Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System

Chapter 155 - Battle Between Believers, The Second Divine Pillar

Chapter 155: Battle Between Believers, The Second Divine Pillar

Seeing the species and strength of the believers amongst the geniuses participating, the other gods were all astonished and amazed.

Seeing this, Sullo also sent a telepathic message to his divine domain, calling his believers down to help him!

Among them, Princess Jonah—who had comprehended the complete Lightning Laws and the Lightning Profound—reacted the fastest.

She immediately responded to Sullo’s call!

“Respected God, how can I assist you? I’m willing to help you!”

After seeing that Princess Jonah had immediately answered his summons, Sullo activated his divine domain to summon Princess Jonah!

An incomparably powerful force began to appear as Princess Jonah of the Holy Human Spirit Race had come out!

When Princess Jonah came out, it caused the other gods to be surprised. However, Sullo did not react to their words.

After all, he knew how powerful his believers were. They weren’t something that ordinary gods of the same level could compare to.

Even the most top-tier genius or believer that had reached the level of a High God would not be a match for him!

In this aspect, Sullo was extremely confident and it was all because of his thousand-fold amplification effect!

Even those genius gods who had summoned their top-tier believers only gave Sullo a slight glance.

At this moment, Sullo appeared particularly cold and aloof.

Amongst them, only the Goddess who had previously traveled together with him gave Sullo a meaningful glance.

After all, the Goddess also knew of Sullo’s hidden strength.

“Respected Lord God, is there anything I can do for you?”

After being summoned, Princess Jonah immediately turned to Sullo and asked him for his orders.

Naturally, Sullo allowed Princess Jonah to participate in the competition!

“Do you see those nine divine pillars? Your goal is to defeat the guardians that are sleeping within them!”

After hearing Sullo’s order, Princess Jonah also swore an oath to guarantee her victory to her God!

“Respected Lord God, I will definitely spread your glory as I slaughter your enemies!”

Following that, Princess Jonah unleashed her terrifying strength and headed toward the first pillar!

At that moment, a large number of believers had been summoned by countless gods.

There were already believers heading toward the first pillar to challenge it without hesitation!

The pillars themselves seemed to be emitting divine fluctuations of power as a large number of believers began to approach them.

Suddenly, a Spatial Gate appeared out of nowhere and sucked the believers inside!

Once Princess Jonah and the rest of the believers around her had entered the Spatial Gate, there was a huge demigod puppet right in front of the divine pillar itself!

Once Princess Jonah stepped forward, the demigod puppet on her end slowly began to awaken from its slumber.

Seeing this, Princess Jonah didn’t cower in the slightest as she immediately used the lightning laws she had comprehended!

An incomparably powerful Thunder Profound skill annihilated the demigod puppet!

It was an instant kill!

In just a few seconds, the battle had ended just like that with the demigod puppet removed from existence!

After Princess Jonah was teleported out, another wave of commotion arose!

While all the gods were discussing what had happened, a ripple of divine power appeared once more as the other believers from the genius gods that were on the throne list also exited the trial space!

Their followers had also defeated the demigod puppet in the trial space!

After all, the difference between a demigod and a true God was extremely terrifying. It was very difficult to match up to them!

But of course, there was also a terrifying difference between a lower-ranking God and one that was at their peak within the same level as well.

Thus, when the demigod followers that came out saw Princess Jonah, they were all extremely shocked!

How could there be such a powerful follower!

It seemed impossible that someone else could have ended the enemy quicker than them!

Moreover, the other gods were also looking at Princess Jonah with envious gazes.

After all, such powerful believers were hard to come by.

A believer’s strength would contribute greatly to the God they were under as well!

Therefore, if they accepted Princess Jonah as their own believers, they would be extremely happy!

In addition, Princess Jonah’s terrifying aura and temperament made the participating gods extremely excited.

This caused the other believers to become jealous of her presence as they felt that she was a threat to them!

Their hearts were filled with the desire to win!

After all, no one wanted their own god to be interested in some other God’s followers.

Thus, those believers also began to work hard and began to speak directly to the god they believed in.

“From now on, we will not lose to Princess Jonah!”

However, the Gods did not truly care about such promises at all. They knew that although their believers were strong, there was still a large gap between them and the powerful princess!

However, they couldn’t bear to disappoint their believers. After all, if their believers were disappointed, their faith would also decline and the amount of divine power they provided would lessen as well.

They could only let their believers work hard.

At this moment, the followers of the demigod rank had already passed through the first divine pillar!

After all, the first guardian was merely a demigod so it was an easy pass for most of them.

Meanwhile, Princess Jonah completely ignored the fervent gazes of the other believers and gods.

After all, she only had eyes for Sullo and no one else!

She looked at Sullo with a resolute gaze and Sullo smiled at her.

This instantly made Princess Jonah happy.

After all, Sullo had spent countless amounts of time and effort to obtain the divine treasure to save her when she had been in a critical condition.

As she was his believer, she naturally would not disappoint him after receiving such orders!

Thus, Princess Jonah set off toward the second pillar to challenge the next guardian!

After all, Sullo needed his believers to defeat all nine pillars to pass. That meant that it would require some time and she had none to waste since Sullo was waiting!

When the other demigod believers saw this, they became extremely anxious.

After all, Princess Jonah’s strength was very powerful. Since she was attempting to finish the trials quickly, they felt like they could not take a breather.

As such, all the believers who had passed through the first divine pillar headed toward the second divine pillar!

The second pillar seemed the same as the first, but there seemed to be a strange aura emitting from it. Once they entered it, they realized what the differences were.

In the first divine pillar, the environment had been close to being left in Purgatory, and the demigod puppet had also been made to mimic the environment it was put in.

Now, it seemed like the second pillar was more like a deep and dark Abyss, with two puppets instead of one!

They were both demigod-level puppets called the Quan Luo Divine Puppets!

The Quan Luo Divine Puppets were tall and huge, their bodies radiating a strong and eerie aura that far surpassed the guardian of the first divine pillar!

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