After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 2: Congratulations, Princess Changle has become a vegetative state!

Chapter 2: Congratulations, Princess Changle has become a vegetative state!

In the sixth year of Zhen Guan, on the eighth day of February, there was some news that caused a sensation in the entire city of Changan. Princess Changle, the first daughter of the Tang Emperor, was getting married! This was great news to the people of this era since they desired peace in this newly settled world.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty needed no further introduction. Although he made the peoples mind somewhat disgraceful due to the fact that he killed his brothers at Xuanwu Gate and forced his father to abdicate, but after General Li Jing defeated the Turks in the fourth year of Zhen Guan era and avenged the previous national humiliation, the people of the world now recognized the new emperors ability and power.

Furthermore, because the scandal of Princess Gao Yang cheating on her husband had not yet spread, the great Tang Princesss status was still undeniably high.

Princess Changle, Li Lizhi had a good reputation and behavior since she was a child. Even her natural beauty was hard to ignore too. Plus, she had inherited her mother, Empress Zhangsun gentle and reasonable character, making her a rare and ideal match. Her physique, appearance, family background, and accomplishments were unmatched in the era of women. So, Princess Changle had naturally become the target of countless dignitaries since her growing age.

People in Changan City speculated about who would marry Princess Changle. Was it Zhangsun Chong, the eldest son of Tang Prime Minister Zhangsun Wuji, or the son of a real estate agent? Princess Changles marriage undoubtedly became a hot topic among the crowds of Changan City.

Your Majesty, how can a royal daughter marry a peasant? asked Zhangsun Wuji unhappily as he spoke in the House of Nectar. (ED Note, this should be one of the royal palaces)

Two years ago, Princess Changle had entered into a marriage agreement with Zhangsun Chong, the eldest son of the Zhangsun family. Although this news had not yet been made public, the agreement had been finalized. Now, Li Shimin suddenly regretted the arrangement, but Zhangsun Wuji was unwilling to accept this change.

Li Er listened grimly to the empresss elder brother and remained silent before speaking. Lizhi hasnt woken up since she fell into a coma half a month ago!(ED Note: Li Shimin is the 2nd son of his father, so his pet name is Li Er, Er=2, two, second, in chinese. Zhangsun Wuji is the elder brother of the Empress Zhangsun.)

Princess Changle had fallen into a coma due to a sudden illness. For the past two weeks, she had been unable to do anything other than breathe and swallow normally. She couldnt even control her daily urination and defecation, and Empress Zhangsun had been taking care of her for half a month with no improvement.

Despite trying various remedies, including decoctions, Li Shimin could not wake Princess Lizhi from the coma. The imperial doctor was helpless and declared that it was a soul loss disorder. Li Er and Empress Zhangsun were deeply concerned and prayed for her recovery day and night. They even sought help from renowned monks and Taoists, hoping that their spiritual practices could summon her soul back to her body. Although, their efforts proved to be fruitless.

Indeed, in ancient times, there was no precise definition of a vegetative state, and people did not understand the difference between a coma and a vegetative state. Many people believed that it was a disorder of soul loss, and the treatment method was primarily to summon the soul through spiritual practices.

Sun Simiao first described the condition of a vegetative state as wood stiffness and distinguished it from a coma.

Wood stiffness As the name suggests, stiffness as a wooden block

Apart from being able to breathe and swallow, the patient could not respond to the outside world. Even people still lack the means to deal effectively with vegetative people. Except for the daily feeding of water and food, to deal with defecation, most of the patients were left to lie on the bed and face the end of their lives due to various complications such as muscle atrophy and back sores.

Li Er was about to cop out, despite the fact that the marriage contract had been arranged. Zhangsun Wuji asked with a trembling mouth, Lizhihasnt recovered yet?

Princess Changle was also the niece of Zhangsun Wuji, so it was natural for him to feel distressed about her as well.

What the imperial doctor and the eminent monk said means that there is little hope Li Er said in despair.

Li Shimin, known for his toughness, couldnt help but feel a tremble in his heart upon accepting this fact. Changle, his beloved daughter was his favorite above all others. After the Xuanwu Gate Incident, Li Er placed more importance on his family, and for Princess Changle, there was much more pampering. Although, his daughter was suffering from an incurable disease, lay unconscious and was likely to leave this world before him.

But Your Majesty why would Changle Zhangsun Wuji intended initially to ask why she would get married in her current condition. Then, suddenly a thought struck him, and he looked at Li Er, who nodded heavily in confirmation.

Wedding-Benediction! (ED Note: , Wedding-Benediction is a special Chinese term about the wedding, that means, through some rites that can bring happiness and joy like a wedding to make a dying patient get well, people believe it will banish bad luck on the patient in this way.)

I can only use this desperate measure as a last resort!! Li Er said after a moment of silence. According to Yuan Tiangangs hexagram, the horoscope for this boys birthday is the most suitable with Changle, Li Er added, indicating that the marriage proposal was based on auspicious signs and astrological predictions. If it doesnt work Lizhi will have a companion in the underworld anyway, so she wont be alone Li Ers expression turned bitter as he spoke.

Zhangsun Wuji was taken aback by Li Ers words. He understood what Li Er was thinking in this situation.

Everyone was helpless in the face of this incurable disease now. It was called Wedding-Benediction, but in reality it was equal to a human sacrifice. Indeed, the life of the unknown boy was now intricately linked to that of Princess Changle, and his fate was tied to her. How long he would live would depend on how long Princess Changle could survive, making the situation even more heartbreaking.

Zhangsun Wuji felt an indescribable emotion welling inside him, a mixture of love for his niece Lizhi and pity for the unknown boy whose fate was tied to Princess Changles survival. He was the elder brother of Li Shimins empress, so it was clear that this responsibility could not fall on Zhangsun Chong.

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