Chapter 89

Li Zhen hesitated and slowly spoke, "Yes, young master also knows."

He knew that there were things the young master definitely knew that she couldn't deny.

Further denial would likely just make her angrier.

"Assistant Fei, Yu Yang called me sister-in-law and you weren't surprised at all. This shows you already knew that I was married to Yu Sheng before, and you also know Yu Yang. You didn't just see my divorce certificate, it's that simple." Li Zhen stood up, her face expressionless, "You guys are investigating me."

Li Zhen picked up her bag, "What you investigated about me shouldn't be just this one thing. I'm completely transparent in front of you all?"

"You know I'm an illegitimate daughter, you know I didn't have a mother since I was little, so that's why Chairman Lu cared for me so much?"

"Not only did you just investigate me simply, you must also keep me under surveillance in secret daily right?"

"After all you are the incredibly capable Assistant Fei!"

Li Zhen's heart pounded violently.

Everyone has their own boundaries, but Lu Yanming secretly pierced her boundaries.

She had thought Lu Yanming was just a simple tool husband. They helped each other for a while, then parted ways cleanly and neatly.

But Lu Yanming actually investigated her...

After speaking, she turned and left.

Leaving Fei Zhao standing there in a daze.

It wasn't until two minutes later that Fei Zhao regained his senses.

It's over!

He wouldn't live for long!

Fei Zhao took out his phone, opened Lu Yanming's number, but hesitated to press dial.

In the end, with the mentality of going to his death, he made the call.

"Young master..."

"Miss Li knows..."

Li Zhen walked to the 4S store entrance.

She looked up at the blazing noon sun high in the sky.

She had foolishly been afraid that Lu Yanming would know she was once married to Yu Sheng, and use it against her.

Would someone like him care about a small handle like that?

If she ever had huge conflicts with him one day, with a wave of his hand he could deal with her.

She had provoked the wrong person.

She would have to find someone else for her pregnancy plan.

A ring came from her phone.

It was a message from Yu Sheng asking her to go to Jinlu Garden to change into formal dress and put on makeup in the afternoon.

Li Zhen collected her emotions and went to Jinlu Garden.

She had to figure out a way for the pregnancy, and also needed Yu Sheng to continue hiding their divorce from Li Yinnan and Li Yanran.

Otherwise if the mother and daughter found out she was trying to get pregnant through a loophole, they would definitely use every means to stop her, hard to guard against.

When Li Zhen arrived at Jinlu Garden, the living room of the villa was filled with people.

There were several stylists, two or three makeup artists, and clothing experts who had wheeled in several racks of formalwear.

Yu Yang was trying on formalwear. Seeing Li Zhen come in, he smiled and called out, "Sister-in-law."

Li Zhen was uncomfortable being called this since she didn't expect Yu Yang would be there too. She used her usual tactic, "Yu Yang, call me by my name, otherwise I won't respond."

As soon as Yu Yang heard this, his expression froze for a moment.

Yu Sheng seemed to not have heard Li Zhen's words. He sat expressionless on the sofa, glancing coldly at her, "Eat lunch first, then try on clothes."

At the dining table.

Yu Yang sat next to Yu Sheng.

Li Zhen sat across from Yu Yang.

Seeing Li Zhen come, Aunt Wu was extremely happy. Every dish she brought out, she urged Li Zhen to eat more, before returning to the kitchen again.

But Li Zhen didn't have much appetite.

Seeing Li Zhen's lackluster attitude towards the meal, Yu Yang added soup to her bowl, "Sis, drink the soup."

Li Zhen looked up, quite satisfied that he had changed his form of address so readily, "Thanks, Yu Yang."

"Sis, have you lost weight recently?" Yu Yang asked while also adding soup to Yu Sheng's bowl.

"I don't think so, I didn't notice myself." Li Zhen said, then touched her face, suddenly feeling like she had lost a little weight.

It was normal too.

