Chapter 118: How can I speak when you’re blocking my mouth?

“Have you seen enough?”

Although her puerile voice sounded as sweet as honey, it carried a coldness which stood in contrast to her apparent age and a trace of impatience. This roused up the third troll brother, whose mind had wandered off elsewhere.

The third troll brother shook his large head. The area that causes one’s mind to stray – The absolute territory between her skirt and white stockings – seemed as if it was infused with magic, causing him to uncontrollably direct his gaze towards it time after time.

“Bats, demon wings… So you’re a vampire? Was that just a diversion earlier?”

The troll third brother looked at the silver-haired girl levitating over the canal with amazement. Underneath, on the river’s surface, the beautiful, silver mirror image of a woman was reflected.

“Yoo, you’re quite the looker! Speaking of which, your daddy still hasn’t experienced the taste of a vampire girl. How about it?? Do you want to find out what a genuine sturdy body is? Hahaha…” The third troll brother let out loud a hearty laugh filled with lust.

With a wave of her hand, Bai Ji caused some of the small bats around her body to split off from the swarm and directly assault the third troll brother on the stone bridge.

[Crushing Class – Bats of the Dark Night]

The third troll brother’s lion-like eyes narrowed. With light orange [magic] covering the surface of his club’s spikes, he abruptly swung it, causing whistling wind noises to resound around the room.


[Destructive Class – Rock Piercer]

“Whoosh!” Every single one of the small bats was intercepted by his attack and gave rise to a succession of bean-sized explosions. The smoke emitted by the explosions covered and obscured the entire bridge.

“Oh my, little sis. Your temperament is quite spicy. But don’t worry, your daddy loves this type of girl! Hehehe…” However, the third troll brother wasn’t able to laugh much longer as in the next moment, he suddenly felt something tearing at his arms and incessantly pulling him upwards.

“? What sort of cursed thing is this?!” With the area around him still covered by black smoke, he was completely incapable of seeing what had exactly happened, even though he could vaguely sense that his body had risen up from the surface and into the air.

The third troll brother wanted to break free, but discovered that he had lost control of his own body for some time; It was as if his entire body had fallen into paralysis.

“Flutter…” The sound of flapping wings reverberated throughout the surroundings.

The thickness of the smoke gradually became thinner and thinner as he was pulled up to a certain height from the ground.

The third troll brother took a second look and finally made out what exactly was pulling on his arms.

It was some small scarlet bats that had pierced their fangs into his flesh. Flapping their wings as hard as they could, they were carrying their target towards the direction of their owner.

He was then transported by the scarlet bats and brought before Bai Ji. As he looked at her cold, apathetic face, he felt an indescribable sense of fear.

“You… What sort of strange move is this!? Damn it, you contemptible shrew, hurry up and let me down!” Shouted the third troll brother furiously. Even the privilege of struggling had been taken away from him; His body was like a block of lead that was incapable of movement.

“As you wish.” Bai Ji extended her tender finger and drew a circle in the air.

The small scarlet bats tacitly understood. After swinging the third troll brother to and fro in the air, they threw him down in one fell swoop.


“Boom!” His massive body heavily smashed against the stony surface of the bridge, causing several cracks to appear on the spell formation engraved there.

In a daze after the fall, the third troll brother grimaced in pain and laid on his stomach.

“You despicable wh❌re… Just wait! After I’ve caught you, your daddy is going to press you to the ground and make you wish you’d rather be dead! I’d like to see where you’re going to run now that the smoke has scattered??’

The third troll brother picked up his spiked club, only to discover that the beautiful figure in the air had disappeared.

Suddenly his hair stood up and he covered his back with his club as fast as he could.

A scarlet red whip fluttered like the waistband of a skirt.

“Clank! Crack!” The spiked club that had been crafted with the trolls’ workmanship was instantly split into two halves.

Bai Ji received the [Soul Devourer] that the scarlet small bats were carrying with their mouths. With her unrestrained hair floating around in the wind, she slowly walked towards the third troll brother.

“Damn it…” Having lost his weapon, the third troll brother clenched his fist in hatred. Dark green slurry gushed outwards from his lungs and through his mouth; The turbid liquid, that contained congealed lumps, had an appearance that was extremely similar to that of vomit; It looked like something that would cause one to lose their appetite when they caught sight of it.

The small scarlet bats that were revolving around Bai Ji consciously formed into the shape of a shield. This scarlet shield, which was seemingly made up of tulle, intercepted the colored slurry that possessed a corrosive effect.

With his weapon lost and the only killing move he could carry out ending in failure, the third troll brother was completely at his wit’s end.

‘This wretched wh*re… Damn it! A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him. Just wait!’

Thoughts of escaping arose in the third troll brother’s mind. However, just when he had turned around and prepared to escape, his body turned sluggish. As if a boulder was pushing down on his body, his knees unconsciously gave way and caused him to kneel.

“…? What??” The third troll brother couldn’t understand what this power exactly was. At this moment, an ineffable sense of fear began to arise in his heart.

“You… You physically stunted wh❌re with no chest. What did you do to me?”

The third troll brother wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating, but he seemed to witness the complexion of the cold-faced, silver-haired girl approaching him suddenly darkened momentarily when those words left his mouth.


The pressure that the third troll brother was under suddenly increased dramatically. It felt unstoppable, like flooding water breaking through a collapsing dam.

He could only lay on his stomach on the ground. Like a fish on the chopping board, it was of no use no matter how hard he struggled.

“Wahhh! Dang it… Impossible! How could this happen?! I, umph-…”

“Noisy!” A small leather shoe adorned with a pair of bat wings blocked the troll’s mouth.

“Disgusting vile creature! Do you think I’m willing to waste my breath on you?! You should feel grateful that this young missy here is willing to waste her precious words on your sorry ass!” Bai Ji stepped on the third troll brother’s face and incessantly twisted her foot with an expression filled with disgust.

“Uggm…” The third troll brother mumbled something incoherently to himself. With his mouth blocked, it was completely impossible to make sense of what exactly he was trying to say.

Suddenly, he felt a chilly sensation at his neck. A massive white scythe had been horizontally placed across it – mere inches away from his skin.

“Speak, how did you all enter the underground sewers of the Border Town? Who let you in here?” Bai Ji’s bone-chilling cold voice caused the third troll brother to stop his struggles.

“Oh dear~ You don’t want to say it?” Bai Ji formed a sweet smile.

“Swish!” The sound of a blade cutting through flesh resounded.

The well-trained skin and flesh of the troll were easily penetrated by the bone scythe. Following the splattering of blood, a sturdy arm fell off from the stone bridge and caused a plopping splash of water.

“Uughhhhh?!” The third troll brother’s body shuddered as a bone-nibbling pain invaded his brain, causing his body to go through a series of convulsions. Where his arm and shoulder had been connected, now only was a palm-sized broken hole that was incessantly bleeding.

“You’re sure stubborn, aren’t you? Are you still unwilling to tell me? Looks like I have no choice~ I can only pleasure big brother until he wishes that he’s dead~”

“Swish!” Another arm flew outward.

“Ughhhh…!” The eyes of the third troll brother rolled in their sockets as the spittle in his mouth churned incessantly.

”Tch… How filthy. Just my shoes alone are more valuable than your entire being, you know that?” Repulsed, Bai Ji shifted her legs aside and took out a silk handkerchief to wipe her shoes’ soles.

“…How can I talk when you’re blocking my mouth!!”

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