Chapter 116:

Li Jings military acumen was exceptional. He had personally commanded numerous large-scale battles. Deducing a battle of this scale came naturally to him, with the process being fluid and seamless.

Even in commanding troops, the acting Duke remains dignified and straightforward. Watching his deduction is truly a delight.

Qin Qiong, standing beside Cheng Yaojin, couldnt help but express his admiration. After speaking, he realized that Cheng Yaojin didnt respond.

Turning his head, he saw Cheng Yaojin with a vacant expression, his mouth slightly agape, staring intently at the sand table Su Li was working on.

Curious, Qin Qiong looked towards Su Lis sand table.

In an instant, he was struck dumb.

The speed at which Su Li issued commands was almost as swift as Li Jings.

Furthermore, examining the situation on Su Lis sand table closely.

Though the simulation had only just begun, it was clear that Su Lis arrangement of troops was well-organized and showed no signs of panic.

Several consecutive commands seemed almost mystical at first glance, but upon careful examination, they appeared ingenious.

Qin Qiong was also left stunned. Soon, the generals began to notice something unusual. They all crowded around Su Li to observe closely. Subsequently, a chorus of gasps could be heard in the tent.

Didnt Li Jing say that military strategy was Su Lis weak point?

With such clear and ingenious military strategies, did he call this having a weak foundation and being mediocre?

Half an hour later, Su Li and Li Jing almost stopped simultaneously. At this point, all the flags representing locations on the two sand tables had been removed.

In this scenario where the enemy was strong and they were weak, for most generals, doing their best to preserve their forces would already be considered a victory. However, both of them chose to counterattack.

Even though their methods differed, the destruction of the enemy was the outcome.

Aa draw?

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin stuttered.

Not just him. Everyone else wore looks of shock as well. Li Jing glanced at Su Lis sand table and suddenly smiled.

Being a seasoned general, he naturally had a calm demeanor that remained steadfast even when faced with a collapsing mountain. He had long noticed the anomaly on Su Lis side and was prepared for it.

Seeing this result now didnt particularly astonish him.

Yet, gazing at Su Lis youthful and handsome face, he couldnt help but feel a sense of marvel at the younger generations abilities.

How about a game of weiqi between us? Li Jing proposed.

Su Li smiled and replied, Im willing.

(ED Note: Weiqi, also known as Go, is a strategic board game that originated in ancient China. Its played by two players who take turns placing black and white stones on a gridded board.)

At this moment, Su Li felt an unprecedented sense of refreshment.

When comprehension reached a certain level, things that were once memorized by rote took on new meaning. Especially considering that Su Li had a foundational understanding of military strategy, he could apply his knowledge across various situations.

Compared to Li Jing, his only shortcoming was a lack of years immersed in actual combat. However, Su Li had his own advantages.

In the era of information explosion from his later life, the volume of information he had absorbed far surpassed what Li Jing had access to. Even if Li Jing came from a renowned family of generals, he could only learn military strategy from books and the guidance of others. His conditions certainly didnt match Su Lis.

Furthermore, the Tang Dynasty was separated from Su Lis later life by nearly 1,400 years. Many military ideas and famous battle instances emerged during this extensive time gap. Li Jing, of course, couldnt possibly know about all of this.

Su Li had a rough idea of his current skill level. He felt he was comparable with Li Jing in terms of military strategy alone.

The verbal debate also tests military strategy, and discussions could cover logistical considerations to macro strategies. It was fair game as long as it was related to the military.

The two sat facing each other.

Without hesitation, Li Jing asked, What is Rong?

Hearing this question, the onlooking generals couldnt help but gasp.

Rong refers to warfare.

No one expected Li Jings first question to be about this. Seemingly empty at first, but upon deeper reflection, it became thought-provoking.

Many present wore thoughtful expressions. Everyone in the room had extensive experience on the battlefield. But even after spending much of their lives in battle, they had never considered this question

Li Jings gaze was intense, fixed on Su Li.

It was not that Li Jing was conceited, but rather, among those present, very few could answer this question.

Because it wasnt a matter that generals usually contemplated, even a military commander who led the entire army might be unable to answer it.

Without delving deeply into military strategy, one wouldnt explore this essence.

Despite learning from the famous general Han Qinhu, deeply understanding military strategy, and engaging in numerous battles, Li Jing had never genuinely pondered this question.

Now over fifty years old, Li Jing had spent some time in seclusion, which prompted him to start pondering the essence of war. However, he hadnt come to any conclusions despite his extensive experience.

In this moment, he hoped that Su Li, a young man comparable to him in military strategy, could help answer his doubts. Su Li looked at Li Jing with deep appreciation. He didnt find it funny that a seasoned general like Li Jing asked such a question. Instead, he saw it as a testament to Li Jings depth of thinking and the weight of his generation of military leaders.

For Su Li, the answer was already clear in his mind. He spoke slowly, explaining how war was subordinate to politics and continued politics through other means.

Li Jings attention was fully captured, and he listened as Su Li elaborated on various aspects of war, from absolute war to real war, from the nature of war to its purpose, and from war theories to the psychological factors that influenced the outcome of battles. Su Li almost entirely dictated the essence of a Theory of War.

An hour passed without anyone noticing, and Su Li finally stopped speaking.

Lord Dai, the above is my perspective. If there are any shortcomings, I hope you wont hesitate to offer guidance, Su Li concluded.

Li Jing smiled wryly and responded, In this regard, Im far inferior to you. How could I offer guidance?

It was just casual talk. No need to take it seriously, Su Li replied with a smile. Its getting late, and I have something to do at home. Ill take my leave.

After speaking, Su Li got up and left without even acknowledging the high-ranking officers present.

Only a draw, and yet Cheng Yaojin mumbled as he watched Su Lis departing figure.

A draw? I lost, Li Jing corrected with a shake of his head, a look of contemplation.

Even aside from Su Lis insightful war theory that had deeply affected him, Li Jing hadnt considered that Su Lis military strategy was comparable with his own. He had listened almost as if seeking advice.

And even if you considered the initial military strategy exercise, Li Jing didnt believe he was evenly matched with Su Li. After all, the art of war leaned towards the unexpected, and Su Lis military knowledge was just as strong as his own.

But didnt forget, Su Li also had extraordinary couragesomething others couldnt replicate. This was an advantage he couldnt change. Such a person would choose a different path on the battlefield, always one step ahead of others.

Moreover, this was the most difficult advantage to counter in military strategyleading from the front and relying on sheer force to break through enemy lines.

How would he fight against such an opponent?

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