Chapter 27

Because of the incident with Qian Momo, Gu Jinchen came back earlier than usual. After finishing his chores, it was only around 12:30 pm.

Considering they still had to work in the fields that afternoon, she asked Gu Jinchen to take a short rest.

When she retrieved items from her space, she also brought out some mung beans. In this weather, it's easy to get heat stroke while working outside, so having some mung bean soup to cool down would be helpful.

Once the mung bean soup boiled and the beans split open, she turned off the heat, leaving just enough embers to keep it warm. That way, it would be ready for them to take when they left.

After preparing everything, she went to rest as well.

She also sent the little ones to take their afternoon nap. It wouldn't be worth it for them to run around outside and get sunburned in the midday heat.

When they woke up, the fruit had been marinating for long enough. Together with Gu Jinchen, they spread the fruit onto trays to sun-dry.

Bringing the mung bean soup along, the whole family headed out.

"Oh, Luo Ge, you're here too?"

The field they were working on today was right next to Wang Sister-In-Law's family's plot. Seeing Luo Ge, Wang Sister-In-Law greeted her with a smile.

"Yes, Sister-In-Law, you and Auntie arrived quite early."

"Well, there wasn't much to do at home, so we figured we'd come early to finish early."

After exchanging greetings, Luo Ge took out the gloves she had prepared and handed one to Gu Jinchen, then put on gloves for the two little ones as well, before they all started weeding.

"Hey, those gloves of yours are nice!"

Wang Sister-In-Law's eyes lit up when she noticed the gloves in Luo Ge's hands. Why hadn't she thought of making something like that? Wearing those, she wouldn't hurt her hands anymore.

A woman's hands are like her second face - most women care about keeping them nice.

"I made them myself when I had free time. I stuffed some old quilt and grass in them so they cushion your hands and don't scrape them."

The gloves were simple to make. Take a piece of coarse linen with a non-slip texture, cut it into the shape of a hand, leave a gap in the middle like a coat, stuff some material inside, then sew it up.

She could only make basic gloves like these. As for specialized ones meant for rough work, she didn't know how.

This kind of easily made item, she hadn't planned on selling anyway. If she wanted to sell them, she'd have to consider comfort as well.

Just stuffing them with grass wouldn't provide enough protection against cuts and scrapes.

She'd need to use cotton, but cotton is so precious that the cost wouldn't be worth it.

So when Wang Sister-In-Law asked, she simply explained how to make them.

"I see, you're really clever."

Wang Sister-In-Law said, a hint of embarrassment on her face as she looked at the men of her family toiling away, and thought of how her husband's hands often cracked from the rough work.

After a moment's hesitation, she asked, "Could I learn to make a couple as well? Don't worry, I promise I won't teach others how to make them."

Hearing Wang Sister-In-Law's assurance not to spread the technique, Luo Ge was quite surprised. She really hadn't expected her to say that.

But Wang Sister-In-Law's words and actions were truly comfortable to be around.

"Of course, it's easy enough to see how they're made. It's not a secret, so go ahead."

To be honest, gloves were the wisdom of their ancestors. Luo Ge was simply a beneficiary.

She had no reason to claim credit or prevent others from learning.

"Oh, thank you so much, Luo Ge."

Delighted by Luo Ge's ready agreement, the smile on Wang Sister-In-Law's face grew even wider. She truly felt she hadn't misjudged their friendship.

"No need to thank me. You stood up for me earlier today, I haven't forgotten."

Luo Ge shared the sentiment - Wang Sister-In-Law was truly a good friend to have.

At their words, the two women laughed.

Seeing the warm interaction between their two daughters-in-law, the Gu and Wang families couldn't help but smile as well.

"Husband, have some mung bean soup."

After a busy stretch of work, Luo Ge poured Gu Jinchen some mung bean soup to drink.

Seeing her flushed red face from the heat, Gu Jinchen frowned slightly.

"You drink first, then go rest over there for a bit." He didn't want her overdoing it. If she got too tired, he would worry.

"Okay." Seeing his concern, Luo Ge didn't argue, drinking some soup first before pouring him a cup.


