Chapter 200: Jealousy

Late at night, Mother Wu hid in the bedroom and flipped through the Wu Corporation’s documents. Wu Mei wanted to accompany her, but Li Nanchen raised his hand to stop her.

“Reading documents is work that requires peace and focus. You’ll disturb her if you do that. Why don’t you take the time to accompany me?”

Li Nanchen held Wu Mei’s fingers and led her back to the bedroom. Taking advantage of Wu Mei’s daze, he closed the door and pretended to be aggrieved as he said, “In the past, you could use the excuse that her mind is like a child’s and that she needs someone by her side all the time. But what about now?”

“You have no reason to live separately from me anymore.”

Li Nanchen caressed her beautiful face with his fingertips and nuzzled her nose affectionately. He said gently, “I care about you a lot.”

“I even get jealous of Mom. Every time I see you with her, I’ll think to myself that you’ve never been so nice to me…”

Li Nanchen’s thin lips gently kissed the corner of her lips as he savored her sweet taste.

Sensing his emotions, Wu Mei pushed his chest away helplessly. Frowning seriously, she said, “How can you guys be compared?”

“Mom is the one who gave me life. Without her, I wouldn’t have what I have today.”

Li Nanchen’s breathing paused for a moment. Then, he wrapped his arms around her waist, turned around, and threw her onto the bed before pressing himself against her.

His dark eyes shone with lust, but there was an infinite seriousness in them. He undid Wu Mei’s clothes with his fingers and murmured, “I can also give you my life. At any time, as long as you need me to appear, I will protect you regardless of anything.”

“I’ll even use my life to protect you,” Li Nanchen said seriously. Wu Mei was touched by his seriousness. She opened her mouth to speak, but he silenced her with a kiss.

Their breathing intertwined. Li Nanchen lifted her hair and played with it between his fingers. “Of course, if there’s something else you want, I can also satisfy you.”

“As long as you say it.”

Li Nanchen pressed his index finger against her red lips. His rough fingers caressed her, causing her to tremble as she opened her teeth and sucked on his fingertips.

Wu Mei’s eyes were smiling as she used the tip of her tongue to lick Li Nanchen’s most sensitive spot.


Li Nanchen sucked in a cold breath because of her teasing. His breathing gradually became rapid and the numbness from his fingertips shot straight to his abdomen, causing him to undo his belt uncontrollably. His other hand casually caressed her slender waist.

Wu Mei chuckled lightly and slapped his large hand away. She pushed Li Nanchen away and seductively helped him slowly unbutton his pants…


All of a sudden, Mother Wu’s scream came from the room next door. Wu Mei’s expression changed instantly and she pushed Li Nanchen away. She rushed to the room next door and hugged the confused Mother Wu in her arms. Wu Mei gently patted Mother Wu’s back to calm her down. “It’s okay, it’s okay!”

Mother Wu curled up her body in fear and threw her phone into the corner, as if it was a bomb.

Puzzled, Wu Mei walked over and picked up the phone. She saw that the video from the sanatorium was playing on the screen. It had clearly been edited…

The video was filled with scenes of Mother Wu when she went crazy. She was holding the scissors and tried to commit suicide. She even stabbed Wu Mei with the knife. In the end, Mother Wu stabbed Li Nanchen with the knife. The ground was covered in dark red blood, making the scene exceptionally terrifying.

“Why am I like this?”

Mother Wu hugged her head and shook it as she muttered to herself. Her eyes were filled with fear and remorse.

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