Chapter 86 Exclusive actions of big brother

Xian Yu stepped on the water with bare feet, and picked up the bamboo cage that had been put into the water.

He narrowed his eyes and looked inside.

"Really! Looks like we can have fish tonight."

Although Xian Yu followed her sister's advice, she didn't have much hope. She just followed her sister when she was happy, but she didn't expect her sister to be very capable.

The four bamboo cages caught a total of ten fish, and even aquatic creatures such as loaches, which was really good. With the addition of rabbits, not only did they have food for tonight, but they also had food for tomorrow.

"Let's go, let's go into the jungle." Xiao Yu waved towards everyone and packed up his things. Almost all the equipment was on the three boys, but the three girls didn't have that much in their hands.

Nan Qiao is smaller, so naturally he has nothing to carry, only his black backpack.

"The most urgent thing is that we need to find a suitable place as our base tonight." After Xian Yu glanced, they had already entered the jungle and walked for more than half an hour, but there was still no hope.

After entering the island, the trees here are dense and the light is blocked. This situation is not good for everyone.

And there are sundries all over the place, there is no trace of strangers walking by, and the program team has never been here.

Temporarily found a rest at the foot of a big tree, and everyone sat and drank some water.

"Let's act separately. It's too restrictive for everyone to be together. Mark along the way. After two hours, no matter whether you find it or not, everyone must return to your own assembly."

Nan Qiao was sweating on his forehead, looking at the time on his watch and talking to everyone.

It will be noon in two hours. At that time, no matter whether you find your way or not, you have to come back for lunch.

"Succeed, let's divide into three teams, and everyone will take care of each other." Emperor Xiao also agreed, and arranged for everyone to assign team members.

Just glanced at the personnel relationship, and suddenly felt a little headache.

Needless to say, Xian Yu is always clinging to Nan Qiao. If he is separated from Nan Qiao, it will probably be desperate.

The remaining two girls must be separated. A team must have at least one boy, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with any danger, but these two girls...

The most troublesome person is Liao Xiaotian.

"Let me be in a group with Liao Xiaotian, can Xiaotian do it?" Liu Fang took the initiative to stand up and asked Liao Xiaotian with a gentle smile.

"Yes, yes." Liao Xiaotian hurriedly replied, feeling relieved.

Liu Fang smiled at everyone, this could be regarded as her repayment to the little girl.

If everyone is at such a stalemate, and no one wants to form a team with Liao Xiaotian, then Nan Qiao and Xian Yu will definitely be forced to separate.

What is it like to separate brothers and sisters?

"Then it's decided, let's go."

Nan Qiao and Xian Yu took the road on the right, and went straight along this road. Xian Yu used her tall body to shield Nan Qiao from all the branches and dew in front.

It will be much easier for Nan Qiao to go to the place he has walked.

"Sister, be careful, there are thorns here."

Xian Yu accidentally got stabbed while grabbing the thorn, but he didn't make a sound, just changed his position to grab the thorn, and broke the thorn after his sister passed by.

Xian Yu was walking in front and suddenly her sister grabbed her clothes behind her.

"What's wrong?"

"I found the way. Look here. Although the grass is still densely grown, it is obvious that someone has stepped on it. The leaves are broken and the grass is also bent. Judging from this situation, there should be more than one person passing by, maybe We can find good places along this road."

Nan Qiao stroked his chin and thought about it. He didn't know what he thought of. His big smart eyes blinked, a little playful.

Xian Yu was hinted by Nan Qiao, and also understood what Nan Qiao was thinking. He hooked his index finger and gently scratched the bridge of Nan Qiao's nose.


Nan Qiao immediately covered his nose and avoided it.

"No, no, this is Big Brother's exclusive action." This is on the show! If the eldest brother sees it and goes home, he will definitely be educated.

No no no!

Xian Yu suddenly looked like a lion cub with fried fur.

"What is the exclusive action of the big brother, you come here for me, I will shave the bridge of your nose today."

"Daba!" Nan Qiao ran away quickly, and Xian Yu chased after him.

On the 28th floor of Shengjing Building, at the high-level meeting, everyone couldn't understand why the president was in a meeting but put his mobile phone aside as if he was looking at something.

Assistant Wang Tao saw that the president was fascinated, he coughed lightly to remind him.

The president is really too, actually staring at Missy's live broadcast all the time, even reluctant to let go of the meeting. So many people are watching.

Seeing Nan Qiao dodging Xian Yu's movement of scratching the bridge of her nose, the corners of Murong Chen's mouth curled up slightly, feeling happy.

It's hard for her to remember herself.

"President, Director Fang is still waiting for your answer." Wang Tao reminded in a low voice.

"If the plan is not approved, we will change it."

Murong Chen's words were fixed, "The meeting is over."

After finishing speaking, he took his mobile phone and looked at it while going back to the office.

"Old Fang, are you burning incense behind my back? The CEO is not angry today?"

The senior executives of the same company patted Director Fang on the shoulder. In the past, if the plan was not approved, the president would usually be furious, but now it is just a sentence and it is over.

This Nima is too lucky, this dog is definitely carrying the high incense that I don't know how much I burned.

"No, no, no... I don't know why the president is so easy to talk about today. It should be because he is in a good mood?" Director Fang was still in shock. With lingering fear, he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

When the president didn't answer just now, he thought he was screwed and would be scolded again today. Who knew that the president just asked him to change the plan today.

Murong Chen saw the girl with a lively smile on the phone, she was so sensible and caring, but Xian Yu didn't seem to take good care of her, she ran casually, obviously her injuries were just right, how could she run?

"Wang Tao, make some arrangements. I will be a flying guest in "Survival" in the next issue."

Wang Tao:? ? ?


President, are you joking?

Is this the sister control? !

"Okay President." Wang Tao's heart was full of turmoil, but his face was still as calm as before.

On the side of Survival Notes, Nan Qiao and Xian Yu saw that the traces of the grass being trampled became more obvious within a short time. The siblings looked at each other, and they became more and more sure that there must be someone in this place.

Sure enough, following the trampled grass, I saw a ruined temple in a short while. Although it was very broken, Nan Qiao felt that it was a good place to shelter from the wind and rain. I should be able to spend tonight here, but...

The stampede marks, this place is probably not simple.

The small ruined temple looks like a big tree hole, because there is a big tree above the head, all the old red cloths are hung on the tree, and the outer walls of the house are covered with moss.

But there are only moss on the two sides of the entry steps, but not in the middle.

It can be seen that there must be someone inside.

Xian Yu glanced at the photographer behind him, "Isn't this your transfer station? Is the director inside?"

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