Chapter 24

After taking her things, Luo Ge hurried back home, afraid that they would worry if she stayed out too long.

As she passed through the village center and was nearing home, she slowed down when she saw two figures, but then continued walking with her head down as if she hadn't seen them.

"Stop right there!" Seeing Luo Ge about to leave, Qian Momo quickly called out to stop her.

"..." Why should I stop just because you told me to? Do I know you? Or are you just too arrogant?

Knowing that the other party stopping her would lead to no good, Luo Ge didn't want to pay any attention and pretended not to hear.

But she didn't expect the other party to be unrelenting. Seeing Luo Ge ignore her, she actually ran up to try and block her way.

"Are you deaf? I'm telling you to stop, can't you hear me?"

Qian Momo stared fiercely at Luo Ge, her eyes full of unfriendliness, resentment and criticism.

With her huge body standing in front of Luo Ge, it made Luo Ge seem much smaller and more delicate. That woman alone could match three of her.

"Miss, I don't know you," hearing Qian Momo's words, Luo Ge was speechless for a moment, but still spoke politely.

As she spoke, her eyes glanced at the young woman following Qian Momo. She knew this woman was from their same village. Auntie Wang had told her she was Qian Momo's cousin.

She had married into the village six years ago and had two daughters. She was often ridiculed by the villagers for not having sons, and her mother-in-law also disliked her.

The fact that Qian Momo was able to come to the village to block people must mean she had brought her over.

"Cousin," noticing Luo Ge's gaze, Li Zhaodi pressed her lips together and called out to to Qian Momo.

She wasn't afraid of Luo Ge but was afraid of Gu Jinchen. Before joining the army, Gu Jinchen was known in the village as a vicious wolf cub. When she had just married into the village, Gu Jinchen hadn't left to join the army yet.

She had seen Gu Jinchen's vicious and violent side before. Her husband had offended Gu Jinchen in the past and been badly beaten, leaving psychological trauma even now.

Having heard that Gu Jinchen treated this bought-in daughter-in-law very well, she was afraid that if Qian Momo injured Luo Ge, Gu Jinchen would come seeking accountability from them. So she wanted to call out a reminder.

"What are shouting about!" Hearing her shout, Qian Momo yelled back very impatiently.

"You cheap hussy, how dare you steal my man!" As she spoke, her thick palm swung towards Luo Ge's face to slap her.

She had been holding in anger these days. Having been doted on by her family since she was little, Qian Momo had never failed to obtain something she wanted before.

And now, just when she finally set her sights on a man, he was snatched away by this whore who wedged her way in!

How could she not be angry!

Luo Ge frowned and dodged to the side: "I don't understand what you're talking about. My husband and I were properly married with three bows and nine kowtows, registered at the government office. There is no question of stealing anyone!"

"You dare dodge me! Gu Jinchen was clearly the man I noticed first. I got to know him and felt we were well matched first. Yet you still say you didn't steal him!" Since one slap didn't connect, Qian Momo raised her arm again to strike.

Being well-matched should require both parties to have met and felt they could be together, right?

But as far as she knew, Gu Jinchen had not met this woman before her.

"Hey! What's going on over there?"

It was noon time now. The villagers had just finished work and were preparing to return home for lunch.

As this was the village center, there were more passers-by. They could see clearly from afar what was happening.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's happening? Attacking someone?!" Recognizing from afar that it was Luo Ge being bullied, Wang Sister-In-Law cried out in alarm and rushed over.

Seeing that someone they didn't recognize bullying Luo Ge, the other villagers were also shocked. One of the men turned to run back to the fields where he knew Gu Jinchen was still working.

Hearing the shouts, Qian Momo's actions paused momentarily. But seeing Luo Ge's beautiful and delicate face, she still lashed out fiercely to slap her. Seeing her target dodge again, she directly reached out to push Luo Ge.

"Thud." With her heavyweight push, although said in jest, Luo Ge really was caught unprepared and landed on her bottom. But her opponent didn't fare much better either.

An eye for an eye. As she fell, Luo Ge also tripped the other.

"Thwack." Qian Momo fell face down, her large chin hitting the stone ground heavily, the surrounding ground vibrating from the impact.

Luo Ge's maneuver was concealed. To onlookers, it seemed Qian Momo had simply lost control when pushing Luo Ge and fallen herself.

"Luo Ge! Are you alright?" Wang Sister-In-Law had her hands outstretched, just narrowly failing to catch Luo Ge. She quickly helped pull Luo Ge to her feet.

Luo Ge shook her head, then turned to Qian Momo: "I don't know you. Why did you attack and hurt me?"

This sentence explained the situation to the villagers gathering around.

"Qian Momo! What are you doing in our village? Not satisfied with bullying people in your own village, now you've come to ours too? Where's your conscience?" Recognizing Qian Momo's face, Wang Sister-In-Law's expression instantly darkened.

