After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 57: Big Wedding (15) Ceremony: My Last Name Your First Name

Chapter 57

An Nuan finally finished the expensive little sweet that made her teeth ache with every bite. She had to admit, after being busy all morning and hardly eating anything at lunch, this dessert was saving her life right now in the evening.

Just like An Nuan, An Wen had also not eaten much all day. She wasn't usually one for sweets, but still licked her plate clean.

After they finished eating, the staff touched up their lipstick again.

Then, they left the makeup room and went to the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was magnificent. In stark contrast to the chapel Gu Yan Sheng had prepared, Ye Jinghuai had given her an imperial palace, filled with antique decorations of grandeur and splendor. Red carpet, red ribbons, red chandeliers, and even exquisite ancient sculptures gave off a feeling of magnificence and majesty.

Compared to the Western-style wedding Gu Yan Sheng had arranged...there really was no comparison.

At this moment, An Wen was led to a more secluded corner without any lighting. The coming and going guests didn't even notice her, likely intentionally keeping the surprise for the end.

"The auspicious time is here!" A strong, sonorous male voice suddenly rang out in the hall.

An Nuan didn't know why, but her heart suddenly started racing faster in that moment.

At noon, at her wedding with Gu Yan Sheng, her heart had been calm as still water, without a single ripple. Now, it should have been the same, but the surging tides had begun.


When she saw Ye Jinghuai suddenly lit up by a spotlight at the end of the red carpet, then appearing before everyone.

He had changed into a set of red ceremonial robes, clearly matching An Nuan's set.

With his tall, straight figure and sculpted, flawless features, when the light hit his face in that moment, she didn't just hear the gasps around her. She heard her own heartbeat as well. It was true shock at the man before her that made people inhale sharply to maintain the nobility and composure expected of high society.

However, he didn't seem to be the focus.

Because in the next moment, accompanied by the sound of light, elegant classical music...

A figure in red slowly walked down the tall red carpet.

In the spotlight, dragging the golden thread train on her phoenix crown and bridal cloak, with the inherent nobility of a young miss from a prominent family, she took one graceful step after another down the carpet.

The entire room was silent as the grave.

Just now, Ye Jinghuai's handsomeness had made everyone gasp.

Now, An Nuan's beauty left them breathless.

Her hair was black as ink, her skin like snow and bones like jade.

Her features were charming but not vulgar. With just a raise of her brows and a smile, it was as if charm had seeped into her bones.

Her fiery crimson bridal gown gave off an aura of arrogance and grandeur, as if wanting to look down on all beings beneath her feet and make them submit to her temperament and elegance.

Was this shy, gentle jade bride simply the little woman who had devoted herself to Gu Yan Sheng?

Clearly at this moment, she was like a phoenix reborn from the raging flames, finally shedding her compliant, docile exterior and no longer constrained by anyone. She was showing the unbridled pride in her bones to the fullest extent.

This, it seemed, was the real An Nuan.

A hundred flowers vied for beauty, but hers surpassed them all!

An Nuan's footsteps stopped in front of Ye Jinghuai.

What a perfectly matched couple!

Neither outshone the other, neither affected the other's brilliance.

It was as if the two most perfect people in the world had come together and become...a perfect match.

An Nuan looked at Ye Jinghuai.

Ye Jinghuai also looked at her.

Their eyes met.

Ye Jinghuai said in a low, magnetic voice, enunciating each word clearly, "Miss An, you walked here yourself."

"...This wasn't a ceremony you arranged?"

Even if.

She was moved by it.

At this moment, it felt more like she was declaring to the entire world that she, An Nuan, had been reborn!

"So..." Ye Jinghuai suddenly extended his hand.

His clean, slender fingers hovered before An Nuan.

An Nuan's heart stirred slightly.

"You can't turn back now."

"...Hmph." An Nuan frowned.

The next second, she felt a warm hand take hers and grip it tightly.

Their fingers intertwined.

An Nuan could even feel a hint of dampness in Ye Jinghuai's palm.

Was it...because he was nervous?

He felt nervous just like her.

From the darkness, someone suddenly said in a loud voice, "Young Master Ye's fingers are shaking."

An Nuan pressed her lips together.

Because she felt it too.

They were shaking very noticeably.

She couldn't help but turn to look at Ye Jinghuai.

Ye Jinghuai didn't deny it. Instead, he justified it matter-of-factly, "I don't get to attend grand occasions like this often. Of course I'd be nervous."

Had he forgotten he attended the Outstanding Youth selection?

That event was broadcast live nationwide. It was likely grander than a normal wedding ceremony.

"It's the same now too," Ye Jinghuai added suddenly, leaving An Nuan confused.

"I said it's the same now too, we're being broadcast live nationwide," Ye Jinghuai elaborated, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

So he could respond concisely.

"Why is it being broadcast live?" An Nuan was clearly also rather surprised now.

"Because..." Ye Jinghuai said, "Young Master Ye is finally getting married for once, spending half my family fortune on this. If I don't show off a bit, I feel it's not worth it."


Damn, what an idiot.

So he was just doing this to show off?

"Aren't you worried that when the day comes we part ways, you won't be able to get out of it gracefully?" An Nuan asked through gritted teeth.

"That day won't come," Ye Jinghuai enunciated word for word.

"Why won't it..."

Before An Nuan could finish speaking, she heard the man with the powerful voice say again, "The wedding ceremony will now officially begin!"

An Nuan gently bit her lip.

The interrupted conversation left her unsure if Ye Jinghuai meant there wouldn't be a day they parted ways, or there wouldn't be a day he couldn't get out of it gracefully.

She assumed the latter.

"Bow to Heaven and Earth," the male voice boomed.

Ye Jinghuai led An Nuan in turning around to face the red carpet and bowing to all the guests.

"Bow to the High Hall."

Ye Jinghuai led An Nuan in turning to face the Ye and An families.

The two bowed.

The elders smiled approvingly.

Li YaJu's eyes were clearly rather red.

She was truly moved by An Nuan's transformation.

She had always believed a low-key, introverted manner was the most cordial to others and the politest attitude for herself.

Seeing her daughter's boundless splendor and shining talent, she finally realized how much damage her parenting had brought An Nuan.

She should have belonged on a much more magnificent stage originally.

"Bow to each other as husband and wife!"

The two faced each other.

Ye Jinghuai finally let go of An Nuan's hand.

Once again, their eyes met.

Once again, they looked intently at each other.

Ye Jinghuai said, "Miss An, from the moment you bow your head, for the rest of our lives, my surname and your name."

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