Chapter 75

An Nuan left the security office and went straight back to the great hall of the Ye Family.

The servants didn't dare gather anymore, everyone was seriously doing their own thing, they didn't even dare breathe loudly in a place where An Nuan was present.

"Which room is Qin Qin in?" An Nuan asked one of them.

"Over there, go in that direction, walk through a door, you'll see a row of houses where the servants live. Qin Qin is in the third room." The servant said hurriedly, clearly trying to curry favor with An Nuan.

An Nuan nodded slightly.

She went to Qin Qin's door and knocked.

A frightened voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

"I have something to discuss with you, open up." An Nuan said, "It's me, An Nuan."

It seemed to be silent for several seconds before responding, "Okay, just a moment."

Then, the door opened.

Qin Qin looked very emotionally stable, only her red rimmed eyes and nose showed that she had just been crying.

"May I come in?" An Nuan asked.

"Oh...yes, of course." Qin Qin was clearly a bit flustered.

An Nuan walked in.

As soon as she entered, she saw there was cat fur all over the room.

Qin Qin seemed to also notice An Nuan's gaze, and quickly explained, "Pan Mila would also often come play in my room, I just didn't expect..." 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝔴𝖊𝖇𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒

"You and Pan Mila must have had a close relationship." An Nuan said.

"Other than the young miss, I spent the most time accompanying Pan Mila."

"You must have been very sad that it died."

Qin Qin nodded, "Yes."

"By the way, how long have you been serving your young miss?"

"I've been taking care of the young miss for 8 years now."

"So for 8 years, you should understand very well what your young miss cares about most, right?"

"Of course, I know everything about the young miss."

"Then you clearly knew how important Pan Mila was to the young miss, so why didn't you take better care of it?" An Nuan interrogated.

Qin Qin was taken aback.

That moment she was stunned by the sudden oppressive aura emanating from An Nuan.

"Or could it be that you deliberately neglected to take care of Pan Mila properly?"

"No, how could I do that intentionally! I know the young miss loves Pan Mila, I used all my heart and care to look after it, even more diligently than I cared for my own younger siblings." Qin Qin hastily refuted.

"You have younger siblings?" An Nuan asked.

"Yes, my family is poor, I started working very young and it was difficult to get a job with the Ye Family as a servant. The old master and madam of the Ye Family are very kind, and generous to us servants too. I'm really grateful that I can work here."

"Does the income from working here support your family?"

"Where we live is a poor area, there's not much expense. My monthly wages are enough to support my family and cover school and living fees for my younger siblings."

"So in other words, you're very afraid of losing this job."

"I will diligently fulfill my duties and responsibilities!" Qin Qin hastily assured.

"Alright, I understand. I was just casually asking." An Nuan looked at Qin Qin, suddenly changing the topic, "By the way, who do you think is related to Pan Mila's death?"

Her tone was very mild.

As if chatting normally.

"I, I really don't know." Qin Qin was clearly somewhat panicked.

"I'm curious too. Don't they say cats have nine lives? How could it have drowned?" An Nuan murmured.

Qin Qin's eyes shifted, not even daring to say much.

"Oh right, I've heard that cats are very spiritual creatures. Even after death, their souls will return to their original owner. I wonder if that's true. If it does come back, remember to ask Pan Mila how exactly it died. If it accidentally drowned itself, then it was just unlucky. If not, you and Jingjing as Pan Mila's closest people should find out the truth and let it rest in peace."

An Nuan's seemingly careless words put Qin Qin's entire being on edge.

She said in panic, "How could there be souls, that's just nonsense..."

"I was just speaking casually." An Nuan had a very indifferent appearance. "I just came to ask about Pan Mila's relationship with your young miss, nothing else."

"Let me walk you out, young madam."

"No need."

An Nuan waved her hand and walked out.

The moment she walked out, the corners of her mouth curled into a cold smile.

She returned to the great hall and called Xiao Chun out again.

Xiao Chun was still trembling with trepidation, "Young Madam."

"Do you have your phone?" An Nuan asked.

Xiao Chun quickly took out her phone.

"Unlock it for me."

"Yes." Xiao Chun complied, also feeling quite confused.

An Nuan operated Xiao Chun's phone, while operating she asked, "Does this meowing sound similar to Pan Mila's?"

"No, not similar. Pan Mila's meows were gentler."

"How about this one?"

"Still not that similar."

"This one?"

"A bit similar, could be even gentler."

"This one?"

"Yes, this one sounds very similar!" Xiao Chun said excitedly.

"Good." An Nuan downloaded the audio.

She handed the phone back to Xiao Chun. "I'm giving you a task, don't tell anyone."

"Yes." Xiao Chun hurriedly nodded.

An Nuan relayed the details to Xiao Chun.

Xiao Chun seemed a bit hesitant.

"Just do as I said." An Nuan stated plainly.

"But doing this to Qin Qin..."

"You'll soon see whether this is good or bad for her."

Xiao Chun couldn't disobey orders, so she had no choice but to agree.

In the afternoon.

An Nuan still hadn't left.

Luckily, the Ye family members hadn't returned yet.

Even Ye Jinghuai hadn't come back.

It seemed like everyone was gathered around Ye Jingjing.

Ye Jingjing really was the treasure of their family.

No one knew yet that the true face of this "treasure" had been exposed, how...tragic it would be.

She really wasn't so merciful anymore.

Having lived another lifetime, she was very clear that being merciful to others was being cruel to herself.

She timed it accurately.

Going once more to Qin Qin's room.

She waited outside the door for a while.

After a while, Xiao Chun came out from the room.

She turned and looked at An Nuan.

An Nuan held out her hand.

Xiao Chun quickly handed her phone to An Nuan. On the phone was the audio of the cat's meow that had just been stopped.

Holding the phone, she went inside and saw Qin Qin's face ashen.

Seeing An Nuan, Qin Qin immediately put on a smile, respectfully calling out, "Young Madam looking for me?"

"I'm about to leave soon. But there are some things I want to tell Jingjing. Since Jingjing is emotionally unstable right now, I'll have to trouble you to relay it for me."

"Of course." Qin Qin hurriedly nodded.

An Nuan said, "Tell the young miss that Pan Mila's death really has nothing to do with me. And I'm also very concerned for her health, hoping she can get over this shadow soon."

As An Nuan spoke, she took out her phone in her pocket and played the cat meowing audio.

Qin Qin's expression clearly changed.

But An Nuan maintained her composure as she continued, "When she's better, I'll accompany her to pick out another cute cat, just like Pan Mila to keep her company...Qin Qin?"

Qin Qin suddenly snapped back to attention.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qin Qin hurriedly replied, terror evident on her face that moment. "Did you hear any sounds?"

"What sounds?" An Nuan asked in surprise.

"Nothing, nothing." Qin Qin hurriedly shook her head.

Shaking madly.

An Nuan watched Qin Qin's behavior closely.

A guilty conscience will make one panic!

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