Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System

Chapter 157 - Golden Beamon King’s Might, Still Insta-killed!

Chapter 157: Golden Beamon King’s Might, Still Insta-killed!

After Princess Jonah insta-killed the first guardian puppet and stepped out, the other demigod believers were extremely shocked to see that she had finished off their adversary before them.

How could there be such a powerful believer?

Furthermore, she was eager to get it over and done with for Sullo’s sake, so she immediately headed for the second pillar once she had finished off the first guardian!

All the believers who had passed the first pillar followed Princess Jonah to the second pillar!

The second pillar seemed the same as the first, but there seemed to be a strange aura emitting from it. Once they entered it, they realized what the differences were.

In the first divine pillar, the environment had been close to being left in Purgatory, and the demigod puppet had also been made to mimic the environment it was put in.

Now, it seemed like the second pillar was more like a deep and dark Abyss, with two puppets instead of one!

They were both demigod-level puppets called the Quan Luo Divine Puppets!

The Quan Luo Divine Puppets were tall and huge, their bodies radiating a strong and eerie aura that far surpassed the guardian of the first divine pillar!

However, no matter how powerful they were, their current level was only at a demigod’s.

The other lower god-ranked believers did not cower in the slightest.

They erupted with powerful divine power, charging toward the two guardians!

This battle would be over quickly because the differences in their power against the guardian puppets were far too great. However, that did not mean that fighting against them would not require some effort as they could still put up a fight.

Shifting to Princess Jonah’s perspective on the battlefield, endless bolts of lightning seemed to be destroying everything around her!

The two guardian puppets were cleanly dealt with!

After all, Princess Jonah’s strength had already far surpassed that of an ordinary demigod. Those at the same level were no match for her!

After defeating the guardians and leaving the second divine pillar, Princess Jonah wanted to head toward the third pillar.

However, she was stopped by a powerful divine pillar.

At the same time, the voice of a sovereign expert resounded throughout the space

“The rules of the competition have changed! All Gods must have at least two believers to fight the guardian of the third divine pillar! Likewise, you will require an extra believer for every two pillars. This means three believers for the fifth divine pillar and four believers for the seventh divine pillar.”

It seemed that now, only those with enough believers would be able to qualify. It seemed that this action was to test the strength of their overall believers, rather than just having a single powerhouse who could finish everything off for them.

After he heard the rule changes, Sullo entered his own divine domain!

He looked at his own believers. After experiencing a thousand-fold amplification, they were all powerful believers in their own right.

For the first addition, Sullo decided to summon the Golden Beamon King!

The huge, god-level Golden Beamon King was summoned as yet another powerful believer appeared out of Sullo’s divine domain!

The Golden Beamon King’s appearance seemed to cause some commotion among the gods!

After seeing Sullo summon Princess Jonah and the Golden Beamon King, the other gods felt like there were other hidden secrets up Sullo’s sleeves.

The Gods who were ranked on the top of the throne list all gave Sullo a disapproving look. After all, Sullo had taken the limelight away from them with his powerful believers that seemed stronger than their own!

However, the strongest amongst them did not take his believers’ strength to heart. After all, he was already a seven-star High God, while Sullo was only a five-star God!

So what if his believers were powerful?

The difference between them was like Heaven and Earth!

As for Sullo, he did not feel anything when he looked at the strongest person ranked on the throne list as his powerful strength already gave him incomparable confidence!

After summoning the Golden Beamon King, he was teleported to Princess Jonah’s location as they acknowledged each others’ presence and headed straight to the third divine pillar!

The height and aura of the third pillar far surpassed that of the first and second pillars!

It was also a representation of the terrible power that it beheld.

A powerful puppet emitted a terrifying light, warning them of its strength. However, Princess Jonah and the Golden Beamon King remained unflinching.

They were excited to allow Sullo to obtain the final victory in this battle as proof of the Lord God’s power.

“We will help the Lord God obtain the final victory!”

After saying that, the two of them stepped onto the battlefield to face their opponent.

What they saw in the third divine pillar was not a demigod puppet. Instead, it was now a one-star guardian puppet!

After seeing the powerful one-star demigod puppet, the Golden Beamon King and Princess Jonah weren’t surprised at all.

However, they did not show any other reaction either. After all, even this one-star demigod puppet was not a match for them!

“Princess Jonah, leave this demigod puppet to me! It’s not worth it for you to personally take action!”

Sensing the divine power and aura emanating from his opponent, the Golden Beamon King was confident in his abilities and planned to deal with the enemy in front of him all by himself!

“Golden Beamon King, his power is indeed very weak. You should be able to handle him quickly on your own!”

After Princess Jonah had said those words, the Golden Beamon King went to stand in front of the enormous divine golem, erupting with terrifying divine power. He launched a terrifying attack against the demigod-level golem!

The battle between the two sides had just begun!

First, the Golden Beamon King used pure power to launch an attack against the divine puppet.

Under his absolute power, the one-star demigod puppet was forced to continuously retreat, receiving quite a bit of damage!

After using his strength alone, the Golden Beamon King decided to end the battle then, using his divine transformation technique! This technique increased the strength in his body exponentially!

Under this terrifying strength, the divine puppet was completely defeated by the Golden Beamon King!

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