Chapter 523 Parody

Different from the joyful atmosphere of the other two groups, Xian Yu and Chu Ruobai are walking together now, one is talking to himself to enliven the atmosphere, while the other has a sullen face and keeps silent.

Chu Ruobai is not easy to make people unhappy and angry, so he knows how to focus on finding things.

In this way, she really found five boards, which is not a small gain. For their group, she was very happy for a while.

"Brother Xianyu! Look, we got another five yuan!" Chu Ruobai was happy, stopped talking, and changed his name.

She admitted that she did this on purpose, anyway, it was when she was happy, even if Xian Yu really wanted to care about it, she said that she was too happy just now, so she made a mistake.

Advance can attack, retreat or defend, and Chu Ruobai is not unaware that every time Murong Qiao calls his brother, Xian Yu is very happy.

Ke Xianyu stopped, and took a deep look at Chu Ruobai.

This scene was not recorded in the camera by the follower. At this moment, the picture in the live broadcast room is still in the rural scenery that the follower looks to the side.

After all, the main focus of the show is the real experience of going to the countryside, so in addition to filming the guests, the follow-up PD will occasionally take pictures of the surrounding scenery.

It was also at this time that Xian Yu took the initiative to look back at Chu Ruobai, but the gaze could not be said to be happy or something, it only made Chu Ruobai, who was being targeted, feel a chill coming from his back, so cold that his bones lost his body heat.

"Don't call me that." Xian Yu spoke slowly, warning her in a low voice with only two voices.

He had already turned off the microphone on the neckline just now, and Xian Yu didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for recording the program, including the live broadcast.

Brother can only be called by Murong Qiao.

So this kind of nickname came out of Chu Ruobai's mouth, directly stepping on Xianyu's ultimate minefield.

He stared at Chu Ruobai's gradually pale face, "It also saves your poor imitation, it's really disgusting."

Xian Yu, who is very familiar with his sister, doesn't need to pay much attention to see that Chu Ruobai will imitate Murong Qiao's actions from time to time.

Chu Ruobai's mind was pierced, and he stood stiffly in place, suddenly not knowing what to say.

She intentionally yelled names, not only did not have the effect she wanted, but the situation seemed to be the opposite, which aggravated Xian Yu's dislike for her...

Fortunately, there should be no problems in front of the camera.

Chu Ruobai couldn't help but be thankful that he had turned off the microphone at his neckline just now, so the people in the live broadcast room didn't hear these words.

When the follow-up PD turns the camera back to the two, the atmosphere between Chu Ruobai and Xian Yu is obviously cut off by something invisible, and the two of them look cold when they come together.

Xian Yu was too lazy to communicate with Chu Ruobai, so he found a random direction to find the board.

Or go to find his sister is also good, Xian Yu then took a few pink boards, not intending to win the game at all.

For Murong Qiao's pampering, no matter whether it is Nan Jin or Xian Yu, they are not too shy.

Murong Qiao is ignorant of Xian Yu's desire to win the competition.

She is walking on a country road at the moment, she can be said to have sharp eyes, and she has found many boards along the way.

Whether it is from your own group or another group, hold them all in your hands first, and you may come in handy at any time.

Just thinking about this, Murong Qiao saw Qin Huan and Sannas from a distance.

There are very few roads around here, and it happened that the two groups took the same road, the one facing each other, which also made Murong Qiao discover their existence the moment Murong Qiao looked over.

"It's fate." Qin Huan sighed with a smile and waved his hand.

Lu Qizhi responded with great interest, "More than that! Such a big village can walk together!"

"I'm more interested in the board in your hand." Murong Qiao's keen eyes fell on the foam board in Qin Huan's hand.

A few of the pink ones are particularly conspicuous, and it is almost noticeable at first glance when they are mixed in.

Sannas stood beside Qin Huan and snorted. "Then we exchange?"

"You can't just want us to give it to you for nothing, right?" He added another sentence before he left.

This sentence made Lu Qizhi just want to say it, but he blocked it again if he wanted to go whoring for nothing.

—White prostitution failed.jpg

—Should I say that he is indeed Lu Qizhi's boss? Before Lu Qizhi even opened his mouth, he already knew what he was thinking hhh

—Sure enough, I knew that the link of finding things is not that simple! The chief director must have anticipated this!

"One for one?" Qin Huan raised his eyebrows.

He obviously also saw that Nan Jin had a lot of green boards in his hand, thinking about it.

Murong Qiao raised the price directly, "One for two."

"Why don't you go grab it?" Ran Heng laughed angrily beside him.

Now it seems like a profiteer.

Although Ran Heng really likes to do it when he is in the mall, but now is the time for his group to be "slaughtered".

Murong Qiao spread his hands, "It's fine if you don't change."

Anyway, they have already found a lot, and winning this round should be a stable situation.

As soon as these words were spoken, Qin Huan and his team became a lot more passive.

"Learn from the bad and don't learn from the good, you are as black-hearted as the chief director." Sannas squinted his eyes, obviously very upset.

But he also knew that what Murong Qiao said was right, but it was precisely because of this that the unhappiness in his heart was aggravated.

"Half a stranger, acquaintances are a grand slam." Murong Qiao nodded as a matter of course.

But it was obvious that he was talking deceitful words, but this kind of Murong Qiao was not very likely to make people feel disgusted.

Because the pit also stated a condition aboveboard, whether to change or not is their own business.

"Just change it, it's useless to us anyway." Qin Huan nodded indulgently.

Perhaps it was because of Xian Yu, and Qin Huan also had some connections with Murong's family, so he seemed to take care of and make concessions to Murong Qiao. After all, Xian Yu was a cousin, so Murong Qiao also treated him as a cousin. Can't fault it.

The transaction between the two parties was pleasant. After checking the collection quantity, Murong Qiao and the three returned directly to the meeting place.

"Come back so soon?" The chief director looked at the three of them in surprise.

There are a total of 50 boards hidden in each group, and the whole village is so scattered. According to the time of the previous test, it should take a long time to find it.

Murong Qiao shook his head, "I found forty-seven yuan, and the total number is only fifty."

It took a lot of time to find the last three yuan, and it might still be the three yuan that has already fallen into the hands of other groups. It is not worthwhile to think about it.

"If you can't find it after searching for a long time, you may not even have lunch when you come back, and you will start the next session."

When Murong Qiao said this, he looked at the chief director, and he just captured the guilt of the other party's serious past.

The chief director didn't expect that Murong Qiao could figure out his little plan, and the smile on his face became a lot more embarrassing.

He really wanted to let the guests go to the second round without stopping. It would definitely be more interesting to bring out some delicious food and "seduce" them in the game.

As a result, before this idea could be implemented, Murong Qiao pointed it out while lying in the plan.

"Eat, eat, the program team didn't say they won't let you eat." The chief director smiled, mmp in his heart.

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