Chapter 44

Late at night.

The candle flame flickered out.

Jiang Mianmian's eyes widened, unable to sleep.

There's no way around it, a baby's sleep schedule is just like this, sudden.

Sleep when you want, wake when you want.

She tossed and turned in bed.

She felt the bed was enormous, rolling over was her mother's embrace, rolling back was her father's chest, how nice.

Her parents were both a bit tired, but she was still wide awake.

After rolling for a while, she was finally held down by her mother, tucked in tightly.

"Be good, your dad has to work tomorrow, let's sleep, okay?"

Her mother sang her a lullaby.

In the darkness, an unknown melody drifted.

Jiang Mianmian thought, perhaps this was a lullaby her mother's mother sang to her.

She listened attentively.

"Fishy~ silly cat~ chubby~~ fishy~ silly cat~ chubby~~... feather~~ you~~ when~~ will~~ you~~ return~~"

Jiang Mianmian seemed to understand a little, it wasn't about fish, silly cat, chubby, but about feather, when will you return.

Like someone calling out in the wilderness, heartbreaking yet gentle and melodious.

She thought her mother's mother's lullaby was too melancholic, and there was even an accent, chubby and return, don't have the same pronunciation...

But as she listened, she also grew drowsy.

Her mother's voice made her feel at ease.

In a daze, she heard her mother ask her father, "Where is that crooked old house from?"

Her father replied, "He County, go to sleep."

Her father's hand also reached over.

Falling into sweet darkness.


"Auntie oh!"

"Auntie oh!"

The rooster crowed, waking the soundly sleeping Jiang Mianmian.

Surprisingly, her parents weren't beside her.

When she woke up, she was still a bit dazed, a bit clueless.

Should she drink milk first or pee first...

Forget it, cry first.


She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Then her older brother came in.

He picked her up in his arms.

"Don't cry, don't cry, big brother is here, big brother is here."

Jiang Feng rocked his little sister gently.

He rushed in as soon as he heard his sister crying.

Jiang Mianmian stopped crying when she fell into her brother's embrace.

Originally, she cried to announce to the world, I'm awake, come attend to me.

Now that she stopped crying, her older brother actually put her back on the bed, and then...

Her older brother touched her from head to toe~!!!

Her older brother is a pervert!!

Jiang Mianmian really felt like she was a robotic doll, her older brother was checking if all her parts were okay.

Jiang Feng carefully checked his little sister, found everything was fine, his sister was very lively, and there were no traces of poisoning, then he helped his sister put on her clothes again.

Outside the room, their mother's voice came, "Carry the child, why so slow."

"Coming, coming right away." Jiang Feng replied.

Jiang Feng's arm swelled up from yesterday's beating, it felt like it was broken, but he could endure it, and didn't dare to make a sound, afraid his parents would worry.

He applied the medicine himself.

Jiang Feng's father insisted he learn, but in reality, he couldn't stand seeing his father act subservient in front of others. His father, in his opinion, shouldn't be like that.

His father was constantly ridiculed, labeled a bookworm with no future. They mockingly called him "Second Fool" behind his back.

"Second Fool."

That's how they referred to his father.

Publicly, they addressed him as Mr. Jiang, dripping with sarcasm.

While he understood social dynamics, he couldn't bear to see these dynamics play out on his father.

He always believed his father was the best, deserving of the best.

Reluctant to work alongside his father, he secretly made efforts to learn what his father taught him.

Jiang Feng had some knowledge of medicine.

Aware that his recent injury was severe – the wife of a peddler had struck his arm with great force, making him hear what seemed like bones breaking.

Yet, to his surprise, after a night of wild vegetable and meat soup and some rest, his arm felt healed, bones seemingly rejoined. Now, carrying his sister was effortless, as if the swelling had vanished.

He became increasingly convinced that he had experienced death, those visions were real, and he crawled out of hell.

His body was different now.

