Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System

Chapter 142 - The Elven Queen’s Prayers, Location Of The Devourer Beast’s Breakthrough

Chapter 142: The Elven Queen’s Prayers, Location Of The Devourer Beast’s Breakthrough

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After obtaining the benefits, the gods became even crazier. They hunted down more star-devouring beasts to obtain their star crystals.

It seemed like Sullo and the others had hunted down too many star-devouring beasts. Space collapsed and a huge hole that spanned thousands of galaxies appeared!

Terrifying divine power continuously erupted, causing the skies and the universe to tremble!

The gods who were attempting to hunt the rest of the star-devouring beasts were terrified by the sight.

After all, the terrifying power that the devourer beast emitted was something they were completely unable to resist against.

After all, peak High God life-forms were far too terrifying to them.

They were not something that they could compete with at all.

Soon, the devourer beast began to slowly emerge from the endless space-time crack. It opened its huge mouth, creating a suction force that began to pull the rest of the star-devouring beasts toward it!

After all, the star-devouring beasts were considered its descendents. As such, it would not allow them to be mindlessly slaughtered by these gods before him!

However, there seemed to be two powerful Gods right behind the crowd of cowering gods, which is why the devourer beast did not dare to attack the group directly!

However, Sullo and the others were also within the range of the devourer beast’s suction force, which gave them the urge to flee so that their lives would not feel as if they were in danger.

After all, who knew what would happen if the devourer beast sucked them up as well!

The Goddess’ followers had already run when the devourer beast had first shown up. Sullo wanted to ask the Goddess to run away with him as well but when he turned, he was stunned by the sight that he saw.

He did not expect that the Goddess was already being sucked straight into the devourer beast’s mouth!

Sullo was faced with two choices then: to either run away like the other gods or release his divine power to save the Goddess!

In the end, Sullo chose to save the Goddess!

After all, the Goddess had been the one to agree to letting him travel alongside her. She was of great help during the journey to the Divine Court, so Sullo felt that he was obligated to help her.

Facing the devourer beast’s gravitational pull, Sullo erupted with terrifying divine power, wanting to save the goddess.

However, even though Sullo’s power had already reached the peak of a five-star god and was on the verge of becoming a High God himself, he was still no match for the devourer beast that was close to the level of a sovereign expert.

In such a situation, Sullo’s strength was as insignificant as sand in the sea. There was no way for him to resist its might!

Hence, Sullo and the Goddess were both sucked in the body of the terrifying devourer beast!

In the endless silence of the starry sky, a powerful beam of light appeared as Sullo and the goddess descended!

“Where is this place? Could it be the devourer beast’s belly? We were actually sucked in!”

Seeing that they were already inside the beast, Sullo felt very uncomfortable.

After all, the devourer beast’s strength was extremely terrifying. It would be very difficult for them to escape.

However, the Goddess still seemed quite calm while facing such a situation.

“It doesn’t matter much. Even if we are sucked in, there’s still a way to escape! The devourer beast’s belly is like a universe of its own. It’s a reflection of its strength as it is an entity on the verge of becoming a sovereign expert itself!”

Based on what she could see, the Goddess judged that the devourer beast wasn’t far from becoming a sovereign expert itself!

“However, although he is very close to becoming a sovereign expert, he hasn’t reached that level yet. Therefore, we still have the chance to escape this bodily prison! We should take it slow and not be anxious.”

Within the devourer beast’s divine domain, Sullo and the goddess felt their divine power being absorbed. This made them feel slightly anxious.

“Damn it. If this continues, we won’t have enough divine power to last long enough to escape! In the end, we’ll just be absorbed by his divine domain and crippled here!”

Sullo and the goddess used their divine power to resist the absorption, which was still causing them to burn their divine power at a constant rate.

“Damn it, we can’t resist this for too long. The devourer beast is too strong. Since we’re right at its core, it’ll be hard to fight back! We have to find an exit as soon as possible to survive! We need to find out how to remove ourselves from the belly of the beast!”

It was right then that one of the remaining star-devouring beasts decided to attack them!

This was soon followed up by the rest of them.

To make sure that they would not expend too much of their divine power, Sullo and the Goddess had no choice but to escape. Although there were benefits to killing off the rest of the star-devouring beasts, the dangers were still far too great.

If they used too much divine power, there was a possibility that they would die there!

Thus, Sullo and the goddess used as much divine power as they could muster in order to escape, removing themselves from the star-devouring beasts’ attack range.

In Sullo’s divine domain, it seemed the entire divine domain began to shake due to Sullo’s divine power that was being absorbed.

Naturally, the abnormalities on the outside were noticed by the leaders of each race of believers.

All of Sullo’s believers began to piously pray!

“We shall pray for our Lord God’s safe return! May he weather through this hardship!”

“No matter how difficult the situation is, the Lord God will overcome it. You can always believe in the Lord God!”

“The Lord God is an invincible existence in the world. No difficulty can trap him! He will definitely lead us to glory!”

In Sullo’s divine domain, countless believers began to pray for Sullo’s safe return!

The scene changed to a bustling life planet.

It was the territory of the Eternal Elves!

After experiencing Sullo’s thousand-fold amplification, the elf Queen Elin was now a peak-level demigod.

In Sullo’s divine domain, she sensed the dangers of the devourer beast and quickly prayed for Sullo’s descent into the divine domain!

“Lord God, please descend quickly! Return to your divine domain!”

After all, if Sullo entered his divine domain, he would be able to avoid the devouring of his divine power.

On the outside, Sullo had already found a place to hide with the Goddess within the devourer beast’s divine domain.

After all, if they would be facing countless attacks from the star-devouring beasts if they were to put themselves out in the open.

Thus, it was best for them to hide on an insignificant star within the devourer beast’s stomach.

Sullo, who had withdrawn the divine power in his body, heard the prayers of his believers and suddenly remembered.

If he entered his own divine domain, he would be able to avoid the absorption of his divine power!

It would also have an incomparably terrifying effect!

Hence, Sullo decided to lead the Goddess into his own divine domain!

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