Against Heaven's Will

Chapter 278: Spirit Stone

Chapter 278: Spirit Stone


Fire Domain!

Water Domain!

Air Domain!

Lightning Domain!

Xuefeng didn't hesitate and took control of the whole space, but that was barely effective. No matter how he struck the vines to stop them, they were not stopping their assault.

'Judgement Vines!' Ming cried out in his mind. 'Grab the stone and let's get out!'

Xuefeng already had the same plan in his mind, eyeing the translucent stone just a few tens of meters away from him. It was laying there patiently as if waiting for him to take it.

"Help me distract the vines!" Xuefeng ordered urgently while his team appeared out of nowhere. "Pull them away from the stone!"

They were already on the job before he even spoke, while Ling brought the cube back, charging it for their return trip. Both Yiren and Lisa stayed behind as their support was barely needed in such a situation.

'Wu! On your left!'

'Wen! From below!'

Tianshi was the one coordinating the operation this time, predicting the movement of vines before they even struck. They were too quick and too many to dodge them otherwise.

Xuefeng had full trust in them so he left them on their own as he charged for the stone. He was aware of the barrier so he didn't fly over brainlessly but even then, just when Xuefeng touched the invisible wall, it sent a pulse out, pushing him away.

"Damn, can we break inside?" Xuefeng cursed while his arm covered with a Lightning Qi Dragon Claw. It was the most explosive from the Elements but the barrier was extremely stubborn.


Xuefeng's eyes opened wide with excitement at the sound of cracking only to frown when the crack repaired immediately.

'The Spirit Stone is constantly healing the barrier. We can't break through with raw power. You can try using the Heavenly Chai—' Ming suggested but was cut off when the sky rumbled with thunder.

Dark clouds began gathering above them before the space opened, revealing a shiny white hole in the sky. They were all already familiar with this phenomenon from the time they Ascended to the Heaven Realm.

The Heavens were trying to bring the right order and send them back!

"Did we really get inside the God Realm?" Xuefeng questioned surprised but he had no time to wonder.

Last time he underestimated the Heavenly Chains and ended up being split from his wives for weeks. He couldn't let that happen again.

"Everyone! Come to me at once!" Xuefeng ordered sternly, sucking them all back into Ling's world. He was about to perform a sneaky steal and dip!

"Come at me! I'm not scared of your chains!" Xuefeng dared the Heavens and the challenge got accepted as a beefy chain shot out.

Xuefeng only smiled and his Air Stone shone, blowing all the vines to slow them down. It was between him and the chains!


He dodged it easily, letting it smash against the barrier. It passed through like a knife in the mud but that wasn't enough. Even if the Heavenly Chain constantly absorbed Qi, the barrier simply coiled around the chain which prevented him from entering.

"Come on! Is that all you have? Two more! I won't move this time! Try to hit me!" Xuefeng taunted again but the heavens weren't in such a hurry. With each passing second, the Judgement Vines got closer before crashing at Xuefeng all together.

"Damn…" Xuefeng cursed under his breath as he was forced to retreat. 'Arts that can't be destroyed with Qi shouldn't exist!'

He was obviously joking. He himself had multiple Arts and Artefacts that defined the natural order. He was immune to Fate Qi attacks while his opponents couldn't use four main Elements against him. Only now did he understand how his enemies felt under the assault of his Judgement Vine.

"Take that!"

Dragon Edge appeared in his palm and Xuefeng slashed at the incoming vine, using purely the cutting edge of his sword. Normally it wouldn't make a difference but surprisingly enough, the vine has finally taken a blow.

"Huh?" Xuefeng opened his eyes wide, seeing a cut on the vine's body. He didn't use Qi since the vine would absorb it anyway yet the pure sharpness of his edge seemed to be enough.

'Yi! It's time to shine!' Xuefeng called out in his mind, summoning the master swordsman at his disposal. They were only avoiding the vines, trying to stall for time but they clearly had a chance to defeat them.

Yi appeared the very next second and her swords filled the space, slashing and cutting with pure sharpness of her blades. The flower instantly panicked as everything shook but Yi showed no mercy.

"That's my baby!" Xuefeng praised happily and didn't stay idle, targeting the same points as her.

The vines kept healing but it was nothing with their combined efforts. The cut vines fell repeatedly while Xuefeng turned at the sky with a smile.

"What are you waiting for Uncle? How about you help me this time and strike that barrier behind me? I will be gone right after and this whole matter will be over," Xuefeng proposed, knowing very well who stood behind the Heavens.

Although most of it was automatic, Ming's Uncle was there supervising everything. It must have noticed it was them so he paused the chains from attacking. His theory got only confirmed when two Heavenly Chains shot out and didn't even aim at him.


The chains broke through the barrier and created a triangle that made a hole big enough for them to enter inside.

"Thanks! I owe you one!" Xuefeng acknowledged and teleported inside, grabbing the precious Spirit Stone. The power it held caused him to shudder but he didn't pass it to Elemental Bracelet just yet.

He canceled his Domains as Yi appeared in his arms, ready to enter the Cube and dip from the scene when something caught his eye.


Just as Xuefeng was about to step inside, he spotted the black-cloaked man hovering in the sky. He didn't flee far and simply watched Xuefeng's efforts from the distance.

"I will be waiting for you!"

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