Chapter 204

Continuing eastward, the envoy observed as they went. They passed towering snow-covered mountains and entered the territory of the Anxi Protectorate. By this time, the Great Tang's industrial production had gradually extended to this region. Along the riverside were tall chimneys and massive water wheels, dozens of meters high, turned continuously day and night. The envoy was visibly amazed when they saw a local small landowner establish a workshop that used hydraulic stamping machines to transform several hundred kilograms of raw iron into uniform iron plates.

Finally, they arrived at the gateway to the heartland of the Great Tang, as the Tang officers had described it – the Yumen Pass. “What an impressive and formidable city!” Sayyid quietly exclaimed. It was early morning, and the golden sun hung high above the city walls, creating an indescribable impression deep in Sayyid's heart.

He had once heard a saying, “If there is a heaven on Earth, Damascus must be a part of it. If heaven is above, Damascus is its equal!” Damascus, a renowned city of gardens and the capital of the powerful Umayyad Caliphate in the Arab Empire had captivated Sayyid when he visited. However, the towering city gate before him now exceeded any captivating scenery in Damascus. In his eyes, this city gate alone revealed the strength and power of the Great Tang.

During this diplomatic mission, Sayyid had initially viewed the Great Tang as a country similar to Persia, approaching it with an attitude of equality. But now, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence. It was an inherent human tendency to admire the powerful, deeply ingrained in the human psyche.

Soon, the gates of Yumen Pass swung open. A group of Tang officers emerged, approaching the camel caravan, their heads held high. Despite being on foot, they maintained a posture of looking upwards, displaying their self-assuredness and confidence, which stemmed from the strength of their nation.

Sayyid let out a faint sigh. This was the confidence that the might of a nation instilled in its people. A slightly plump young officer dressed in red robes stepped forward among the Tang officers. “Are you the Persian envoy? I am Li Chao, an Imperial Court’s Bureau of Ceremonials officer. I am here to receive and guide you,” Li Chao said with a welcoming smile.

In recent years, due to the reopening of the Silk Road, numerous envoys from various foreign countries visited the Great Tang. The Bureau of Ceremonials, which had been relatively inconspicuous in the past, had gained prominence through these interactions. Today, a significant portion of the credit for the Great Tang’s foreign trade prosperity could be attributed to the Bureau of Ceremonials.

Despite holding a modest ninth-rank officer position, Li Chao had hosted foreign guests numerous times, rendering him quite adept in such matters. With the assistance of his attendants, Sayyid dismounted from his camel and greeted Li Chao and the others with a chest-level hand gesture and a bow, providing introductions about himself and his origins. Following behind Sayyid was his son, whose face was adorned with freckles. Despite the size of the envoy, only these two were eligible for direct interaction with the Tang officers.

“I have come from the distant Persian Empire to pay respects to the Emperor of the Great Tang, bearing the command of the Persian monarch and bringing valuable gifts,” Sayyid announced. Li Chao responded with a warm smile and gestured, “Please, this way.”

The trio led the way into the city, traversing through bustling streets filled with an array of exquisite goods and the clamor of vendors, leaving Sayyid astounded. “Isn’t this already the capital of the Great Tang?” young Sayyid inquired.

Li Chao glanced at him and replied with a smile, “This place is still thousands of miles away from Changan.” As an officer accustomed to receiving foreign envoys, Li Chao had witnessed similar scenes many times and was no longer surprised. Regardless of their origin, after witnessing the prosperity of the Great Tang, envoys were often eager to establish mutual trade agreements with the empire, leading to a continuous influx of exotic servants and intriguing goods.

With years of experience, Li Chao took pride in his role. Facing these foreign visitors, he was always ready to showcase the might of the Great Tang.

Young Sayyid couldn’t help but ask, “Throughout my journey, the name I’ve heard most often is Crown Prince Yongle of the Great Tang. Back in Persia, I heard he was the most renowned poet of the Great Tang and a fierce general who could stand against thousands. However, since I entered the Great Tang, almost everything amazing I’ve seen seems to be somehow related to him. In Persia, only great monarchs could enjoy such prestige… For a moment, I found it difficult to distinguish whether Crown Prince Yongle is the ruler of this nation or if there’s another emperor.”

Upon hearing this, the expressions of all the officers from Honglu Temple changed. Li Chao chuckled awkwardly and clarified, “The current situation of the Great Tang is the result of the concerted efforts of His Majesty the Emperor and Crown Prince Yongle. Our sovereign is undoubtedly the Emperor. There’s no doubt about that!”

Sayyid widened his eyes at his son and gave him a stern look. Initially, Sayyid’s son wasn’t even on the envoy list for this mission, but after hearing about Su Li’s legendary deeds from Tang merchants, he was deeply impressed. He had come to the Great Tang hoping to challenge the unparalleled warrior Su Li was rumored to be. However, upon arrival, he discovered that Su Li’s influence extended far beyond mere combat prowess.

The earlier question was not intended to sow discord but was a genuine expression of astonishment from young Sayyid. Sayyid comprehended his son’s sentiment and the profound implications behind such inquiries, which could make any nation apprehensive.

Listening to the tales of Su Li during their journey, Sayyid had come to regard him as a god-like presence. As a nobleman, he couldn’t understand how the Emperor of the Great Tang and Su Li could coexist peacefully. After hearing Li Chao’s explanation, Sayyid expressed his admiration, saying, “Your country has a monarch with a mind as expansive as the Earth itself!”

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