After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 49: Want to live in Jinlu Garden

Chapter 49

Grandpa wanted to stay at Jinlu Park?

That's impossible!

Li Zhen still had fresh memories of the crazy fit Old Master Li had thrown last time he stayed at Jinlu Park.

"Grandpa, no... There's been a few snakes that slithered into our house recently. We still don't know where they're hiding," Li Zhen pressed her lips together.


"Yes, grandpa, you know how Jinlu Park has too much greenery, snakes and bugs have always been common."

"It's fine, I'm not scared..."

Li Zhen was startled, "Not scared? You used to be most afraid of snakes when you took me to the zoo."

Old Master Li coughed and said, "You said it yourself, that was before. I'm not afraid now."

Li Zhen: ...

Li Zhen: "You'd give up the flowers you planted at home? You wouldn't miss them?"

"It's fine, I can leave them with the steward." Old Master Li sighed softly and shook his head, "Zhen'er, could it be you find me a burden in my old age and don't want me staying at your home?"

"Of course not, grandpa. How could I find you a burden?" Li Zhen's heart immediately softened.

Grandpa wanted to come live here, if she kept resisting, he was bound to overthink.

"Grandpa, let me step out to make a call." Li Zhen walked to the end of the hallway and called Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng picked up quickly, his voice cold and stern, "What is it?"

He was driving. The echo in the bluetooth call indicated he was on speakerphone in the car.

Li Zhen spoke weakly, "What time did you say we were going to the exhibit tomorrow?"

There was no response from the other end of the call.

Li Zhen panicked a little, "Yu Sheng?"

"Weren't you not going? Why are you asking about it now?"

"I suddenly realized I'm not busy and will just be idle anyway, so I might as well go take a look."

Yu Sheng gave a cold laugh, "You want something from me?"

Li Zhen was at a loss for words. Was he really that perceptive?

She decided to get straight to the point, "My grandpa wants to stay at Jinlu Park for a few days. Is that okay?"

"When you rejected me, you didn't consider my feelings at all. Now that you want something from me, you're suddenly obedient and charming."

"If you don't agree then forget it..."

Yu Sheng interrupted her, "When is he moving in?"

Li Zhen kept vigil by the hospital bed all night.

The patient rooms were quite spacious and had two foldout beds for caregivers, so spending a night wasn't too uncomfortable.

Li Zhen got up early the next morning and saw grandpa still sleeping soundly. She first returned to Sunshine Garden to tidy up and left a note for Lu Yanyan before heading to Jinlu Park to speak with Wu Ma. She then returned to the hospital to pick up grandpa.

The room grandpa stayed in this time was the same one as before. After settling in, Li Zhen took him to go fishing by the lake in the backyard.

Wu Ma brought over a fruit platter and tea, placing them on the small table.

The breeze off the lake was refreshing, and Li Zhen's mood instantly relaxed as well.

"Zhen'er, I've kept you all day on the weekend. I hope I didn't interfere with anything important," said Old Master Li as he reeled his fishing line back in and re-baited the hook.

"Not at all. I'm a hand model. It's not like I have weekend overtime. I have plenty of free time," Li Zhen relaxed comfortably in a lounge chair.

Spending time with grandpa was so comfortable.

In the future when she obtained company shares and dividends, she would also buy a place like this and accompany grandpa and her child fishing every day.

Old Master Li let out a sigh, recalling Yu Sheng, "You said the two of you are so mismatched. One so free, the other so busy..."

It would definitely take a toll on their relationship.

How did the conversation get back to Yu Sheng again? Li Zhen lazily replied, "He's just starting his career. Being busy is normal."

Neglecting one's wife for a year while entertaining female clients, accompanying them, holding them, drinking with them was not normal. But she wouldn't mention this to grandpa.

When Li Zhen thought about Yu Sheng embracing another woman and drinking together in the private room, she surprisingly felt no heartache. It was as if she were recalling a stranger.

"It's good you can think like this. I was worried you'd feel down because of his work," said grandpa.

Li Zhen looked up and frowned, "Grandpa, it feels like you're testing me."

Old Master Li guffawed loudly, "You girl, always overthinking. Can't grandpa just chat with you?"

At dinner time, Yu Sheng still hadn't returned. After Old Master Li finished dinner at around 6:30pm, Li Zhen helped grandpa back to his room since he had taken a fall yesterday and needed to rest over the next few days.

Li Zhen came out of Old Master Li's room, also preparing to return to her own room.

But Old Master Li's door suddenly opened. 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖

Their eyes met.

