Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 231: The Face of Trade

Chapter 231: The Face of Trade

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yao Yuan’s words quickly reached the merchants. After several hours of complete silence where all signals stopped and the spacecraft returned to the spherical spaceship, probably to exchange information with the spaceship within the spaceship’s own creator’s particle null zone.

In the few hours, speculations started to fly on the Hope.

First, it could be confirmed that the space merchants had technologies from the 5th revolution. Even though the technologies might not be complete, since they could use warp drive, it meant that at least they had entered the 5th revolution.

The reasoning behind this was fairly simple: science does not have exponential growth. In other words, it was impossible for one to ask about trigonometry first then about planetary fuel. This kind of leap in scientific thinking only exists in sci-fi.

Of course, if we’re talking about only the product of science and not science itself, then this is possible. Simply put, with colors painted on computer keys, even the chimps could be taught how to use the computer. The two had nothing to do with each other. Can you ask the chimp to explain the science behind the computer even though he may know how to use it? The answer is obvious.

The reality works as such as well. It was undeniable that the space merchants had access to many of the 5th revolution’s products, but for some reason, the space merchants didn’t pursue an in-depth research in these technologies. This sounded unbelievable, but based on what humanity had observed thus far, this happened to be the truth.

For the space merchants, when they got hold of 5th revolution technologies, instead of studying them like how humanity would do, they employed them in ways of trade.

It was also worth noting that even though mankind’s scientific products were only at the initial 4th revolution level, the scientific studies behind them had reached late or the peak of 4th revolution.

Therefore, if given a 5th revolution technology, even if it might not be complete, it could very well be the catalyst that mankind needed to initiate another scientific revolution.

Perhaps the space merchants knew that. That was why they only showed the Hope the choice of 4th revolution technologies and below. Their intention was clear: they didn’t want to help mankind proceed to the next revolution.

Soon, the spacecraft returned to the Hope’s null zone and a series of signals came rushing at the Hope.

"We do have technologies from Level 3 and 4 civilizations, but these technologies are highly valued. It was through many trades that we were able to procure these technologies, so if you wish to purchase these technologies, you have to convince us that you’re able to afford it. We purchase anything: products, technologies, material and even organic life forms."

This was the space merchant’s response. The Hope quickly compiled the list of the items they were to trade based on the earlier 3D images that the space merchants had sent over. Of course, since the nomenclature was different for different civilizations, to prevent confusion, the biochemical make up was provided alongside the list that was sent to the space merchants.

After the space merchants received this information, they categorized them one by one and then added values to each of them.

Common metals like iron, treated or otherwise, were valued at 0.5 per ton, while other metals were given pitiably low values. The highest valued metal was platinum, but that was also only at 0.7 per ton.

If that was the case, even if the entire the Hope was sold, it wouldn’t be enough to purchase common space information.

Next was radioactive minerals. They were valued at a higher number than most expected. For example, uranium was 7 per ton, while other minerals were even higher. The highest among this category was an unknown mineral collected from the nebulous cloud. It was valued at 370 per ton. Even the associated ore of this mineral was valued at 10 per ton.

Suddenly, Ren Tao furrowed his brows and gave an audible "hmm." Xiao Niao, who stood beside him, initially didn’t have any reaction, but after witnessing Ren Tao’s curious response, he started scanning the data in closer detail. After a while, he too repeated the "hmm." However, neither of them chose to elaborate.

The remaining experts focused on the list and continued calculating the value of these materials. However, their faces gradually dropped as the time went on. In the end, the entire store of minerals on the Hope was not even worth the value of 10,000!

Selling the whole warehouse of the minerals wasn’t enough to even purchase common space information, much less 5th revolution technology! In other words, mankind’s current wealth was pitiably small.

Next would be the transfer of all the DNA prints. However, before the transfer, both Ren Tao and Xiao Niao said in unison to not send the prints for the alien plant, Black Dragons, and the mother nest alien.

Compared to the minerals, the DNA prints were much more valuable. For example, the simplest wheat DNA print and ten samples were valued at 100 plus, while the lowest value for animals were at 500. When the group received this information, the atmosphere in the room visibly improved. Ren Tao and Xiao Niao nodded their heads slowly as if they had been expecting this kind of response. However, they didn’t say a word and waited patiently for the transmission to finish.

Yao Yuan noted the change in the expressions and he had many questions in his mind, but he knew it was not the time. After all the DNA prints were sent, the person in charge was going to send information on the Hope’s technology but was stopped by Ren Tao.

"Stop here. Tell the space merchants that’s everything we can offer. If it’s still not enough to purchase the 5th revolution technology, then consider the trade canceled," Ren Tao told the person in charge.

The person snuck at look at Yao Yuan to seek his approval. Yao Yuan stared curiously at Ren Tao and Xiao Niao, but the two of them had on an indifferent countenance like there was nothing wrong with the request.

Yao Yuan was not dumb; he too had realized there was a trick hidden within the space merchants’ message, so he gave the person in charge the go-ahead. After that, he turned to the two of them to ask, "Can you please explain to us why you stopped us from reporting the technologies we have? It is obvious that with the things we gave so far, they are definitely not enough to afford any 5th revolution technology."

Ren Tao shrugged his shoulder and said not a word. Xiao Niao sighed and explained, "Because it’s obvious that the space merchants are taking us for generous fools. How should I put this? Anyway, the value of a certain thing is proportional to its purpose and amount, right? For example, while we might treat gold as something valuable on Earth, it would be something equivalent to our dirt if we’re trading with a planet made entirely of gold.

"It is the same thing here. There are many things we consider valuable that are not worth much to the space merchants. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. We have to be clear about this."

Xiao Niao turned towards the data on the screen and smirked condescendingly. "Therefore, conversely, things that we consider trash might be extremely valuable in space. This is incredibly possible. Since we have no clue of the space value for our resources, it enables the space merchants to swindle valuables out of our hands for extremely low prices. After all, these are experienced merchants we’re dealing with, and all businessmen are liars."

Yao Yuan nodded. "You’re right. This situation will mostly likely occur. Since both parties value the same things differently, it is possible that the things that are trash for us are extremely valuable to the other party. I think I get what you mean; we’re essentially bargaining. If the lists we’ve sent have something valuable, the space merchants will stop us from leaving this trade because it is a trade in their favor since they have the information on the real space value of these items, while we don’t. But how can you be sure there is something they want among the lists we’ve given? You should know this trade is a once in a lifetime opportunity..."

Before Xiao Niao and Ren Tao could answer, the reply from the space merchants arrived.

"...We’re always willing to help out new space civilizations. Even though you’re lacking in materials... no matter, we still hope to continue this trade, but we ask that you add something to balance out the trade. The best would be your civilization’s main life form, or cosmic adaptors..."

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