After Favorability Is Maxed

Chapter 82 - Master, Is That a Brothel?

Chapter 82: Master, Is That a Brothel?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Liu Yuan looked at the tall and majestic city wall.

The city was called the City of Ten Thousand Swords because it was one of the Ten Thousand Sword Array that could rival the Synthesis stage. It was also because the battlements of the city walls were shaped like sharp sword tips. From a distance, they resonated with the Sword Qi in the sheaths of the guards guarding the city, forming a huge aura that soared into the sky.

It made people who stood far away feel like they could see the illusion of tens of thousands of swords pointing at the sky, giving people absolute shock and achieving the purpose of scaring away the thieves.

Liu Yuan took out a blue-grade Qingyang Sword from his sleeve and planned to follow the crowd and pretend to be a newbie who came for the Tideviewing and Sword-listening event.

The Flying Star Sword was basically a piece of scrap metal. However, due to the special material it was made of, it had the power to restrain Starlight. He could use this as an excuse to ask for help from the City Lord’s Mansion to repair it.

This new weapon was obtained from the Xuanwu Secret Treasure, just like the paper puppet he had used before.

With Gu Feidao’s promise, Liu Yuan managed to obtain a quarter of the Xuanwu Secret Treasure from the secret tunnel under Chiyu Villa.

The remaining three quarters were split into two and given to Gu Chang and Gu Siyin.

However, Gu Chang had already become a little loli on the surface. He was Liu Yuan’s disciple, so of course, Liu Yuan was in charge of his things.

Gu Siyin was even more so. If Liu Yuan had not rejected her, she would have given her share to Liu Yuan.

However, even so, she carefully selected some for Liu Yuan and looked very happy.

The only thing Liu Yuan could do in return was a cultivation technique, a protective spell, a promise, and a kiss.

In any case, Liu Yuan had basically emptied out all the secret treasures of the entire Chiyu villa.

‘This time, it really isn’t my player instincts at work. It’s just pure luck and cheating.’

Liu Yuan thought to himself.

However, the Tideviewing and Sword-listening event was also a dungeon…

Tideviewing was to view the tide of the Heavenly River, the Heavenly River that originated from the Jade Snow mountain range in the southwest of Central Plains and led to the Red Forest Sea in the southeast.

Once every ten years, in May or June, there would be a huge tide. It would pour in from the Red Forest Sea and clash with the melting ice and snow of the Jade Snow mountain range. It was a spectacular sight.

‘Sword listening’ was the sound of a new batch of swords being born in the past ten years. It judged the level of the new swords in the sword pavilion and, from there, the star-grade of the swordsmith.

However, there was another key event later, the ‘Singing Sword’ event of the new Immortal Dao talents.

The Sword Pavilion welcomed all cultivators under the age of 20 to participate in this grand meeting. The winner would be qualified to receive one of the new swords.

This was a PvP instance where players fought against each other.

He was not too interested in the loot and rewards of this dungeon, but he could take the opportunity to see if there were any of the remaining three essential items for hatching the Golden Crow True Yang.

Liu Yuan carried the sword by his waist and pulled Gu Chang , who had been doubting his life since the beginning. With a cat on his shoulder, they walked toward the city gate.

They lined up and handed over the fake talismans they had made in Chiyu Villa.

A talisman with spirit stones as its core was equivalent to an Immortal cultivator’s identification card, and the person recorded on it was a rogue cultivator named Jiang Feng.

Gu Chang’s was a mortal’s wooden token.

The guard checked and collected a spirit stone as the entrance fee before waving his hand to let them through.

Liu Yuan walked in and took a map of the city from the notice board.

The entrance fee to City of Ten Thousand Swords was indeed on the high side, but it was also to raise the threshold and prevent too many Immortal cultivators from entering, which would affect public security.

It was just like a limited-edition tourist attraction.

“The map didn’t change… let me see where the inn is.”

Liu Yuan opened the map and walked to the shade by the roadside, starting to look for the benefits that the spirit stone had brought.

With such a high fee, of course, it could not be said that they only allowed you to enter the city. At the very least, they provided you with simple accommodation.

After all, there had been some low-level Immortal cultivators who had gone bankrupt to attend the Tideviewing and Sword-listening conference in the past, hoping to gain an opportunity. But in the end, they did not even have a place to live and almost starved to death on the streets.

Gu Chang came over to take a look and asked curiously, “Master, is that a brothel?”

Liu Yuan took a look at the very obvious flower symbol on the map. It was an entire alley and a building.

“Inkstone Tower, the most famous brothel in the City of Ten Thousand Swords. Next to it is Hundred Flowers Lane.” The corner of Liu Yuan’s mouth twitched, and he pressed the child’s head back. “Children shouldn’t look at places that eat people without spitting out the bones.”

“Oh…” Gu Chang obediently looked away.

Liu Yuan was not joking. Behind Inkstone Tower was a gray organization in the cultivation world, the ‘Green Centipede’, which was on the same level as Bi Luo Mansion.

It was more secretive than Bi Luo Mansion, and the conditions to join it were more difficult. One needed to find a random wandering NPC to communicate with, then accept a mission, and only after completing the mission could one join this organization.

However, at this time, these things were irrelevant, so he did not need to care about them for the time being.

“We’ll wait here.” He pointed to a particularly remote corner on the map.

It was an inn called Yuelai Inn.

It was obvious that the game was playing a joke.

The first quest that players accepted was to find an inn and accept it from the lady boss.

Next up was the quest chain for the City of Ten Thousand Swords ‘Tideviewing and Sword-listening’ conference.

“Let’s go,” he said.

Liu Yuan pulled Gu Chang and prepared to leave.

Kada kada kada kada kada kada kada kada!

The sound of horse hooves suddenly rang out.

Liu Yuan turned his head and saw a group of people walking over from the city gate behind him. The Immortal cultivators and mortals beside them quickly made way for them.

The ones in the lead were not horses, but two strange beasts.

They had snow-white fur, golden vertical pupils, two long twisted horns on their foreheads, and spikes on the heels of their hooves. The beast looked ferocious and domineering, but it was bound by a rope.

The strange beasts were pulling an extremely gorgeous carriage. The structure was complicated, and the body of the carriage was huge. The body of the sandalwood carriage was carved with exquisite decorations, and the corners were decorated with fine gemstones. The front of the carriage was covered with an exquisite and soft blanket.

The driver was a beautiful and slender young girl who looked to be only 15 or 16 years old. She had a lively smile on her fair face and a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

The guard quickly asked, “May I ask if this is the Xuanyin family’s convoy?”

Liu Yuan stopped in his tracks and stared blankly at the edge of the carriage. There was a unique carved symbol of half a yin-yang fish on the wheel of the carriage.

F*ck! It really was the Xuanyin family!

How could they have arrived in the City of Ten Thousand Swords at a time like this?

Liu Yuan almost cursed. He subconsciously stopped in his tracks and stood against the wall to calm himself down.

“Whew… Don’t be nervous. You can’t panic before anything happens. What if it’s not?” Liu Yuan tried to hypnotize himself.

The girl who was driving the carriage took out a token. “The Xuanyin family has already made an appointment with the City Lord,”

The guard hurriedly took it and returned it, saying, “Yes, please come this way.”

He turned around and berated the Immortal cultivators and mortals who were still watching curiously. The remaining guards consciously protected a path.

Liu Yuan took a deep breath and blended into the crowd, wanting to leave.

“Cough, cough…”

A light cough came from within the carriage, followed by a pale and slender hand lifting the curtain.

“Hold on.”

The girl’s voice was clear and soft, with a trace of weakness.

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