Stronger, recovering rapidly; perhaps, he wasn't quite human anymore, maybe a vengeful ghost cloaked in human skin.

Yet, even so, he felt content.

Regardless of being human or ghost, as long as he could protect his family.

He quickly checked on his sister, worried about her well-being.

Seeing her helplessly staring at him, Jiang Feng couldn't help but chuckle.

He affectionately kissed her soft head.

Jiang Mianmian looked up at the sky in resignation.

Her older brother enjoyed kissing her head.

Her older sister liked kissing her belly.

Mother liked kissing her face.

Father... liked kissing her little feet.

Ah, the busy center of the universe is me.

A new day begins.

Father has already gone to work.

Jiang Mianmian had her milk, diaper changed, and was now sunbathing her little bottom in a wooden basin.

Jiang Yu had been crying half the night; she was actually quite energetic now.

But Mother thought she was weak and served her a thick, meaty wild vegetable porridge.

She was overjoyed.

Suddenly, she understood a new skill – by feigning illness slightly, she could get extra delicious food.

Holding her own bowl of porridge, she delicately savored it all morning, reluctant to finish in one go. Each spoonful felt like ice, licking it slowly.

Jiang Mianmian watched her sister, feeling like her sister was asking for a scolding.

Exuding an air of "Mother, come and scold me, Mother, hurry and scold me."

Suddenly, voices came from below the mountain.

Jiang Mianmian saw her sister gulp down the remaining half-bowl of porridge in one go, like a voracious eater.

In an instant, the bowl was empty, licked clean.

The empty bowl was placed on a stone pedestal.

Jiang Mianmian also heard the voices and suddenly realized the embarrassment; she was sunbathing her bottom and couldn't be surrounded.

Wasting the effort she put into posing since early morning, with a "plop," she successfully lay down.

Thankfully, Qin Luoxia was quick to act, realizing her embarrassment and helping her put on clothes.

"Mrs. Luoxia, Mrs. Luoxia!"

A familiar sharp voice echoed.

The visitor was Cui's Mother.

Cui's Mother was carrying a basket with wild vegetables, six eggs, and a piece of red cloth.

Qin Luoxia came out when she heard the voice, warmly greeting the visitor, "Why did you come, Auntie?"

Cui's Mother handed the basket to Qin Luoxia, saying, "Sister-in-law, thanks to your brother Feng, this is a token of our gratitude. My husband insisted I bring it."

Qin Luoxia quickly refused, "No need, no need. We're all from the same village, everyone would do the same."

But Cui's Mother insisted.

Glancing at Jiang Yu sitting on a small stool nearby, energetic and lively, seeing the bowl in front of her, she knew the little girl must have finished her meal upon seeing her arrival, unlike Cui at home who wasn't as energetic, still asleep after a whole night.

She asked, "Is Yu doing well? Her face looks pale, must have been frightened."

"Oh yes, she was restless all night, must have suffered. Is Cui doing well at home?" Qin Luoxia inquired.

Cui's Mother bragged habitually, "Cui's fine, didn't suffer like Yu did. She said she felt something was off about the water the peddler gave, didn't drink much. But your Yu couldn't resist, drank it all, suffered, didn't she?"

Jiang Yu: ... But Cui drank it all too...

After speaking, Cui's Mother felt her words weren't appropriate, after all, she was here to thank them.

But she couldn't help it, her mouth was like that, often offending people.

Her husband called for her, so she hurriedly left the basket and ran off.

"I'm going back, sister-in-law, use these to nourish Feng's body, bye." Cui's Mother yelled loudly as she left.

Jiang Mianmian looked at the wild vegetables, eggs, and red cloth in the basket, feeling strangely like the old lady wasn't so bad after all.

Egg soup smells delicious~

So Jiang Mianmian was defeated by an egg soup and fell asleep...

Qin Luoxia packed up neatly, carrying the basket, and headed back into the mountains.

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