Chapter 71

After discussing it, the couple went to the village to find Ma Feng Auntie and the others.

Hearing that they wanted to order furniture, Ma Feng Auntie and the others readily agreed.

"You all can start on the first day of the new year, okay? If you get too busy, just let me know, I'll have the time to help."

Ma Feng Auntie was also happy to get such a big job in the household, and she even joked about it.

"Okay, we won't be polite if we need anything from you, Auntie."

Hearing Ma Feng Auntie's words, Luo Ge also knew it was her kind offer, so he didn't refuse.

But it was most likely that they wouldn't have to call on Ma Feng Auntie for help.

"Good, we're all family, no need to be polite." Hearing Luo Ge's words, Ma Feng Auntie also smiled and said.

Among their kinfolk, they always like to use the words 'we're all family' to address each other, which was just a polite term in daily life.

But after saying it repeatedly, it gradually sank in, and they really did feel like one big family, and became more and more united.

So even the small details that no one noticed, their gradual accumulation also played a big role.

After discussing with Ma Feng Auntie and the others, the young couple then went to find the village butcher to order the meat they would need for the house-warming party.

Since they were all from the same village, it was convenient to order and pick up the fresh meat.

"Let's also go buy some tofu and bean sprouts, and then we can pick up the two little ones." Luo Ge suggested after taking care of these matters.

Grandma Ma's tofu was very cheap, two coins for a big block, and two coins for the bean sprouts, which would be enough for the whole family to have a meal.


Thinking about it, Luo Ge also went back to the butcher to buy a piece of meat. The men in the family couldn't do without meat, so stir-fried bean sprouts with meat would be nice.

"Little Uncle, Little Auntie."

The two little ones had just come out of the school gate and saw their little uncle and auntie from afar, happily calling out to them, and came hopping and jumping over.

"Slow down! Don't fall."

Seeing them like that, Luo Ge quickly opened her arms to catch them.

Being held by their little auntie, the two little ones were even more delighted, their eyes shining brightly.

Until they caught a glimpse of their little uncle's stern face, then they obediently stepped back.

"Little Auntie, why did you both come? We could have come back with Elder Brother Tie Dan."

"Second Uncle Gu, Second Aunt Gu." Tie Dan, who had come out after them, also ran over to greet Luo Ge and Gu Jinchen.

"Well, you two, your auntie and I have some business to take care of in the village, so we came over together."

Rubbing the heads of the two little ones, Luo Ge patiently explained.

"Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu."

Hearing the call, they turned to see the old teacher, pausing slightly.

"Teacher." The couple greeted in unison.

"Mr. Xu." The three little ones also called out to the teacher together.

"Hmm, you two, if you're free, why don't you come in for a chat?"

Hearing this, Luo Ge and Gu Jinchen exchanged a glance, looked at their two little ones, and then nodded.


The two little ones were a bit nervous, why did the teacher call their uncle and auntie? Had they done something wrong that the teacher had noticed?

But... they had always been obedient and listened to the teacher.

They had also been diligent in their studies and tried hard to answer the teacher's questions in class.

Thinking about this, they scratched their little heads and grabbed their clothes, feeling confused and nervous.

"Big Bao, Er Bao, you come too."

In the next moment, they heard the teacher call out to them.

Exchanging a glance, the two brothers obediently followed.


This time, it was Tie Dan who was left behind, scratching his head.

"Tie Dan, go call your parents to come as well, say I have something to discuss with them."

"?? ...Okay, got it."

Hearing the teacher say this, Tie Dan immediately ran to call his parents.

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