Chapter 30: Empress Zhangsun’s Shock!

Certainly, Princess Changle couldnt prevent her cousin from coming over. Although, she was growing increasingly anxious to awaken from her state. Even though she was still unable to move, being able to converse with her husband brought her some solace. Unlike her current situation, where she was becoming more and more dependent on her interactions with Su Li, she yearned for more contact with him.

Su Li was unaware of Princess Changles thoughts. He was preoccupied with how to earn favor once Changle woke up. It was uncertain how much Changle understood about his efforts.

Who could guarantee that Changle would truly form a positive opinion of her husband, whom she had never met? Even if they didnt sleep separately, there was no guarantee that she wouldnt reject him directly. Su Li would be grateful if she even accepted him reluctantly.

However, the timing of Princess Changles awakening remained unknown, and Su Li still had plenty of time to accumulate points. Thanks to the comprehensive medical treatments she received, Changles health would not deteriorate, and she was much healthier than the average person.

While Su Li continued caring for Princess Changle, the female officer left the courtyard after Eldest Grandson Chong departed. The female officer was displeased by Eldest Grandson Chongs direct entry into the inner court. Su Li couldnt help but tidy up, so the officer took the initiative to assist him. She wanted everyone in the Princess Mansion to know that Su Li was the son-in-law and male master of the mansion, as well as Princess Changles husband, despite his peasant background.

Only Su Li, Princess Changle, and a few maids were left in the courtyard. It was worth mentioning that Su Li now attended to Princess Changles physical needs, including bathing her body and so on

The role of the female officer on Princess Changles side had transformed from one of surveillance to companionship. Her primary responsibility was to assist Princess Changle in case of any emergencies. With the departure of Zhangsun Chong and the female officer, the surroundings became unusually calm.

To be honest, Su Li found Zhangsun Chongs behavior quite embarrassing. While in most Tang-era texts, Zhangsun Chong played the role of the male protagonists primary antagonist. Su Li lived two lives and experienced a prolonged period of wasted existence as a peasant in this life, and didnt feel the urge to engage in mischief.

From Su Lis perspective, Zhangsun Chongs odd ambiguity and hasty retreat were nothing more than a joke. Su Li couldnt bring himself to pretend to be antagonistic toward a spirited young man like Zhangsun Chong. On the contrary, it embarrassed Su Li as if he were being forced to act out a pointless scene.

Instead, Su Li desired to spend more time with Princess Changle and strengthen their friendship. However, as they said, wishes were often unfulfilled. Just as Su Li hadnt finished stretching Princess Changles body after about an hour, another esteemed guest arrived in the yardPrincess Changles mother, Empress Zhangsun.

Empress Zhangsun had visited the princesss residence on previous occasions. In comparison to the busy state of Li Er (presumably referring to Emperor Taizong, Princess Changles father), as the mother of Princess Changle, Empress Zhangsun would occasionally come to visit. Li Ers visits were not frequent, as he was occupied with state affairs, and his emotional instability could potentially affect Princess Changles well-being, as warned by the imperial doctor.

In contrast, Empress Zhangsun could control her emotions, adhere to the doctors instructions, and calmly share stories and interesting tales with Princess Changle. Her emotional state was much more stable than that of Li Er the ruler of the country. Hence, she visited her more frequently.

Although Empress Zhangsun visited more often than Li Er, Su Li preferred her presence over his. The main reason was that Su Li found Li Er quite bothersome. Every time Li Er visited, regardless of what Su Li was doing, he would interrupt and send Su Li away to have a private conversation with his daughter. Furthermore, Li Er couldnt control his emotions while talking, and the conversations tended to be lengthy and unpleasant. The worst part was that they lasted for hours, during which Su Li was not allowed to indulge in any form of entertainment.

In short, when Li Er visited, Su Li couldnt enjoy any entertainment or gain any points, as his primary duty was to stay out of the way.

In comparison, Empress Zhangsun was much more reasonable. Upon her arrival, if he was stretching Princess Changle, Empress Zhangsun wouldnt bother Su Li. Instead, she would sit aside and engage in storytelling with the unconscious Princess, sharing recent interesting events. Empress Zhangsun didnt shy away from Su Li, who could learn a great deal of common knowledge through the Empresss words.

Empress Zhangsun was truly kind-hearted and possessed a discerning mind. For instance, she would discuss intriguing occurrences in court. Despite Su Lis lack of understanding of official positions and court operations, Empress Zhangsun noticed Su Lis confusion. She took it upon herself to intimately explain the identities and responsibilities of the officials she mentioned. From that moment on, Empress Zhangsun seemed to realize that Su Li, being a peasant, was unfamiliar with the courts system and workings.

During storytelling sessions with Princess Changle, Su Li keenly observed that Empress Changsuns narratives began to focus on court affairs. Whenever a new official position was mentioned, the Empress would always provide an explanation, eliminating the need for Su Li to inquire. Su Li could simply sit in Empress Changsuns presence and gather a wealth of useful information.

Thanks to Empress Zhangsun, Su Li gained a comprehensive understanding of the official system in the Tang Dynasty, including the specific roles and names associated with each position. This knowledge proved immensely valuable. It was essential for anyone aspiring to enter the court and become an officer to grasp the hierarchical structure and responsibilities of each position. Even in less favorable circumstances, should Su Li encounter a situation where his name was brought up, he could listen to the official position mentioned by the other party and assess whether he could withstand the implications.

Your Majesty Su Li hastily stood up upon the arrival of Empress Changsun. Of course, it was merely a gesture to show respect. He continued to cradle Changle, pretending to maintain decorum.

When a leader arrives, one must display the utmost decorum. It is necessary to demonstrate unwavering care and respect for the leader, regardless of ones duties.

A reasonable leader like Empress Zhangsun would decline such excessive respect, as she would not want to impose any difficulties on Su Li, even if she deserved the respect. On the other hand, an unreasonable leader like Li Er would take charge of Princess Changle from Su Li, naturally expecting and accepting Su Lis deference and then dismissing him.

Theres no need to salute. I came to see Changle. Please continue your work, Empress Zhangsun said with a smile.

Su Li nodded and resumed stretching Changle.

Empress Zhangsun observed her drowsy daughter. She managed to control her emotions not because she didnt love her daughter but because she loved her too much. How could any parent feel at ease seeing their daughter sleep-deprived, pale, and weak?

However, Empress Zhangsun had to regulate her emotions well. If her daughter could sense her distress, she certainly wouldnt want her mother to appear before her with a gloomy attitude.

While gazing at Little Changles pale face, Empress Zhangsun suddenly noticed that her complexion seemed more vibrant and healthy than before. How come she looked so much better this time, with rosy cheeks and a lively appearance, compared to the last time she saw her.

Empress Zhangsun had passionately prayed for Changle during the eleven or twelve days she hadnt visited. She wished that this time would be different, and her prayers seemed to have been answered.

Empress Zhangsun did not know that during her absence, Su Li had been fortunate enough to procure therapeutic products and administer them to Changle for five consecutive days, replenishing her blood. Furthermore, Su Li had even treated Changle for asthma, ensuring her overall well-being.

Empress Zhangsun was astounded by the remarkable change in Changles complexion. If the imperial physician were here, after feeling the pulse, they would probably exclaim that this was not only due to traditional Chinese medicine

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