Chapter 120 Three lives are lucky

"Reminder: The genius doctor is the core staff group of the hero, and it is very difficult to win over." The system said quietly.

"If the host successfully wins over the genius doctor, he will be rewarded with 500 charm points immediately, and the hero will be deducted 500 charm points."

"Conversely, if the host fails to win over the genius doctor, 800 charm points will be deducted, and the hero's charm value will not change."

Pei Yi was depressed, frowned, and complained: "Are you engaging in double standards? Even if I failed to win over the genius doctor, it didn't cause any bad effects. Why should I deduct nearly double the charm value?"

"Because the host actually intends to leverage the male lead's core staff team, since he failed, he will naturally be punished." The system said confidently.

Pei Yi kept silent.

The system persuaded earnestly: "It is enough for the host to attack those big licking dogs. What are you thinking about the hero's core staff team all day long? What's more, that genius doctor is not a good person. If the host really wins him over, Are you not afraid of making yourself sick?"

Pei Yi's thoughts moved slightly.

The original book only said that the genius doctor had superb medical skills, but it didn't say that the genius doctor had a bad character and did any bad things.

Pei Yi asked enthusiastically: "Did the miracle doctor do something nasty?"

The system did not continue to say: "This is a hidden plot, and the host needs to trigger it by itself."

Pei Yi: "..."

Come on, this system only knows to say half and keep half, which is tempting.

In the other room, Xun Huan was still immersed in his little anger, and continued with a dark face on Zhang Jun: "I was so angry that I set a fire and burned the White Mansion."

Pei Yi couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

She joked, dumbfounded: "Mr. Xun Family, you are too hurt, right?"

Xun Huan smelled this face and said: "The sixth master Bai caused the third master to go to jail, and I just burned down his temporary mansion, which is already very gentle."

Pei Yi was amused and laughed.

The sixth master Bai was injured in his vitals, and he must need to rest these days.

Brother Xun Huan got angry, that Bai Liuye must have been terrified last night, and he was afraid that his body would suffer some damage after all this busy work.

Pei Yi thought of this and couldn't help but glance at Xun Huan.

She asked with a smile: "Seriously, why are you so **** the Bai family?"

Xun Huan froze almost imperceptibly, and said casually: "Who said that I can't get along with the Bai family? I just can't see Bai Liuye's style, so I punished him a little."

Small punishment?

You ruined the lives of others with one strike.

Pei Yi was clear in her heart, but she didn't say anything on her face.

Xun Huan's expression softened slightly.

He lightly held Pei Yi's hand, and said with a smile: "Master, this time I set fire to the White Mansion, and it's a way to vent my anger on you. Master... Should I reward you?" me?"

Pei Yi looked down at the big hand that was suddenly stroking the back of her hand, and asked with a half-smile, "What reward do you want?"

"Hmm..." Xun Huan seemed to be thinking for a while, then smiled faintly, "I want the third master to give me a title."

"Cough cough cough..."

Pei Yi coughed suddenly.

No way, she was so shocked that she choked on her own saliva all of a sudden.

The boss actually asked her for a title!

Are you trying to be her servant?

Did you make a mistake?

Only one Du Heng (Xiao Junji) failed to deal with it, and now there is another big guy who is eager to squeeze into her backyard. Does this kill her?

"Third Lord..."

Xun Huan gently patted her on the back to cheer her up.

Pei Yi just felt creepy.

She waved Xun Huan's hand away calmly, her cheeks flushed from coughing.

Pei Yi half-raised her eyes to look at the boss, and asked with a complicated mood: "Why do you want to follow me?"

Xun Huan lowered his eyes and smiled, as if he was extremely shy.

He blushed slightly, and said in a very happy manner: "The third master has a handsome appearance, a good temper, and a kind person. To be liked by the third master is considered a lucky one in his life. If he can enter the back house of the third master, it is even more The blessings I have cultivated are rare in my eight lifetimes."

Pei Yi looked at the other party in a daze, and was really shocked by this rainbow fart.

Is this still about her?

Is she so good?

Pei Yi's cheeks slowly turned red.

Hey, she is really embarrassed...

"Sanlang's backyard is already crowded enough, there is no room for more people."

A gloomy voice suddenly broke in, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the room was instantly dissipated.

Xun Huan raised his eyes to look at the person who came, and couldn't help but hate him half to death.

He sneered at the connotation and said, "Did Mr. Ji'an not inform you when he entered the house? If the third master is discussing important matters with others, wouldn't it be a big mistake for you to suddenly come in like this?"

The one who came was Huo Yuan.

He glanced at Pei Yi who was lying on the bed and pretended to be dead, and felt a strong sour feeling inexplicably.

"Whether I need to report is naturally up to Saburo. When is it your turn to speak?" Huo Yuan asked with a cold face.

This is to kick the ball to Pei Yi.

Pei Yi immediately buried her head in the quilt.


Why did you turn the topic to her? !

A group of men quarrel every day!

She was almost depressed because of the noise!

The key is that you guys are arguing with you, don't drag me into the water every time, okay?

Pei Yi closed her eyes in despair, wishing she could disappear right away.

"Hey, Mr. Ji'an's words are really rude." Xun Huan was also very powerful, preventing the third master Pei from helping, but he pre-emptively said, "You just rely on the third master's soft and kind heart to be so domineering."

Pei Yi choked.

Come on, what else can she do after saying this?

She can only continue to play dead.

But Xun Huan became ruthless.

He turned his head to look at Pei Yi who was pretending to be dead, and said aggrievedly: "Third Master, who is in charge of this backyard? Brother Du bullies me all day long, as if he wants to eat me. Now, Ji An Mr. Lang is also targeting me like this everywhere - obviously I am still in front of the third master, but Mr. Ji'an insults me like this. If the third master is not by my side, can I still live this day?"

Ouch, help!

Pei Yi really felt a deep headache.

Please don’t act like a spoiled child in front of me, please?

I really can't stand it.

However, there is a saying that the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop.

Pei Yi wanted to continue playing dead, but the two men in front of her didn't allow it.

Seeing Pei Yi buried her head in silence, Huo Yuan felt the nameless sourness in his heart become stronger.

He took a step forward and said angrily: "Sanlang, I have something important to tell you. But looking at the current situation, it seems that you don't want to talk to me?"

God, my Sanqing Patriarch!

Pei Yi closed her eyes in despair, she really wanted to raise her head and roar.

Please, Your Majesty the Tyrant, please don’t imply me so sourly, please?

(end of this chapter)

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