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Chapter 219

Five men approached Su Che with emotionless expressions inside the bakery, each wielding a steel knife. This was the first time Su Che had faced such a situation. Fear showed on his face, but strangely, an even more powerful sensation surged within him—an excitement that sent chills down his spine. His blood seemed to rush through his veins faster, and his senses became incredibly sharp. He could even hear the faint machinery noises from the back of the bakery—the sound of a crossbow being armed.

The shop assistant's eyes flickered with a sinister gleam after seeing the trembling boy in front of them. “Young Master, don't blame us for being heartless. If blame must be assigned, it should be on your father for not knowing what's best... If there's another life, consider being born into a different family..."

A tense atmosphere hung in the air as a life-and-death confrontation unfolded. Su Che's instincts were on high alert, ready to react to any threat. The shop assistant raised his steel knife and swung it towards Su Che's head. The blade sparkled as it clashed against the stone floor.

The shop assistant's face contorted with fear as he staggered backward. Just as his blade was about to strike, he saw Su Che vanish before him like a phantom. In an instant, Su Che reappeared right in front of him, but he was retreating fast, and Su Che was advancing even faster.

Su Che suddenly leaped up, his entire body smashing into the shop assistant like a cannonball. In that moment of impending contact, Su Che exhaled deeply. “Hah!”

Only an arm about the length of an adult's forearm slammed into the shop assistant's abdomen. Despite being a small fist, it created an impact like a massive hammer falling from the sky. The shop assistant let out a miserable cry and flew backward at astonishing speed, colliding with a stone pillar inside the shop. He then slide down the pillar like a piece of paper falling gently to the ground. By the time he hit the ground, blood gushed from his body, and he was spitting out fragments of his innards. He was beyond salvation.

This entire exchange happened in the blink of an eye. It wasn't until Su Che fatally punched the shop assistant that the other four men snapped out of their stupor. They instinctively took a few steps back, then tightly gripped their steel knives and cautiously encircled Su Che.

Meanwhile, Su Che raised his small fist, shook it in front of himself, and glanced at the lifeless shop assistant on the ground. “How about you all attack together?” He wore a mischievous grin on his young face, speaking with incredible arrogance.

The four men exchanged glances, remaining silent, before raising their knives to rush Su Che. Shadows danced within the bakery, and screams echoed relentlessly. After a moment, the bakery's door was thrown open once again.

By this time, the sky outside had completely darkened, and patrolling officers were mobilized to clear the streets. Su Che's small figure appeared at the bakery's entrance, holding a crossbow almost bigger than his own body and wearing a contemplative expression.

“Why haven't you closed yet when curfew is about to start?” a stern shout came from a distance. Su Che looked towards the source of the sound, spotting two patrolling officers from the Street Patrol rapidly approaching.

“I'm Su Che. My father is Su Li. Could you kindly find my father?” Su Che's words contained crucial information. The two Street Patrol officers exchanged glances and finally grasped the seriousness of the situation, their expressions turning fearful. One of them pulled out a wooden whistle and blew it forcefully, the sharp sound echoing through the night.

After a few breaths, dozens of Street Patrol officers rushed to the bakery's entrance. They arrived just in time to see the first two officers, their faces pale, emerging from inside the shop after confirming the situation.

Inside the bakery were twelve bodies, including the shop owner, shop assistant, five staff members, and seven assailants who had attempted to kill Su Che. Six of these assailants had been beaten to death by Su Che's fists, while one had initially survived. However, this person had hidden a poison sac in his mouth and took his own life by ingesting the poison.


The leaders of the various groups of patrolling officers exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Everyone grasped the severity of the situation. On the bustling Zhuque Avenue in Changan, assassins had targeted the son of Prince Yongle, and what sent shivers down their spines was the fact that the assassins had used military-grade weaponry. They had been cautious, erasing any descriptions on the weapons before the attack.

“Quickly inform Prince Yongle!” The leader of the patrolling officers felt a shiver down his spine, his voice trembling as he spoke.

Not far from Zhuque Avenue, in front of the Princess's residence, a horse-drawn carriage came to a slow halt. Su Li disembarked, ready to enter the mansion. Suddenly, the urgent sound of approaching hoofbeats filled the air.

Su Li frowned. “Make way for His Highness the Prince! Who dares to be so audacious!” Several family retainers swiftly stood before Su Li, brandishing their weapons to confront the approaching figure. The rider dismounted and regained their balance after a few rolls on the ground.

“Reporting to His Highness, the young prince was attacked on Zhuque Avenue...”

“What?!” Su Li's entire body chilled a sensation unlike any he had experienced before.

“Cherished son... attacked?” Rage blazed within him, an intensity that sent those around him recoiling.

“The assassins have all been killed by the young prince on the spot, but they were armed with military weapons!” The commander of the patrolling officers trembled on the ground, fearing to meet Su Li's gaze, sensing the powerful presence that surrounded him.

“Prepare the troops!” Su Li's voice remained devoid of emotion. His loyal personal guard units, comprised of battle-hardened veterans, immediately sprang into action, their eyes fixed on the commander of the patrolling officers.

Witnessing this, the commander felt his legs go weak, realizing that the situation had escalated beyond belief.

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