Chapter 78: Why Are You Even Here?

“Everyone saw that you brought her here. Nothing will happen to her. Brother, don’t worry!” Ji Yanchen couldn’t bear to see his big brother, whom he regarded as God, being so worried about a woman.

Even though that was the case, it was Ji Jingchen’s title that put Du Jiuyuan even more at risk.

Now, Du Jiuyuan had gone missing. This was Ji Jingchen’s conclusion after ordering people to look for her in the bathroom, and Du Jiuyuan failed to answer her phone.

Ji Yanchen also sensed that something was wrong. He went to the hotel’s person-in-charge to check the surveillance cameras, while Ji Jingchen asked the hotel manager to gather all the waiters together and ask if they had seen Du Jiuyuan. Everyone said the same thing, they hadn’t seen Du Jiuyuan.

This was the strangest thing. There were so many people, but none of them had seen Du Jiuyuan. It seemed that something had happened to her, and someone had paid them to keep their mouths shut.

Ji Yanchen called Ji Jingchen to inform him that he saw footage of the surveillance cameras that showed Du Jiuyuan going upstairs and entering a presidential suite. Ji Yanchen had already obtained the room number. Ji Jingchen couldn’t help but run, and Ji Yanchen also rushed over.

Just as they reached the door of the room, they saw two people in uniform standing at the door. The waiter was so scared that he didn’t dare to say anything. He was trembling and opened the door with a universal room card.

The main light in the room couldn’t be turned on. The police officers took out the flashlights that they were carrying and shouted, “Don’t move! We’ve received a report that someone here is involved in prostitution and engaged in illegal transactions!”

“What illegal transactions? We are a normal couple!” The naked man reacted quickly. It seemed that he had been in this situation many times.

“We will conduct an investigation. Now, please put on your clothes and come back to the police station with us,” the policeman said in a very serious tone.

There was only the light coming from the flashlight in the room. Another police officer went to turn on the lights in the bathroom. The woman on the bed was lying on the bed with her back exposed. The naked man was already putting on his clothes, but the woman on the bed did not react at all.

“Miss, please put on your clothes and come with us,” the police officer said loudly.

There was still no reaction. The two police officers looked at each other and went forward to pat her. Before their hands touched anyone, a gloomy voice came from behind them, “Don’t touch her!”

Everyone looked at the source of the voice. The man who was putting on his clothes was even more frightened. “CEO Ji…”

At this moment, Ji Jingchen was like a wild beast that had been hungry for a few days in the jungle. He took a few steps forward and kicked the fat man’s groin. The man let out a pig-like roar. He couldn’t even stand properly.

The police officers immediately stepped forward to stop him. “What are you doing?”

Seeing this, Ji Yanchen also immediately stopped Ji Jingchen. “Brother, listen to me. This matter must not be blown up. Otherwise, it will affect Du Jiuyuan’s honor in the future.”

At this moment, only by mentioning Du Jiuyuan could Ji Jingchen calm down. Otherwise, with his state right now, he would have killed someone to vent his anger at any moment. The two police officers were both men. When they realized what was going on, they didn’t say anything more.

“Calm down. We will investigate this matter thoroughly,” one of the police officers said.

Ji Jingchen pushed Ji Yanchen away. His gaze fell on the bed, and his entire body seemed to have split apart. He walked to the bedside, with his entire body trembling.

He bit his lips tightly and said in a hoarse voice, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here.”

Ji Jingchen flipped the woman over. A strange face came into view. Ji Jingchen was stunned. Ji Yanchen even asked directly, “Who is this person?”

The two police officers were at a loss. “How would we know? Don’t you know each other?”

“Oh, we made a mistake, Brother. Don’t just stand there. It’s not her.” Ji Yanchen was about to pull Ji Jingchen away.

‘That’s right! It’s not her. That’s great!’ Ji Jingchen couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time, and his eyes were bloodshot.

“Sorry, I don’t know this person. You guys continue.” Ji Jingchen’s voice was still hoarse.

“Then what were you doing? Why are you even here?” The police officer couldn’t help but complain.

After saying this, another police officer came forward and covered the woman with a blanket. He patted the woman across the blanket. “Hey, wake up. Wake up. Come back with us for an investigation.”

The woman on the bed felt that her head was about to split open. She also felt as if her body was being torn apart. In a trance, she heard someone calling her, so she opened her eyes.

Seeing so many people in the room, she did not react until she realized that she was naked and heard the police officer waking her up. Only then did she understand what had happened.

“Ah! How could this happen?” The woman screamed in pain.

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