After Divorcing, She Shocked the World

Chapter 196 - Persuasion by the Employees

Chapter 196: Persuasion by the Employees

Wu Mei gently placed her hand on the railing. The breeze blew the stray hair on her forehead. She narrowed her eyes and replied, “I’ll go to the company tomorrow.”

Wu Pang laughed hysterically in excitement. He hung up and threw himself onto the sofa. He instructed the butler to open two bottles of good wine and said, “You wanted to fight me?”

“The Wu Corporation will come back to me sooner or later! Do you see that? I have something on Wu Mei now!”

“I know what she’s afraid of. I also know how to get her to follow my orders…” Wu Pang bragged arrogantly. He stuffed the wine glasses into Yang Shan and Wu Yi’s hands and waved his hand as he said, “All of you will go to the company with me tomorrow. Let’s see how down and out Wu Mei looks without the right to the Wu Corporation. I want to see if she can still be arrogant.”

Yang Shan and Wu Yi exchanged glances. They couldn’t help but fantasize that they would be able to resume their luxurious lives tomorrow!

Under the influence of alcohol, the three of them began to fantasize about the beautiful future and gradually became smug.


The next day, the employees of the Wu Corporation nervously paid close attention to the situation in the meeting room on the top floor.

It was said that a shareholder meeting would be held later to announce the new leader of the corporation. There was news that the authority would be returned to Wu Pang.

At ten o’clock sharp, when Wu Mei arrived at the Wu Corporation with Mother Wu, she realized that Wu Pang had eagerly assembled everyone in the meeting room. Surprise and derision flashed across her eyes as she looked at the company executives, shareholders, and the person in charge of the law firm present and said, “Almost everyone is here today.”

“It’s been hard on you.”

Wu Mei gently pulled out the Chairman’s seat and got Mother Wu to sit. Then, she stood beside Wu Pang, who looked like a nouveau riche.

Wu Pang was a little surprised to see Mother Wu appear, but he quickly restrained his emotions. He crossed his legs and urged Wu Mei, “Since everyone is here, hurry up and settle the transfer procedures! In a while, everything here will have nothing to do with you!”

The General Manager’s assistant thought that Wu Mei was really going to give in. He mustered up his courage and said, “President Wu, can you reconsider?”

“Under your leadership, the Corporation is finally developing in a positive direction. However, if you hand over the power to Wu Pang, it’s very likely to face a crisis again. Are you willing to watch the Corporation that you personally nurtured and built collapse?”

“He doesn’t know how to run the company well in the long run. He just wants to reap the benefits and doesn’t care about his employees…”

The General Manager’s assistant still wanted to say more, but Wu Pang interrupted him loudly. With a fierce expression on his face, he pointed at the assistant and berated, “Who do you think you are?”

“How dare you spout nonsense here? The first thing I’ll do when I take office is fire you!”

The General Manager’s assistant became adamant and retorted, “If you were in charge, I would resign on my own accord!”

Listening to their argument, Wu Mei’s eyes flashed with impatience as she spoke up to defend him. She glanced at Wu Pang coldly and said, “All the procedures have not been processed as of yet. You’d better recognize your place and not cause a commotion in the company. You have no manners at all.”

“It’s fine if you get laughed at, but don’t implicate Mom and me,” Wu Mei mocked. Wu Pang’s expression turned ugly but he quickly threatened her, “You’d better treat me better.”

“In that case, when the authority transfer is completed later, I can still take care of you on account of our past relationship.”

Wu Pang looked at Wu Mei and Mother Wu as if he was giving alms. He said confidently, “I will let you lead slightly better lives!”

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