-Turah flatlands. There was no resistance at all. "Curious." He mused. "I expected the mage kingdom to be fools, but this is beyond folly. Even they should know that their only chance is to stop us here, in the valleys before we reach their flatlands! What do you make of it, Sino?" Campaign Commander Shriak asked his trusty Lieutenant next to him, who was riding another giant borg.

"I have an uneasy feeling about this, Commander." Sino replied. "It is not possible that Rin-Turah is unaware of our invasion. We had spent the entire spring preparing for this, massing our troops and resources at our border. Even Lea had given us warnings to stand down. They must know of our approach. And if they know we are coming, then this absence can only be explained two ways."

"And what would that be?" Campaign Commander Shriak asked.

"One, they have already given up. However, considering King Aloxandros and his recent ambitions across the sea, that is not possible. Two, they do not take us seriously. And though I find it ridiculous that we are to be dismissed so easily, I find in my heart a deep unease." Sino explained rather gloomily.

Campaign Commander Shriak roared with laughter. "You morose old fart! You read too many books! You sound more like a broken hearted poet than a soldier of great renown! I am beginning to doubt you killed all those enemy champions for us in our last war." Campaign Commander Shriak gave his borg a nudge and started to canter ahead. Sino signaled the lead drummer and the marching tempo increased to match the Commander's speed.

For a while, they rode in silence. "Summon all the Regiment Commanders." Campaign Commander Shriak said at last. "I will issue new orders."

Sino bellowed the order to his aide, who relayed it very quickly to the regiments via an elaborate flag system. Very soon, five Regiment Commanders and their aides came galloping forward from their positions.

Glancing to his left and right at the gathered Commanders, Campaign Commander Shriak immediately barked out his orders. "When we cross the border, Biruz, you and your regiment swing North to the nearest villages to test Rin-Turah's defenses." The King commanded. "I want the first five villages you encounter razed to the ground."

"As you command, Commander." Biruz replied.

"Be quick about it and signal back when you finish. I will lead the remaining regiments forward and attack the army defending their city. Cut across the land and attack them from the North." Campaign Commander Shriak added.

"Yes, Commander."

"Zagoto, you will command the Borgs. Position yourself to the South flank and hug the coastline. Go past the City of Rin and be prepared to double back on my signal and crush the enemy from the rear.. You will be the hammer to my anvil and we will annihilate those fools. They will pay the price for underestimating us!"

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