Alexander watched quietly as Aleyria's squad of blue robes expertly dismantled the Palace's main doors and entered without missing a beat. He was rather impressed at their efficiency and coordination.

Windblades had first sliced at the door hinges and the predetermined sliders, moments before the gigantic fist of an earth golem smashed into the doors, causing the massive wooden doors to fly off cleanly and straight into the Palace.

"Magic sure makes doing a lot of things much easier. If I had magic back on Earth, I would have been King of the World by now." Alexander mused to himself.

"Yes, if you had magic, you'd have definitely conquered many more countries. At the very least, you wouldn't have to pull back from your Indian Campaign. Your soldiers wouldn't have been weary from long years of battles and they wouldn't have balked at the thought of engaging superior forces." Buccephalas agreed.

"I know, right? No fortress can withstand the combined assault of magic and fearsome infantry. I wouldn't even need artillery. The fire mages are basically walking catapults! Without the need of hauling all those heavy equipment around, I would be able to strike harder and faster at any city I want. In fact, I don't even need infantry! With Archmages atop Demon Horses, I would have a sledgehammer with daily striking distance of at least 100km from my base camp. 100km! Unbelievable."

"The bronze level battle intent allows any general to fully conquer a world. It does not matter if the world had talented generals or not, as long as no other bronze generals in the enemy camp, complete victory is assured. Even without magic, you were well on your way to world domination back on Earth." Buccephalas said. "A few more decades, with the fall of Arabia, India and China, you would be unstoppable."

Alexander nodded. "Three decades, at most."

"Can you conquer Rin-Turah in 20 years? You only have that much time before the Arcane Wars begin. If you miss this chance, you won't be able to get close to Prince Flario." Buccephalas asked worriedly.

"I can." Alexander said confidently. "Rin-Turah is already the strongest country in terms of Arcane Power. How many red robes do we have? 100?"

"Yes. 114 to be exact." Buccephalas replied.

"The strongest country in this continent, Lea, barely has 10. Yes, they have an insanely large army of over a million soldiers. But so what? The red robes would eat them for lunch. Rin-Turah has a reputation of being a weak country. It's not that Rin-Turah is weak. It's just that the army is being used weakly." Alexander analyzed.

"And do not forget the fact that Rin-Turah has absolutely no battle experience. A bunch greenhorns in the art of war, they are." Buccephalas added.

"I will give them that experience. For now, our most urgent task is to get those Demon Horses from Belirio."

"Why are you so fixated on Demon Horses? There are many other types of mounts available in this world that are as good, if not better than Demon Horses." Buccephalas asked curiously. "Demon Tigers, for one, are much deadlier thant Demon Horses. Their armor is as strong, and they breed just as fast."

"In the future, yes I would definitely add Demon Tigers and definitely the Devil Elephont. And do not forget the Violet Skyhawks! Xyndaros has successfully tamed a few and has entered breeding phase. We will do that too. I fancy myself an elite troop that can swoop down from the sky as well."

"An airforce, you mean." Buccephalas said.

"Yes! That is right. An airforce! I like the sound of it." Alexander grinned. "However at this moment, I am most familiar with horses and their use. So for now, I will start with making a regiment of Demon Companion Cavalry. It would be enough to conquer Zan, Rosendur and, if we do it fast enough before their airforce can grow, even Xyndaros. Then their airforce will be mine!" Alexander's grin widened at the thought.

"That would probably take a decade or so. But everything will progress much faster once I gain the resources of Zan, Rosendur and Xyndaros. I would be able to acquire many more Demon Horses and good Archmage seedlings. With Rin-Turah's highly efficient Mage Academy, I should be able to get 20 regiments of Demon Companion Cavalry and at least 2 airforce regiments.

By then, I can launch 3 simultaneous campaigns. Strike West, North and East all at once in a lightning fast maneuver. Before they know it, we would be in control of 7 countries. Even if the remaining 5 formed an alliance then, they would have no chance at all."

He glanced at Aleyria. She featured prominently in his battle plans. Afterall, she was the only White Archmage in the entire continent.

However at this moment, she was frowning deeply.

Aleyria had released her detection spell three times, and all three times she had detected nothing out of the ordinary. She had detected three lifeforms in the main hall, presumably King Dirz'On and his two body guards. But if they were really what they seem to be, then why the pointless massacre in the Palace courtyard?

The blue robes had quickly spread out in twos and searched the Palace room by room. As Aleyria had detected earlier, every room was empty.

"All clear, King Aloxandros!" Squad Captain Ambrose smartly saluted Alexander.

"Excellent work Ambrose! Let us greet King Dirz'On and exchange some pleasantries." Alexander smiled gaily and sauntered into the Palace. He started to make his way to the main hall.

Aleyria hurried forward and walked next to him. Behind them, their personal guards followed closely.

"Don't you feel it?" Aleyria whispered to Alexander. "The growing sense of danger?"

"Yes I do." Alexander nodded.

"Then why are you insisting on going in yourself?" Aleyria almost shouted in irritation. Behind her, her 3 guards glanced at each other uneasily.

"Because I want to send whoever is scheming against me a message." Alexander said simply.

He stopped and looked deeply into her eyes. "A very firm message. That I, King Aloxandros am no pushover. Rin-Turah is my territory, and if they want to enter, THEY BETTER DAMN WELL COME KNOCKING FIRST." He growled.

Behind him, Dubaza smiled. For some reason, he had been doing quite abit of that today.

He had thought that this new King would be like King Abraham, a powerful mage, but weak as a man. But from what he had seen in the past few days, King Aloxandros, though poisoned and badly weakened to a black robe, was downright savage. Like a lion king.

No, lions move in packs and were generally lazy. This King, he was no lazy lion king sleeping under a tree. What fine killing intent he displayed in the Royal Court a few days ago! Even he had shuddered at that moment.

A Demon Tiger then, he thought. He shuddered now, as that same killing intent began to radiate from him. Smoldering hot, overflowing from a ferocious heart filled to the brim with a desire to kill.

Yes, definitely a Demon Tiger, he decided.

A worthy king!

"And of course, I dare to enter even with my senses screaming danger, because I have you." Alexander's tone turned gentle.. He even smiled at Aleyria.

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