After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine Chapter 74

Luckily, Jiang Suizhou was also not very fond of that book. Since Huo Wujiu didn’t want to read it, he didn’t press on the matter.

The second day, Li Changning felt like Huo Wujiu looked a little better than two days ago.

His complexion was still pale, but it wasn’t as obvious as two days ago. Seeing him coming into the room, he lightly nodded at him.

Li Changning only thought it was because of the medical treatment process; it was normal for a patient’s condition to inevitably fluctuate.

He smiled as he said, “General Ye looks great today, did the treatment two days ago have some effect?”

Huo Wujiu didn’t feel any particular effects, but still gave a flattering light nod.

Li Changning was delighted.

When the treatment was done for today, Li Changning cleared away the medical kit, but as he was prepared to leave, Huo Wujiu raised his hand, calling Wei Kai to come.

“General?” Wei Kai hurriedly went to him.

He then heard Huo Wujiu say, “There’s something you need to do.”

Wei Kai revealed a surprised expression. “General, please speak!”

He knew he and the General were in the enemy camp now, so even if they had a plan, they had to quietly wait for an opportunity. At this moment, besides having done his best to find a way to cure the General’s legs, he couldn’t do anything else.

But he never had the chance to lay down his life for the General yet, causing him to be extremely eager.

Hearing Huo Wujiu say this, Wei Kai’s eyes gleamed with light.

Then, he heard Huo Wujiu say, “Our men in the city are currently idle, right?”

Wei Kai vigorously nodded.

“Without General’s order, no one dares to act rashly. This subordinate has arranged for them to hide in the inner city of Lin’an. If General has any instructions, this subordinate will immediately get in touch with them.”

Huo Wujiu gave a sound of understanding.

“Then, these few days, think of a way to give Pang Shao some trouble.”

Wei Kai was dazed for a moment.

This…it’s fine if General doesn’t give orders, but once he does, is it this exciting?

Wei Kai stared blankly at Huo Wujiu, and for a moment he forgot to respond.

He then saw Huo Wujiu lift his eyes, glancing nonchalantly at him.

“Not asking you to assassinate him.” Huo Wujiu’s face betrayed a subtle look of dislike.

Wei Kai blinked, then stammered, “Then…what does General mean by finding trouble…what kind of trouble?”

Huo Wujiu shifted his gaze and nonchalantly ordered.

“He has many errands for Jiang Shunheng, right? Make him screw up one or two times. If it’s significant, stir up trouble in front of Jiang Shunheng.”

Wei Kai fixedly stared while nodding.

Huo Wujiu lightly said, “Go.”

Wei Kai then retreated out with Li Changning.

Huo Wujiu quietly looked outside.

The things he could do right now were still small, but at least he wasn’t staying idle. Since Pang Shao wanted to give trouble to Jiang Suizhou, then he could also think of some ways to give Pang Shao trouble.

Although the battlefield was big, there were some imperceptible light breezes which could decide the whole battle.

He just needed to control where the breezes blew.

Huo Wujiu impassively withdrew his gaze. He picked up a book next to the bed, and furrowed his brows as he studied it in genuine scrutinization.

It was precisely the unfathomable book which he had thrown aside and labeled as “boring” yesterday.

Lin’an rained a lot. It had not been sunny for long before it rained again for several consecutive days.

It wasn’t strange for Lin’an to rain, but this time, the rain forced everyone on tenterhooks and feeling queasy.

Because this rain had toppled the ancestral temple in the northern side of the imperial palace.

The construction of that ancestral temple had just started two months ago: it wasn’t finished yet. The rain came ferociously, destroying the imperial palace built in the recent two months into bits and pieces, practically into a pile of ruins.

This was truly a big taboo, an absolutely terrifying omen!

The tributes in the ancestral temple were all for the past emperors of Great Jing. It was the foundation of the imperial court, and was a place more important than the palace itself. Because Great Jing moved to the south, the Emperor harbored great aspirations, specially constructing the ancestral temple to face the north with its back to the south. This was to let the great ancestors oversee what was gained and lost, pointing to Ye City.

In the end, Ye City still had not recovered. Yet, this ancestral temple collapsed.

For a while, the rumors among the people caused a tremendous clamor until it couldn’t be suppressed. Everyone said, Great Jing might perish. Even the children all around the city had composed a nursery rhyme about the perishment of Jing and the rising of Liang.

The Hou Zhu flew into a rage, and the court was in a chaotic mess.

Jingwang Manor, on the other hand, remained tranquil unlike the outside.

After the acupuncture session today, Huo Wujiu’s legs could already move slightly.

The range of movement was very small, almost negligible, but because the wound had not healed, it was less easy to move. To him, however, it proved the effects of Li Changning’s medication. For a while, the few people in the room held their breaths with rapt attention, jubilant.

Only Huo Wujiu on the bed had an indifferent expression.

He tried to move his legs as he said with an impassive voice, “That ancestral temple incident, you did it?”

Wei Kai mischievously laughed. “That’s right! Didn’t General say to stir up trouble for Pang Shao until it reaches the dog* emperor? Our men in the city had discreetly probed for information, and found that the construction of the ancestral temple is Pang Shao’s biggest project! This subordinate was a bit unsure at first, but the leader in charge of those men is clever, and guaranteed that it will succeed!”

*expression of cursing, like damned

Huo Wujiu raised his eyes to look at him, the corners of his eyebrows and eyes forming a smiling expression. He commended, “You’ve got guts.”

Wei Kai knew his General normally looked down on the masses, it was rare to see him smiling. With such an expression, it meant he was extremely pleased with their work.

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