This Qian Momo was simply outrageous. Bullying people in Qian Family Village was bad enough. Now she even dared run to their village and bully people!

This wasn't her territory of Qian Family Village under the Qian Family Small Landlord.

Hearing Qian Momo's name, the expressions of those around subtly shifted, instantly grasping the situation.

It was that girl from the Qian family who had her sights set on Second Son Gu. She had even offered to add five taels to her dowry in order to marry into their family. And now she had come to bully Second Son Gu's wife.

"So it's her!" The women loved to gossip. Every household in the village basically knew all the big and small going-ons.

"We've always heard that the young Miss Qian is an ill-bred, pampered and overbearing girl. No wonder she's so arrogant. But isn't this going too far?"

One of the aunties who had attended Gu Jinchen's wedding banquet had her face darken with anger upon hearing this. She truly had never seen such a shameless girl.

With Luo Ge standing next to her, no matter how one looked at it, Qian Momo was just an eyesore.

At this time, several of Gu Jinchen's maternal aunts had already pulled Luo Ge to her feet and shielded her behind them, including Auntie Luo.

"Miss Qian, why did you attack and hurt someone for no reason? No matter your reasons, making the first move to harm someone is never justified. Please apologize and offer compensation to Second Son Gu's wife first." Auntie Luo coldly said to Qian Momo.

In any case, with something happening to Luo Ge, she could not turn a blind eye. And now it had become a case of an outsider coming to their village to bully people, so she was even less able to ignore it.

Although they had still been at a distance when arriving earlier, she and the others had seen clearly Qian Momo's vicious expression and actions in beating someone.

"She stole my man! And I'm not allowed to vent my anger?"

If it had been anyone else in this situation, they would have long bowed their heads to apologize and end the matter. But this was Qian Momo. She had never apologized for bullying others in the past.

Moreover, she felt she had done no wrong.

Her tone was so righteous that the villagers really could not stand watching any longer.

"Second Son Gu and his wife were properly married husband and wife. What stealing is there to speak of?"

One of the aunties who had attended Gu Jinchen's wedding banquet was angered to the point her face turned black. She really had never seen such a shameless girl.

"What do you mean no stealing? If not for her interfering, Gu Jinchen would have married me long ago!" Speaking to this point, a hint of bashfulness appeared on Qian Momo's face.

She had provided such a large dowry. And she herself was a lucky-buttocked girl who could give birth to many children for him. She had even agreed to let Gu Jinchen raise those two inauspicious wild seeds.

The Gu family was so poor and Gu Jinchen had such difficulty finding a wife. No matter how one looked at it, with her conditions Gu Jinchen would have had no reason to reject her.

If not for this cheap hussy wedging her way in, they would have long been married already!

"Shameless girl. Would Second Son Gu even look your way?" Hearing this, the auntie rolled her eyes and spoke bluntly.

Without comparison there would be no harm done. With Luo Ge standing next to her, no matter how one looked at it Qian Momo was just hard on the eyes.

"Old lady, what do you mean!"

Qian Momo's face froze. She had hated it the most when someone commented on her looks ever since she was little. Due to her parents, no one from Qian Family Village dared say that to her.

Now that someone was saying this in front of so many people, her expression turned extremely unpleasant instantly. Taking advantage of her physique, she shoved away the people blocking her way and pushed that auntie.

Now she had provoked public outrage. Pushing and bullying people repeatedly was really intolerable.

"I'm telling the truth and you still can't accept it? You even dare to push me? I, Ma Feng, don't eat vegetarian food!"

That auntie was also caught off guard by the push. When she came to her senses, she yelled and lunged at Qian Momo.

Other aunties who were shoved away also took the opportunity to join the fight. Wang Sister-In-Law was itching for action while Luo Ge was completely dumbfounded.

Li Zhaodi, who had brought Qian Momo over, watched the scene and was on the verge of tears.

She had to say, Luo Ge really admired Qian Momo's courage to be so arrogant and take on many people alone in someone else's village.

"Li Zhaodi, why are you standing there blankly? Can't you help?" Before Li Zhaodi could cry, Qian Momo shouted from the side.

With her physique, she had the advantage at the beginning, but she soon started to suffer losses when outnumbered.

These aunties who were used to farm work were quite strong. Each grab and pinch was enough to make Qian Momo hurt.

Very well, this shout made it clear that Li Zhaodi was on the same side as Qian Momo.

Everyone was smart enough to know in a flash of thought that an outsider like Qian Momo would not randomly come to the village, and must have been brought here by someone.

Hearing Qian Momo's yell, they instantly understood that it was Li Zhaodi who had brought her.

Li Zhaodi really cried now, looking at everyone with tears streaming down her face. She didn't dare to go up and help, and had to endure Qian Momo's scolding.

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