Old Master Li glared and bellowed, "Why are you next door to me? Isn't your bedroom with Little Yu on the third floor?"

Li Zhen rubbed her nose. She didn't expect grandpa to have hearing this sharp at his age.

For this stay at Jinlu Park, Li Zhen had chosen the room adjacent to Old Master Li's. Knowing she couldn't hide it, she didn't intend to.

She smiled and said, "Grandpa, of course I have to stay next to you to take care of you since you're staying at my home."

Old Master Li rolled his eyes, "Then how come you didn't stay next to me last time?"

Last time she didn't know Yu Sheng would go so crazy when he lost control!

Of course she wouldn't foolishly room with Yu Sheng again this time.

"Wasn't it my dad who stayed next to you last time?" Li Zhen walked over and held Old Master Li's arms, assisting him back into his bedroom, "Aiya, grandpa. The older you get, the more you meddle."

"It's because I was too lenient on you before. Now I ask you a couple questions and you find me annoying," Old Master Li deliberately made himself out to be pitiful.

Li Zhen knew him too well, of course recognizing he was saying this on purpose.

But she still felt bad for him and played along, "Yes, yes, I was in the wrong. There, go rest. You were just discharged from the hospital after staying overnight from your fall yesterday. Can't be willful today. You need to turn in early."

After helping Old Master Li into bed, Li Zhen tucked him in. "I'm going to an exhibit with Yu Sheng later and will be back late. Let Wu Ma know if you need anything."

Old Master Li's eyes instantly lit up, "Okay, okay. Go ahead. Don't mind me."

"Alright." Li Zhen smiled and turned off the lights, closing the door for Old Master Li.

It was approaching 7pm. She quickly tidied up in her room and went to the front door of the villa. At 6:59 sharp, Yu Sheng's Mercedes-Benz rolled to a stop right in front of her.

The window slowly rolled down, revealing Yu Sheng's cold, chiseled profile. "Get in."

Li Zhen walked around to the passenger side and sat down, "Where are we going today?"

"Not far."

Indeed it wasn't far, just a fifteen minute drive.

When they arrived, Zhou Chaowen, Wan Zhe, and Dong Wanwan were already waiting at the entrance. They accompanied the two inside.

"Brother Sheng, sister-in-law, I pulled a lot of strings to get tickets for today's exhibit," Zhou Chaowen proudly took credit.

Wan Zhe teased from the side, "Talking it up so much. What'd you fight to get tickets for? To pretend you're cultured?"

"That's how it is. Among us, only Brother Sheng actually understands this stuff a bit," Zhou Chaowen obsequiously flattered.

Dong Wanwan couldn't stand Zhou Chaowen's unconditional worship of Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng spoke indifferently, "There's no use in understanding this stuff. Just focus your efforts on business. Don't fuss over trivial matters."

"Brother Sheng, if you say I've gotten my business to a good place, why don't you come help me out?" Zhou Chaowen quickly seized the opportunity to ask again.

Li Zhen fell back a couple steps behind the others and heard Zhou Chaowen's words. She looked up at them.

Zhou Chaowen's good intentions were completely misplaced. Yu Sheng didn't need job opportunities.

Yu Sheng simply replied, "Let's not bring this up again. I'm doing very well at Macro-Ocean."

"Alright, Brother Sheng," Zhou Chaowen was dejected.

Today's exhibit was a collection of pieces by hobbyist collectors, touring major cities. It contained no shortage of rarities.

Zhou Chaowen had only invited everyone today because he wanted to create more opportunities for Yu Sheng and Li Zhen to spend time together. He actually knew nothing about art and had no interest.

Dong Wanwan's gaze roamed around boredly until a painting suddenly caught her attention. She walked over, "Chaowen, this painting looks so weird."

It was a painting done in clean, simple strokes. A young blonde girl sat in a red chair, but the lines were overly simplistic, just a few brushes.

"They can display something like this at this exhibit? They said it was a rare collection. It's nothing special." Dong Wanwan looked disdainfully, subtly glancing at Li Zhen and Yu Sheng. "I said it'd be boring today. Chaowen, let's just go back."

When a group went out to have fun, nothing was worse than someone being a wet blanket.

Zhou Chaowen's expression was a little awkward.

"You probably just don't understand it," Li Zhen smiled and slowly said, "This is a Picasso."

Dong Wanwan was stunned. That's it? A Picasso painting?

The few people present didn't understand, but they did know Picasso's name.

Dong Wanwan's expression immediately turned ugly.

Li Zhen was clearly just trying to slap her in the face!

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