Chapter 55

Li Zhen felt more and more uneasy as she thought about it. Why did he suddenly bring up that incident again when things were going well?

"Mr. Lu, about that five-second thing..." Li Zhen was about to ask.

Lu Yanming just smiled. "Want to ask why I suddenly brought it up?"

Li Zhen regretted it. Lu Yanming's smile was ominous. She had a hunch it was not a good thing and that she shouldn't have asked.

Lu Yanming took out his phone and flipped to the chat history with Wang Peng. He placed the phone in front of Li Zhen.

Li Zhen lowered her head to look.

Wang Peng: Lu Yanming my friend, many people in the company are using this sticker pack now. Don't get angry when you see it. The employees work hard and joking with the boss is just for fun.

Following this message was a screenshot of a chat. It showed a colleague from the legal department urging another colleague to submit documents.

The urged person sent an animated GIF with a cartoon image of Lu Yanming flashing the words "Don't panic, I'll be quick, just five seconds!"

Li Zhen's pupils shook!

Impressive! The production quality of this GIF was quite high! Li Zhen admired it.

"You quite appreciate this image?" Lu Yanming said with a smile.

Shoot, forgot the person involved was still here!

Li Zhen smiled awkwardly. "No no, how could I appreciate it? I think the person who made this has no kindness!"

"I agree." Lu Yanming put his phone away.

Li Zhen carefully observed Lu Yanming's expression. He didn't seem too angry. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After Lu Yanming finished bandaging her wound, he put away the first aid kit. "You can go to the lounge inside to change."

Following Lu Yanming's gaze, Li Zhen saw a hidden small door over there.

As expected of the bosses!

The office had a special lounge.

She was envious.

After changing her clothes and tidying up her hair, Li Zhen returned to the advertising department.

The department was quite lively.

Jiang Kening sat at her desk, surrounded by a crowd.

"You don't know how excessive Li Zhen is. She just slapped me and pulled my ear." Jiang Kening looked pitiful.

"Too much. I wonder why Li Zhen can still stay in the company." Zhang Yucui added fuel to the fire on the side.

"Right, exactly."

"Just a hand model, glaring to the sky."

"The company should fire her."

Everyone echoed agreement.

The crowd surrounding Jiang Kening accounted for about two-thirds of the advertising department.

Another third either didn't gossip, had been helped by Li Zhen before, or liked Li Zhen's unyielding tough character.

In the huge advertising department, dozens of small groups formed, like a little community.

Zhang Xiya watched coldly from her desk, sipping on coffee just delivered by the delivery guy. She rolled her eyes at the group. "If Li Zhen was actually here, would they dare be so cocky?"

"Speak of the devil." Meng Yuanjie raised his eyebrows.

Li Zhen walked in from the door.

The previously indignant people immediately shut up.

"What are you all gathering for? A meeting?" Li Zhen glanced at everyone as she walked over, ending up next to Zhang Yucui.

The crowd was a bit crowded. Li Zhen lightly glanced at Zhang Yucui.

Zhang Yucui's heart thumped as she discreetly shifted away. Last time Li Zhen just scolded her, but if Li Zhen was in a bad mood today and decided to hit her too...

As Li Zhen got closer, everyone realized something was off.

Li Zhen was poised, with neat hair and clean, tidy clothes, showing no signs of having just been in a fight.

On the other hand, the seated Jiang Kening was a mess.

"How come when I arrive, everyone suddenly has nothing to say? If you have nothing to say, then disperse. Aren't you all tired of standing?" Li Zhen swept her eyes over everyone.

No one dared say much more. They quickly dispersed in less than a second.

They saw Li Zhen as a living Yama King.

Li Zhen looked down condescendingly at the person still seated. "Jiang Kening, pretending to be weak and pitiful in front of them, does that work? Can they help beat me up for you?"

"What do you mean pretending? I really am aggrieved." Jiang Kening glared fiercely.

"Playing the victim is the dumbest tactic." Li Zhen couldn't bear to watch. "Since you feel wronged, I'll give you a chance to regain some face."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Kening was on guard.

"We'll meet after work at the company entrance. Not leaving until we settle this." Li Zhen smiled.

After speaking, she turned and went back to her desk.

The people around had perked up their ears to eavesdrop. Hearing this real-life "wait for me after school" fight appointment, they were super excited!

They all regretted missing the live version this morning, and could make up for it now.

Jiang Kening's brow furrowed tightly!

She didn't want to fight anymore.

It hurt too much!

But with Li Zhen openly challenging her in front of so many people, not going would seem cowardly.

What kind of demon was Li Zhen, getting addicted to fighting? Didn't she consider herself a woman?

Unknown to Li Zhen and Jiang Kening, this news had already spread like tidal waves.

Person A in the advertising department privately messaged Person B in the legal department: After work, go to the company entrance. Two beauties from our department are meeting for a fight.

Person B in the legal department told Person C from a neighboring company: Come to Honghai Corporation's entrance after work. Two models from our company are meeting to fight.

The bored working-class people on Tianfu Second Street were fired up.

For excitement, nothing beat big companies!

After work, Li Zhen called Zhang Xiya and Meng Yuanjie over. "Let's go to Qiao Yi's place. Haven't been able to contact her all day, I'm worried."

"Didn't you make a fight appointment with Jiang Kening?" Zhang Xiya asked in surprise.

"Do I have time for that?" Li Zhen looked around and slowly said, "Just joking with her. She wanted me to work overtime at the studio. I wanted to let her taste some baseless overtime first."

Recently Jiang Kening had been buzzing around her like a fly, causing her trouble!

And today, she even proudly flipped her off!

She couldn't swallow this insult!

"Awesome, Li Zhen! In a palace drama, you could at least make it to the finale!" Meng Yuanjie was greatly impressed.

"Will she keep waiting?" Zhang Xiya asked curiously.

"She cares a lot about face. I said not leaving until we settle this. She's afraid that if she leaves first and I show up, she'd be mocked as a coward." Li Zhen picked up her bag and winked at the two. "Let's go, we'll sneak out the back door."

Li Zhen and Zhang Xiya left via the back door while Meng Yuanjie went to get the car and pick them up from the back.

After driving out a few dozen meters, the three despaired!

The road was completely jammed!


Meng Yuanjie howled to the sky after moving only 100 meters in 10 minutes. "Heavens, it wasn't even this bad during the international exhibition! What's going on today?"

Both directions of the 8-lane Tianfu Second Street were filled with cars heading to and fro.

Li Zhen was getting claustrophobic just looking at the density.

"Is there some huge event?" Zhang Xiya was also bored and rolled down the window.

On the lane across from them, a buff guy in an Audi had simply gotten out of his car.

He was on the phone complaining, "Tianfu Second Street's jammed to hell. No idea how long it'll take to get there. Go ahead and get cleaned up waiting for me at Seeking Love Hotel."

The car behind him had a handsome livestreamer holding up his phone. "My dear viewers, can you understand this?"

"The road's filled with people rushing to see two beauty models fight. Traffic's completely stuck and we can't move!"

"Don't worry my viewers, I'll fly my drone over first to see if the fight's started."

Li Zhen: ...

Zhang Xiya: ...

Meng Yuanjie: ...

"My goodness! They're all here for you, Little Li Zhen!" Zhang Xiya turned to look at her, absolutely shocked.

Li Zhen was equally shocked. "I didn't expect everyone to be so bored!"

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