Chapter 63


The gun was pointing at him!

The man raised both hands and knelt down with a thud, "I surrender, I surrender!"

Seeing this man kneel, the others also kneeled down in swaths.

Someone directly cried, "Brother Xiao, didn't you say you were just coming to smash the house to scare people?"

They had taken off their rubber aprons and put down their fish-scaling knives, and came just like that without even a stick.

Who would've thought the people dealing with them were military helicopters equipped with large-caliber machine guns?

And there were several of them!

They played a 3, but the other side directly threw down a bomb!

They were preparing to play a 5 yuan capped mahjong, but the other side made a billion dollar gamble!

How could they continue playing this hand!

"Wuwuwu, Brother Xiao, I want to go home."

"Brother Xiao..."

A chorus of wailing arose one after another.

Xiao Tai could no longer hear the voices of the others, he had completely frozen in place.

A dark stain spread from his crotch down his trouser leg.

Li Zhen was surprised to see the military helicopters outside the window.

Lu Yanming had come in empty-handed, yet brimming with confidence. She had thought he was Lu Zidan, could he really be able to take on ten opponents alone?

But upon seeing these helicopters, she finally understood, he was Lu Jing, following the military industry path.

Li Zhen looked up at him and sincerely admired, "Limited by culture, I play a single 6!"

Whenever she looked at him with such clear, worshipful eyes, Lu Yanming felt quite smug inside.

He ruffled her soft, fluffy hair, "Thanks for my wife's praise."

The two words "my wife" caused Li Zhen's cheeks to flush slightly.

Lu Yanming separately went to each bedroom and took a few things before leading Li Zhen's hand out.

The special forces who had been waiting in the corridor for a long time immediately swarmed into the room.

Li Zhen curiously looked at the things in Lu Yanming's hands.

Their ID cards, household registrations, marriage certificate, and... a little umbrella.

"Mr. Lu, why are you taking these things out?"

"Moving house." Lu Yanming pressed the elevator button and they walked in.

"Moving house?"

This was the first time she had seen someone move house with just one hand's worth of stuff!

"We're not living in this dorm anymore?" Li Zhen thought, it seemed they really couldn't continue living there short-term, it had been smashed to just a shell, "What about the stuff inside?"

"Fei Zhao will arrange to clear it out."

"Oh, alright."

Li Zhen didn't have many possessions herself.

She didn't like buying bags or jewelry, just had a few sets of clothes and shoes, as long as she had enough to wear day-to-day.

Buying anew wouldn't cost much money.

When the two of them exited the building, they discovered a dense crowd of people standing around the large central courtyard of the complex.

"Special forces and military helicopters?"

"Terrorists have entered our complex?"

"Must be filming something right? These scenes, big production!"

"So cool! Mom, I want that plane, buy it for me mom!"

"Be good, we're not buying it. Mom will make you some stir-fried meat with bamboo weave later!"

Li Zhen suddenly remembered there were still two things she hadn't taken!

"Mr. Lu, wait for me, I still need to go upstairs to get some stuff."

The instant Li Zhen turned around, she was grabbed by the hand again by Lu Yanming, "What stuff?"

Li Zhen subconsciously glanced at the IDs in Lu Yanming's hand.

She still had one ID she hadn't taken.

The divorce certificate.

Li Zhen's silence made Lu Yanming understand.

He released his hand, "Go on then."

Li Zhen turned back towards the building. Lu Yanming's low, rich voice sounded from behind her, "There's lots of debris inside, be careful not to step on anything and hurt yourself."

Li Zhen's footsteps halted.

She turned back. The wind from the whirling rotors blew Lu Yanming's neat, clean-cut hair. He stood straight and tall, his posture noble and elegant, the sea of people behind him becoming his backdrop.

He was wise and powerful, seeming to always have stable emotions, always caring for her attentively and tolerantly.

Li Zhen was suddenly overwhelmed by a strong sense of trust, an urge to confide heart-achingly, "Mr. Lu, one matter took seven years of my youth but was never smoothly concluded. There's something upstairs, the only proof of those seven years of existence."

She asked: "Should I go get it or not?"

Lu Yanming walked closer to her, his low voice deep and unhurried, "Don't look back, let me lead you forward."

Li Zhen's heart thumped heavily. She looked up at him in astonishment.

She had thought he wouldn't understand even if she told him, or would perhaps lecture her at length.

But what he said was precisely what she was thinking.

That's right, she had to keep moving forward. There was no need to keep the divorce certificate.

Lu Yanming held out his hand.

Li Zhen slowly raised her hand and placed it in his broad, dry palm.

Lu Yanming gripped it tightly.

Zhen Zhen, let me lead you forward. If you look back, then I will have no more road left to walk.


After the two of them exited the complex, Fei Zhao was already waiting at the entrance.

Li Zhen got in the car. Fei Zhao started the car and asked caringly, "Miss Li, you weren't too frightened just now right?"

"It was fine, but I don't want a repeat of this." Li Zhen was still a bit terrified thinking back.

Actually, just looking at Xiao Tai's appearance, it was clear he was just of poor character without much guts. So despite Xiao Tai saying so many threats against her, she hadn't believed many of them.

Before long, the car arrived.

Li Zhen cried out softly when she saw the gilded entrance of the complex before her, "Assistant Fei, you didn't bring me to the wrong place right? Our company's dorms will be here?"

Flower Splendor Noble Gate, this was a famously high-end apartment complex alongside the Jinjiang River. The floor plans were generally 200 square meter one-bedrooms and 300 to 500 square meter two-bedrooms. There was only one building, standing tall and prominent alongside the Jinjiang.

"There is a small unit, a 160 square meter small one-bedroom." Fei Zhao replied.

Yet another small house, but there was no helping it, this was the largest unit MacroOcean had.

The young master didn't have any objections, so what more could he say?

160 square meters?

A small one-bedroom?

Fine, Li Zhen was rather curious what the layout of a "small" 160 square meter one-bedroom would look like.

Li Zhen followed Lu Yanming and Fei Zhao to the 27th floor. Inside was a two-story duplex structure. Just the first floor was already 160 square meters, with a large living room, open kitchen with Chinese and Western styles, and floor-to-ceiling windows on two sides for 270 degree river views.

The upstairs was half open to the living room below, and half a nearly 70 square meter bedroom connected by a spiral staircase.

The layout was simple, but extravagant and spacious.

"This house is great!" Li Zhen was very satisfied.

When she got her share dividend, she would buy a nice large river-view flat just like this rather than a villa!

"Go take a look at the things Fei Zhao has prepared in the bedroom, and let him know if you're missing anything." Lu Yanming walked into the kitchen and put on an apron. "I'll call you when food is ready."

"Young master is going to cook?" Fei Zhao was so shocked his jaw dropped.

Lu Yanming glanced at him. "Didn't I often cook in the past?"

Fei Zhao felt like he was hearing things. "Huh (ā)?"

It seemed he hadn't misheard!

He was shocked again. "Huh (á)?"

When had the young master ever cooked!

But in a second, Fei Zhao understood. "Oh (ǎ)."

It was all for Li Zhen's sake!

Having figured it out, Fei Zhao nodded. "Oh (à)! That's right, the young master often cooks!"

It's said that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but the young master had put on an apron for love!

Li Zhen admired this.

The depths of the Chinese language had truly been played with by Fei Zhao.

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