Chapter 47

"Sister Song." Li Zhen stiffly turned her head.

"You live nearby too? Buying a property?" Sister Song from the legal department walked over with a smile.

The queue glanced over at the two, then indifferently turned their heads back.

"Yes, I live in the company dormitory next door in Sunshine Garden." Li Zhen awkwardly pulled her hand back. The last time she saw Sister Song was at the bar asking about resignation. Now they met again in this kind of situation.

Sister Song stood next to her. "Why is your face red? Young girl, you're just shy. Is this your first time out buying? What kind are you looking for? I'll help you pick."

"Don't trouble yourself, Sister Song." Li Zhen's scalp tingled awkwardly.

Sister Song was decent to her at the company, but not intimate enough to help pick out such private items.

She quickly grabbed a box at random, keeping a calm face. "Sister Song, please take a look around first. I've picked what I need."

"You got..." Sister Song stared at Li Zhen's hand strangely. "That size..."

Sister Song sighed to herself. A beauty like Li Zhen, yet dating a petite boyfriend. What a waste.

Li Zhen followed Sister Song's gaze. The "ultra-mini" label practically leapt off the packaging.

She had grabbed it without looking. She didn't know these things had sizes.

"Haha, wrong one." Li Zhen laughed and switched for the largest size, toes curling in embarrassment the whole time.

Sister Song looked away. "Oh dear, I didn't see anything. I'll go pick something. See you later."

She took a few steps, then whispered in Li Zhen's ear, "Get the right fit, or it might slip."

So definitely don't try too big.

Li Zhen wanted to vanish from the planet. This was too awkward!

She paid and left the supermarket sullenly, walking to Lu Yanming, standing ramrod straight in a corner.

They walked home together. Only then did Li Zhen react. "Luckily you were in the corner. Sister Song was here too. Good thing she didn't see you."

Lu Yanming glanced at her. "Who said she didn't?"

"She saw you?" Li Zhen's heart leapt. "What did you talk about?"

"Just a normal greeting. She asked what I was doing here."

"What did you say?"

"The truth. I was here with my wife."

Li Zhen nearly choked. She was just helping him get a marriage certificate. How could he casually call her his wife?

But she realized Sister Song had acted normally, meaning she hadn't connected Li Zhen with Lu Yanming.

Li Zhen relaxed.

At home, they found the door open, Fei Zhao standing in the bathroom doorway as workers changed the faucet.

Li Zhen had thought Fei Zhao was Lu Yanming's driver, but later learned he was his assistant.

Strangely though, Fei Zhao didn't seem like a corporate-assigned role since he was rarely at the office. Lu Yanming often called him to the house, so he must trust him. He wouldn't gossip about them at work.

"Assistant Fei, thanks for your hard work." Li Zhen greeted him naturally.

"Ms. Li, no need to be polite. It's my job." Fei Zhao replied professionally, glancing at the small bag in her hand.

Li Zhen's heart thumped. She quickly hid the bag behind her back.

Lu Yanming was on his computer in the living room. She went into his spare bedroom, locking the door before taking out a needle and pricking tiny holes in each condom, too small to notice.

"All done!"

She put them on the bedside table, visible and within easy reach.

With her task complete, Li Zhen returned to her room.

A few minutes later, Fei Zhao, very curious about the small house, casually wandered into the spare bedroom.

Fei Zhao looked around and mumbled. "Such a tiny place. Can the Young Master straighten his legs? How can he stand living here?"

Suddenly Fei Zhao's eyes lit up at the items on the bedside table.

Fei Zhao was thrilled to know the Young Master was living with a woman.

But seeing the condoms clearly was another matter entirely.

It meant they had progressed to harmony!

The Young Master was finally an adult!

Finally able to experience the joys of the world!

The eternally single Fei Zhao wept with joy.

But then Fei Zhao realized something was wrong. The Young Master's private doctor had said he likely couldn't use normal sizes. The doctor had even custom-ordered the right sizes for the Young Master.

There were boxes stocked in the trunk for when needed.

While the worker changed the faucet, Fei Zhao dashed downstairs, grabbed a box, emptied the original package, and replaced the contents with the custom ones.

By the time the faucet was changed, it was nearly 10pm.

Li Zhen had a nice shower and changed into a nightgown.

In the living room, Lu Yanming sat on the carpet, looking at his laptop on the coffee table.

Whenever he was home, Lu Yanming was either cooking or working on his computer. The content was neither Chinese nor English, so she couldn't understand it.

She sat next to him. "Mr. Lu, how much longer will you be busy?"

"Very busy. Go rest first." Lu Yanming glanced at her, immediately seeing through her intentions. He flatly refused, "I have important work. Really can't today."

He knew last night had been too intense. Yet today, he kept losing control around her.

It shouldn't happen, but he couldn't help himself.

Hearing his tone, like she was an annoying student disrupting his studies, Li Zhen could only murmur, "Okay, get back to work then... But you never work overtime, right?"

"It's not HaiHong work."

"You have a side job too?"

It was common for higher-ups to moonlight these days.

Lu Yanming smiled. "If that's how you see it, sure."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"So I should thank you?" Lu Yanming amusedly glanced at her, then his gaze instantly darkened.

Li Zhen's nightgown was sheer as a cicada's wing, beautifully outlining her curves. Between the straps was acres of fair, creamy skin, marked from last night.

Her soft moans as he pressed her against the sink in the morning and held her on the bed last night flooded his mind.

Her unguarded moments roused an overwhelming desire to possess her, to play with her.

He used to think he was above base desires, but now...

Lu Yanming chuckled ruefully and grabbed a cushion to hide his arousal.

"Go rest. Talking to you distracts me."

"Oh." Somewhat dejected, Li Zhen obediently started to get up.

But her slender wrist was seized by Lu Yanming, yanking her off balance. She fell into his lap, onto the soft cushion.

"Unhappy?" Lu Yanming lifted his hand to gently caress her flushed lips. "I just worry you can't handle it. Don't overthink."

He kissed her, from her lips to her neck and back to her earlobe.

Unhurried and lingering.

With utmost gentleness.

"I understand, Mr. Lu." Li Zhen's breath hitched as her heart pounded.

Was he comforting her? Seeing she was upset so he clearly told her?

Her contract husband was so... considerate.

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