Whether intentionally or not, the scoundrel drank from the very spot her lips had touched, leaving a smear of soup.

This... This was an indirect kiss.

With the family and children nearby, Luo Ge's already reddened face instantly turned even redder.

"What's wrong?" Gu Jinchen raised an eyebrow, all innocence and bewilderment.

"Nothing!" This man... Luo Ge shot him an exasperated look, leaving it at that.

Seeing Wang Sister-In-Law's family sweating profusely from their hard work, she called Older Baby and Second Baby over to bring them each a bowl of the mung bean soup as well. She had brought quite a lot.

The mung bean soup was meant for cooling down, so she had made it quite thin, just to be refreshing to drink.

After accepting Luo Ge's favor, the Wang family felt a bit embarrassed, but in this heat, they didn't make a fuss over it either.

Under Gu Jinchen's watchful eye, Luo Ge obediently went with the little ones to rest by the side for a while.

...With Wang Sister-In-Law's company, Luo Ge didn't feel bored at all. Chatting and working together, the afternoon passed by.

There was just a small portion of the field left to do.

The Gu family's land had been left untended for over a year. Previously, when Gu Jinchen was away, it was his grandparents and older brother who managed it. But after one mishap after another befell them, the land was abandoned.

For a period after that, it was rented out to villagers to farm. But later when Gu Jinchen returned, he took it back.

However, shortly after his grandparents passed away, Gu Jinchen had been consumed by grief over the loss of nearly his entire family. Caring for the two little ones, his days were a hazy blur.

So the land remained untouched until now when they finally started tending to it again.

The weeds and such had over a year's worth of growth, making it quite a challenge.

But with men and women working together, it wasn't too tiring. Taking it bit by bit, they made steady progress.

"Older Baby! Second Baby! Little Auntie!"

They had worked quite hard today, so Luo Ge didn't bother making an elaborate meal. She simply made noodle soup using the leftovers from lunch.

Just as the noodles were served, they heard Tie Dan's voice calling from outside. The whole family found it rather strange.

Tie Dan often came to play with the little ones, but the well-behaved child never visited during their mealtimes.

It was quite unusual for him to come today.

At the call, the two little ones ran out, and seeing he had called for Luo Ge as well, she followed behind.

As soon as he saw Luo Ge, Tie Dan held out a bowl filled with meat he was carrying and instinctively wiped his mouth.

"Little Auntie, this is for you all. My mom asked me to bring it over for you to try her cooking."

Hearing this, the two little ones immediately looked up at Luo Ge, their eyes asking if they could have some of that precious meat.

Earlier, Wang Sister-In-Law had split over twenty copper coins, the money she had forcibly taken from Qian Momo. Of course Wang Sister-In-Law would want to spend that money properly.

So she went to the village butcher's to buy a jin of meat to make a nice meal tonight.

Luo Ge understood that Wang Sister-In-Law must be expressing her gratitude for teaching her how to make the gloves, as well as for sharing the mung bean soup with them.

She glanced towards Gu Jinchen in the courtyard, uncertain if she should accept the meat which was such a rarity.

She knew the Wang family had always been quite frugal. In the past when Gu Jinchen thanked them for looking after the children by gifting wild pheasants or rabbits, they would keep those to sell for money instead.

One could say they hardly ate meat more than a few times in an entire year.

"Go ahead and take it," Gu Jinchen nodded, seeing Luo Ge look to him.

With his approval, Luo Ge accepted the bowl from Tie Dan and patted his head affectionately.

"Thank you for the trouble, Tie Dan. Please thank your mother for me as well."

As she spoke, she reached into her pocket and took out a handful of sugar candies, tucking them into Tie Dan's little shirt pocket.

"I bought some sugar candies in town today. Have these, but don't eat too many at once or you'll get cavities, understand?"

"Yes, Tie Dan understands!" Clutching his little pocket, Tie Dan smiled sweetly.

"Goodbye, Auntie. Goodbye, Older Baby and Second Baby." She waved her little hand at them, then skipped happily back home.

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