Chapter 196

Late at night, Li Chengqian angrily hurled a vase to the ground in the Eastern Palace. “Su Li!” His face twisted in rage, his teeth clenched.

Li Er’s confinement had kept him in the Eastern Palace for some time. The Great Tang’s power and territory expanded rapidly, and the administrative workload grew. Though Li Er remained energetic, the sheer volume of affairs took a toll.

Li Chengqian had recently started participating in state affairs, earning widespread praise from courtiers for his capabilities. Power, once tasted, became addictive, and Li Chengqian savored the near-absolute authority it provided.

But then Li Er had confined him, stripping him of his newfound power. This sudden loss of authority was unbearable for him. What infuriated Li Chengqian even more was that the reason for his confinement was his lack of respect for Su Li.

In Li Chengqian’s eyes, respecting a common peasant like Su Li was absurd. During his days of confinement, his resentment towards Su Li had only intensified. However, what he found even more unsettling was his realization that Li Er was actively trying to win over Su Li.

This revelation shattered Li Chengqian’s worldview. He had always seen the emperor as a divine figure, wielding absolute power, capable of shaping the world with a word. Yet, now, he was expected to curry favor with one man. It was a paradox he couldn’t accept.

However, the legend of Bai Yujing had spread far and wide, and the power Su Li possessed was similar to that of a divine being in the eyes of the Tang Dynasty. The mere mention of Su Li unsettled the foundations of Li Chengqian’s beliefs.

The rustling of pages on his desk further agitated Li Chengqian’s mind. The letters were from Gaoyang in Silla, a kingdom in ancient Korea. Their sibling relationship had been distant, but they had become allies because of Su Li’s actions.

Gaoyang had been exiled to Silla for her involvement in an attempt on Changle’s life, a decision influenced by Su Li. Despite their strained relationship, Li Chengqian felt a connection with her.

Three years ago, before Gaoyang’s exile, they had met a few times. As the Crown Prince, Li Chengqian had ambitions of his own. With the Tang Dynasty’s martial prowess at its peak under Li Er’s reign, Li Chengqian sought opportunities to establish his martial success.

The greatest threats in the northwest had been eliminated by Su Li, limiting the places where Li Chengqian could prove his martial prowess. Goguryeo had become his target, especially since Gaoyang was married off to Silla, bound to become a queen. Gaining control over Silla’s power would boost Li Chengqian’s aspirations, and they shared common enemies and grievances.

In Li Chengqian’s heart, there might indeed be a desire to compare himself to Su Li. He had quelled the unrest in the northwest, and his accomplishments were significant. But let’s be candid, the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions had been oppressed by successive Central Plains dynasties for ages. Whether it was the Xiongnu during the Qin and Han periods or the nomadic peoples after the Han Dynasty, while they might have momentarily held power, the outcome was unfavorable.

What Su Li achieved, his predecessors had also accomplished. However, the Three Kingdoms on the peninsula and the dynasties of the Central Plains had conquered them through force. Even the powerful Sui Dynasty, at its zenith, faltered when Emperor Yang of Sui launched three invasions against Goguryeo, weakening his own realm.

Under psychological influence, Li Chengqian genuinely believed that conquering Goguryeo demanded greater martial prowess than pacifying the northwest. Nonetheless, the information in Gaoyang’s letter to Li Chengqian wasn’t promising.

Presently, Silla was under the rule of Queen Jin Deman, and the crown prince was her cousin’s daughter, Princess Jin Seongman. Gaoyang’s husband, Jin Chunqiu, was the son of Princess Jin Seongman. Rising from a humble position, Jin Deman became a nation’s ruler due to her exceptional political skills.

Upon arriving at Gaoyang, she displayed pretentious and arrogant behavior, earning reprimands from Jin Deman several times. Silla was a small and weak country, leading to a pervasive sense of inferiority in its court. However, the three kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula seemed to share a peculiar psychological trait. While their sense of inferiority made them respectful of the Great Tang, they were also prone to boast about their deficiencies. If one boasted excessively, they might start to believe their exaggerations.

Initially, Gaoyang was highly regarded in Silla. However, due to Jin Deman’s disapproval, those around Gaoyang gradually distanced themselves from her. Even Gaoyang herself hadn’t anticipated this outcome. In writing to Li Chengqian, she sought support from him.

Upon reading Gaoyang’s letter, Li Chengqian, already experiencing a difficult time, nearly lost his temper. A dignified princess of the mighty Tang Dynasty couldn’t handle a tiny country. What a waste!

At this moment, Li Chengqian’s defenses were truly shattered. He was infuriated by Gaoyang’s ineffectiveness and even more frustrated with his own powerlessness. The line represented by Gaoyang was his first genuine attempt at shaping his own future. From the current situation, it seemed that Gaoyang was no longer dependable. All of this was because of Su Li!

At this point, Li Chengqian’s animosity towards Su Li almost became obsessive. The slightest setback led him to blame everything on Su Li. He had come to view Su Li as his lifelong adversary.

But what could Li Chengqian do? Even his father, Li Er, could not contend with Su Li and was actively trying to win him over. Although Li Chengqian was the Crown Prince, all his authority came from Li Er. If his own father couldn’t handle Su Li, what chance did he have against him?

Regarding strategy, Su Li, the Yongle King, didn’t even engage in court politics. Any scheming or plots were futile in his presence. Concerning martial prowess, Su Li was a one-man army, a formidable force to reckon with. Engaging in combat with him would be utterly exhausting.

After pondering for a while, Li Chengqian realized that Su Li had no weaknesses. If there was one vulnerability, Su Li deeply cared for Changle and their only son. But could Li Chengqian do anything to harm them?

At this juncture, Li Chengqian let out a sigh of despair.

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