Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System

Chapter 148 - The Divine Court Plane, Thousands of Gods!

Chapter 148: The Divine Court Plane, Thousands of Gods!

After Sullo arrived at the source, the terrifying divine power continued to expand as two enormous origin guardian spirits instantly appeared!

Each guardian had the strength of a powerful guardian God!

At the same time, it seemed like the fragile heart was slowly being wrapped by something. Sullo realized that the beast was protecting its own heart by using its divine power as a barrier, making it almost indestructible!

Seeing this, Sullo also summoned his god-level believers!

The Holy Angel Alice, the Golden Beamon King, Princess Jonah, and the Eternal Heroic Spirit!

These four powerful god believers would help him against the guardians while Sullo would head straight for the core before it was completely sealed by the divine power barrier!

After the four powerful god-level believers were summoned, they immediately charged toward the origin guardians!

Their goal wasn’t to kill them. All they needed to do was hold them off for some time. After all, everything else would be easier as long as Sullo managed to destroy the devourer beast’s heart!

While his believers helped stall the guardians for him, Sullo arrived at the core in record time.

That powerful heart was an origin law that was close to the level of a sovereign expert.

That meant that even an ordinary God’s attack wouldn’t be able to cause him any harm.

However, Sullo was already at the peak of a five-star God.

Facing the large heart, Sullo used his most powerful god skill!

Lightning Profound, Thunder Breaking Dawn!

This was the most terrifying attack Sullo had ever used after he had comprehended the Lightning Power Upanishad.

Endless divine power burst out as the entire area was surrounded by lightning!

The Lightning Power Upanishad was a punishing power that simply destroyed everything in its path!

The massive, beating heart was instantly covered by lightning, creating a terrifying explosion!

It had successfully destroyed the heart of a sovereign-level beast!

After the devourer beast’s heart had been destroyed, its divine domain instantly began to collapse!

After all, targeting its heart was its greatest weakness. If it was destroyed, the host itself would definitely be severely weakened!

The divine domain began to shake as it fell apart into ruins, the terrifying devourer beast finally dead.

Once Sullo saw this, he also sighed. After all, even such a powerful beast had a weak spot that had still managed to be destroyed by him.

No matter how powerful the gods in this world were, they all had weaknesses.

Especially since he had witness the decay of a God King’s divine region after his death, it became clear to Sullo that there was truly no God that could live forever!

It was also at that time that the Goddess had also arrived where Sullo stood. Since the devourer beast’s core had been destroyed by Sullo, the origin spirits she had been fighting earlier had all disappeared.

The goddess was no longer obstructed by any obstacles and easily arrived there!

Just as the Goddess arrived, she saw Sullo’s four powerful believers and was shocked.

She wanted to ask him something just then when Sullo had suddenly pulled her forward into a rift that was forming in front of them!

A powerful divine light flashed continuously as Sullo and the Goddess emerged from the rift.

Once they escaped the shattering divine domain, the Goddess looked at Sullo’s powerful believers and asked him how he had managed to obtain them as she was shocked by their strength.

Facing the question of the goddess, Sullo only smiled without replying.

After all, Sullo couldn’t tell the goddess that his believers had all received a thousand-fold amplification, greatly increasing their strength.

This secret could only be known to himself!

Just as the Goddess was about the press Sullo further for an answer, the devourer beast’s divine domain made a sudden sound and movement that instantly shook the entire starry sky!

The massive body that was like a galaxy began to continuously collapse and explode due to its lack of an origin core.

Terrifying divine power continuously expanded the massive devourer beast’s body.

After the destruction, the body itself turned into thousands of meteors!

At this moment, the devourer beast’s divine spark escaped from the endless void that it had created, wanting to escape! This was the devourer beast’s final attempt for survival. As long as its divine spark managed to remain unscathed, it would be able to recover its original strength some day and get its revenge!

When Sullo and the Goddess saw the devourer beast’s origin spark escape, they also erupted with divine power and began to chase after it!

After all, the divine spark was only as strong as its owner which had been weakened, so its speed was extremely slow.

After chasing it for some time, the Goddess finally managed to catch it!

However, she did not take it for herself the moment she got ahold of it. Instead, she gave it to Sullo!

After obtaining the devourer beast’s origin spark, Sullo and the Goddess suddenly discovered that they had passed through the chaotic starfield without even realizing it.

They were close to the Divine Court!

Within the Divine Court’s plane was the core of an entire divine imperial region!

The plane itself was prosperous, with endless life auras constantly circulating it.

The entire plane was filled with gods of all levels! And at least 10% of the population were sovereign experts or High Gods. No one batted an eye when they saw them on the streets while carrying out all sorts of activities.

However, the one thing that everyone seemed to be talking about at that moment was the selection process for who would become the next divine lords!

After all, the process and the benefits were immense, and these rewards were enough to make any god go crazy with envy for those who would manage to obtain it.

Furthermore, these rewards were also brought about by the prosperity of their God King’s divine region, someone who was capable of providing for them as they strived to reach a higher level themselves.

Those who were eligible to compete were considered the most powerful existences within God King Mu’s divine region, and each of them had the boundless strength to shatter the starry skies!

Right at that moment, a resplendent divine power flashed past as a huge Spatial Gate opened to reveal two figures. They were Sullo and the Goddess.

After escaping the devourer beast’s belly, they discovered that they were near their intended destination, so they decided to open a Spatial Gate to the divine pavilion that would lead them toward the Divine Court.

A stream of light descended upon this particular divine city as it floated in the sky, its building standing tall. It was thriving and bustling with countless gods around that were carrying out all sorts of activities.

When they arrived, there was a god that recognized the Goddess as being the Heaven-Cleaving Academy’s top genius, ranked eighth on the throne list.

“Wow, isn’t that the top genius of the Heaven-Cleaving Academy? Moreover, she’s the powerful Goddess ranked eighth on the throne list! Not only does she possess terrifying strength, but she’s also so beautiful too!”

After the goddess descended, her presence instantly caused a commotion.

After all, she was one of the top contenders on the throne list who had a very high chance of becoming a sovereign expert in the future!

Besides her immeasurable strength, she was also exceptionally beautiful. This made her fame even greater than ordinary gods!

Despite all their comments, the Goddess merely ignored them. After all, she had always been a top-notch genius since she was young, so she was used to the commotion and attention that was being directed her way.

The goddess also secretly thought that if they knew about Sullo’s display of strength from earlier, they would be even more shocked!

After that, the Goddess herself brought Sullo to register for the divine lord competition. After all, he had a higher chance of obtaining a better ranking as compared to her!

Amidst the endless commotion, Sullo went to the registration area for the divine lord competition.

The registration area was lively as there was a large number of people wandering around.

These Gods were all top-notch geniuses with practically incomparable strength! All they needed to do was pass the initial testing so that they would be able to join the competition.

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