She had been staying up late recently for the play rehearsals, weakening her body somewhat.

Yu Sheng looked at Li Zhen expressionlessly for a moment, then withdrew his gaze, "If you lost weight you need to eat and nourish more."

Yu Yang glanced at his brother strangely.

Normally after he said something like this, he would definitely instruct Aunt Wu to prepare something, or add food to Li Zhen's bowl himself.

Today after speaking, he actually had no reaction at all.

Yu Yang was puzzled, when he suddenly received a look from Yu Sheng.

He immediately understood, adding food to Li Zhen's bowl, "Sis, eat more."

Throughout the meal, Li Zhen was constantly served food by Yu Yang.

After the meal, she felt like she had gained three pounds.

In the afternoon, as Li Zhen was getting her hair and makeup done, Yu Sheng and Yu Yang stayed nearby the whole time.

Yu Sheng handled work emails and wrote proposals.

Yu Yang wore earphones and played games.

Suddenly, Yu Sheng's phone rang.

He answered it, his tone slightly more deferential than usual, "Uncle...okay, I'll come over first to discuss with you in detail."

After Yu Sheng hung up the call, Yu Yang was very happy, "Bro, uncle is here?"


"I want to go see uncle too, haven't seen him in so many years."

"I have some matters to discuss with uncle first. You stay here, be on time to take Li Zhen to the Yu house at six tonight." Yu Sheng closed his laptop, got up and walked out.

"Okay, brother." Although disappointed, Yu Yang immediately agreed.

When Yu Sheng got to the door, about to leave, he suddenly turned back again to look.

Li Zhen had already changed into new clothes, and was putting on makeup.

Her back was slender, sitting up perfectly straight.

Just like before, every time at the library she would arrive early to save him a seat.

When he got there, she would always be sitting quietly, back upright, gently turning pages in the tranquil library.

Yu Sheng sometimes thought, if Li Zhen hadn't jumped to save someone that day, and another man hadn't saved her, mistaken her for someone else, and hadn't ardently pursued him.

Then he would have certainly noticed Li Zhen too.

Things would have gone differently, he would have been the one to pursue her, without the other man between them.

Li Zhen sensed a gaze watching her.

She turned her head to see Yu Sheng standing in the doorway, but he was lowering his head to change his shoes.

Yu Sheng went out the door.

At five forty in the evening.

Yu Yang brought Li Zhen to the gates of the Yu house estate.

The tall European wrought iron gates were wide open, the upright gates symbolizing power and nobility.

Luxury cars continuously streamed in, all the most prestigious families of Jin City had arrived.

Servants stood respectfully on both sides, bowing and greeting the familiar second young master's car.

The vehicle moved slowly forward.

On both sides of the road were expansive lawns and lakes, tall landscape sculptures, various precious plants, as well as the stables and golf course.

This was Li Zhen's first time at the Yu house.

She only found out today that in the already scarce land of Jin City, there was actually still a large estate occupied by a single family.

The car drove forward for a few minutes before stopping at the parking lot.

Not far away, several independent European-style buildings could already be faintly seen. Everywhere was exquisite carvings and intricate decorative details, from a distance the owner's wealth and taste was evident.

Two estate shuttle vehicles were parked next to Yu Yang's car.

The servant from the first shuttle got out of the car, respectfully saying, "Second young master."

"Has my brother come back yet?" Yu Yang asked.

"Eldest young master is back, returned with uncle. They just got back not long ago."

"Okay." Yu Yang took large strides onto the shuttle, calling to Li Zhen, "Sis, get on the car, we're going to the reception hall now."

Li Zhen was just about to get on the shuttle.

But the servant raised his hand to block her path, head still lowered respectfully, "You are Miss Li right? Please take the other car."

Li Zhen halted.

"Whose idea is this?" Yu Yang's brows furrowed as he asked coldly.

"Replying to second young master, it was madam's idea."

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