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Chapter 16

"Doctor Sun, please don't reject it hastily. These granular medicines were all prepared by my father according to the prescriptions. They may look a bit strange, but they are very effective," said Qi Huan as she handed the instruction manual to Doctor Sun. "Look, it specifies what symptoms to use them for and the dosages."

"My father once said: 'As a physician, one must cultivate great compassion and rescue all beings from suffering.' Right now, there is a shortage of medicines in Mo County. Before the merchant caravans bring back new medicinal herbs, you can wait, but some patients cannot. I hope you will reconsider, Doctor Sun."

After saying that, she sneaked a glance at Doctor Sun's expression. His previously furrowed brow was slowly relaxing.

Doctor Sun stroked his beard, carefully studied the instruction manual, and found nothing amiss. He then asked her deliberately, "Little girl, may I ask your honorable father's name?"

"Qi Yue."

"Ah, so you are Doctor Qi's daughter! I've only heard of Doctor Qi's extraordinary skill in acupuncture, but I didn't expect him to also have great achievements in pharmacy. Since these medicines are from Doctor Qi's hands, I shall accept them for now and study them further."

In fact, if it weren't for the severe lack of medicine and doctors in Mo County, he would not have rashly accepted her medicines.

But something was better than nothing.

He also hoped that the patients in Mo County could take the medicines promptly and receive treatment.

In the past few days, he had been praying to the Buddha every day, hoping that the merchant caravans would bring back medicinal herbs soon.

As a result, little Qi came with a basket of medicines...

This must be the will of Heaven.

Doctor Sun sighed lightly and secretly resolved to burn more incense for the Buddha when he returned!

He prayed that the Buddha would bless these medicines to be effective!

Considering that he could not take the medicines from the little girl for free, Doctor Sun motioned for the attendant to bring the money chest. He took out ten taels of silver and handed them to Qi Huan, "Miss Qi, this is the medicine fee. Please accept it."

After a moment of hesitation, Qi Huan did not immediately accept the money. "Doctor Sun, there is something I would like to discuss with you."

"Oh? Please speak."

"Many of the people coming to buy medicines are not very well-off. I will sell the medicines to you at a 20% discount, and you can resell them at a slightly lower price to help alleviate their burden a little. Is that acceptable?"

Qi Huan was quite greedy.

In addition to the silver, she also wanted merit points!

But she could not directly give away the medicines either, because while she could help one person, she could not help an entire group.

It would cause resentment if she did not distribute the aid evenly, as those not helped might wonder, "Why can't you help me?" This could lead to troubles and bring harm upon herself.

Asking Doctor Sun to sell the medicines at a discount to the poor patients was the most she could do for now.

As for other matters, she would wait until she had greater capabilities.

Doctor Sun highly approved of her kind intentions. "Miss Qi is truly noble-minded. On behalf of those impoverished patients, I thank you. Very well, I will also take a 20% profit margin to provide aid to the poor."

A few days later...

After witnessing the efficacy of the medicines, Doctor Sun found her to order another batch.

Since she voluntarily lowered the price, not only did she earn silver, but her merit points also slowly accumulated.

One afternoon, the system suddenly prompted her: "Performing a good deed +1, merit points +50!"

"System, you previously said that saving a life would grant 50 points, so does this mean I have saved another life?"

"Yes, host. Your reasoning is correct."

"That's wonderful! I don't know if it was because of the medicines I sold?"

After pondering for a moment, Qi Huan guessed, "It could also be because someone was saved by the Heimlich maneuver that I previously promoted."

"Regardless, just thinking that another person can continue living, witnessing the changing clouds, experiencing the myriad flavors of the human realm because of my help, I'm truly happy for them!"

After speaking, she calculated that her previous stock of medicines should be nearly depleted. Qi Huan requested two more boxes of medicines from the system, and after processing the packaging, she prepared to deliver them to Doctor Sun.

As she approached the medicine shop, she noticed several sleek, well-groomed horses tied to the red pillars of the porch, idly pawing at the snow with their hooves.

Before Qi Huan could enter, several armored soldiers had already brought Doctor Sun out.

They swiftly mounted their horses, with one soldier sharing a mount with Doctor Sun. They turned their horses around, raised their whips, and were about to depart.

Just then, an unexpected incident occurred in an instant.

The soldier at the rear glanced at Qi Huan, leaned down from his saddle, grabbed her by the collar of her robe, and hoisted her onto the horse as well. ๐”ฃ๐–—๐–Š๐–Š๐–œ๐”ข๐”Ÿ๐”ซ๐”ฌ๐–›๐–Š๐”ฉ.๐–ˆ๐–”๐”ช

They galloped away swiftly.

This was Qi Huan's first time riding a horse, and the experience was far less comfortable than the small electric scooters from her previous life.

All the armored soldiers seemed to be from the military.

Considering that they had also apprehended Doctor Sun, there must be an important person who had fallen ill.

However, one thing puzzled her: why did the last soldier also take her along?

She soon learned the reason.

When they arrived at an ornately constructed manor, the soldiers dismounted. Waiting servants immediately came to take the horses' reins and tie them up.

Qi Huan followed them, exchanging puzzled glances with Doctor Sun.

After passing through the courtyard and corridors, they were eventually brought before the steward.

The leading soldier reported flatly, "Commander Lu is too busy with military affairs to come himself. A messenger reported that the young lady is ill again, so he ordered us to fetch a doctor and relay this message to the madam: 'This is the seventeenth time this month that you have sent word claiming to be ill. The first sixteen times, you said you were unwell yourself, but this time, you even used Lady Yue Ming as an excuse. I don't care if it's a real illness or a fake one - if there's a problem, call for a doctor; if not, stop bothering me.'"

No one in the room expected Commander Lu's words to be so blunt, nor did they expect this soldier to relay the message verbatim without omitting a single word.

The steward looked around nervously, patting his chest in relief that Mrs. Lu had not heard it.

"The doctor has been delivered. We shall take our leave." After delivering the message, the soldier turned to depart.

Noticing that they had also brought a young girl, the steward quickly asked, "What about this girl?"

Could she be the Lord's secret illegitimate daughter from outside?

The steward's imagination ran wild, envisioning the fierce wrath of Mrs. Lu demolishing the entire household if she found out.

Fortunately, the soldier at the rear dispelled his speculation, "This is the daughter of the late Doctor Qi. Earlier on the street, I overheard her lecturing about some Heimlich maneuver that sounded quite impressive, so I brought her along as well."

Qi Huan, who had been unceremoniously brought here, couldn't help but feel aggrieved. 'So you're mighty and strong, and you casually dragged me into the Lu household.'

The key issue was that she didn't know any medical skills at all!

What if she failed to treat the patient properly? Would they vent their anger on her?

Her pessimistic thoughts seemed to tempt fate, as she followed the steward into the inner courtyard and heard the sound of shattering porcelain.

"Go check if the Lord has returned! Our daughter is delirious with fever, but where is that good-for-nothing father of hers?"

Inside the room, Mrs. Lu felt her daughter's scorching forehead and anxiously said, "You incompetent doctors, my child has been taking your medicines for two days, but her fever hasn't subsided at all!"

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