Chapter 44

Li Zhen: "You're the senior here, aren't you!" 𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

Yi RenRan had a slender figure, showing no signs of being an experienced mother. Li Zhen was surprised, "You've had a child already?"

Xu Shan chimed in from the side, "Right after RenRan graduated, she secretly had a child with her sponsor without telling him. She relies on the 50,000 yuan in child support she gets from that kid every month."

"I see..." Li Zhen didn't expect RenRan's life to be so dramatic, but it was perfect for answering her questions. "How did you do it?"

"It's simple. When the man doesn't want it, lower his guard first and get the condoms ready for him..."

Dong Wanwan interrupted, "Getting condoms ready defeats the purpose of getting pregnant!"

"You dummy, of course you poke some holes in them first! Use a decoy." Li Zhen suddenly understood RenRan's clever idea.

She really was inexperienced. RenRan's idea was great. Li Zhen immediately closed her notebook, "Thanks everyone, I have to get going. Let's not meet up casually from now on."

She wouldn't come even if they asked her to in the future.

Li Zhen was in an extremely happy mood. All she wanted to do now was rush to the pharmacy and buy a box of condoms.

Dong Wanwan's brows furrowed. She hadn't even asked a thing about Li Zhen yet. "Li Zhen, wait. We've only been here a few minutes, don't rush off so quickly."

Of course she had to leave. Why would she stay here until New Year? Li Zhen completely ignored Dong Wanwan, put her notebook in her bag, and stood up.

Dong Wanwan said loudly, "That diamond watch..."

Li Zhen sat right back down and looked up at the sky. "It's still early, let's chat some more."

Dong Wanwan resentfully gritted her teeth. That 320,000 yuan diamond watch only made Li Zhen stay a little longer.

Dong Wanwan was afraid Li Zhen would make a fuss and leave again, so she calmed herself down and casually asked, "Oh right, the brooch Yu Sheng bought you yesterday was so generous. Your family must have quite a bit saved up?"

Xu Shan and Yi RenRan were both confused. What brooch?

Li Zhen immediately understood in her heart that Dong Wanwan was trying to find out about Yu Sheng's situation.

Li Zhen took a sip of her fruit tea and said lightly, "Can't say we have a lot, can't say we have a little. If you ask how much, well, however much is about right."

Dong Wanwan: ...What kind of nonsense is this!

"So that money yesterday was really your family's own money?" Dong Wanwan cut to the chase and asked directly.

"It's not our family's money." Li Zhen told the truth. That was Yu Sheng's own money. She and Yu Sheng were not a family anymore.

Hearing it wasn't their family money, Dong Wanwan was delighted. It seemed there was something fishy about the money after all. Maybe it was money Yu Sheng had embezzled privately, or misappropriated public funds.

To confirm her assumptions, Dong Wanwan asked again, "I still don't know where you live. I saw you take a taxi here today. If you need a ride home later, I can give you one?"

Li Zhen: "No need. I live in Sunshine Garden. It's not far from here."

"Which complex is Sunshine Garden? Where is it?" Dong Wanwan had never heard of it.

Just as Li Zhen finished speaking, Yi RenRan burst out laughing, "Sunshine Garden? I know that place. It's that old worn down housing. Wanwan, you live in luxury mansions, of course you don't know it."

Realizing it was old and shabby housing, Dong Wanwan immediately understood. Her guesses were spot on - Yu Sheng and Li Zhen really weren't doing so well now.

The 2 million yuan from yesterday was probably just Yu Sheng scraping together some public funds to keep up appearances. He was truly foolish, poor, and dying to keep face.

RenRan's mocking tone annoyed Li Zhen.

Li Zhen stared straight at her and asked with an upturned red lip, "Then I'm curious, someone who does nothing but spread her legs for her sponsor's money, where do you live?"

Li Zhen's words immediately ignited RenRan's anger. "You b*tch, how dare you say that about me? Don't think you're so innocent yourself. Every male classmate has your college nude photos saved on their phones!"

Li Zhen closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and endured the urge to hit someone. She grabbed the fruit tea in front of her and fiercely splashed it at RenRan, "None of your damn business who has what saved!"

"Ah!" RenRan let out a shriek as her eye shadow and lipstick were smeared all over her face, making her look like a colorful palette.

Xu Shan gasped in shock, "Li Zhen, you're still so violent, just like in college!"

RenRan yelled furiously, "Li Zhen, you're nothing but a shrew!"

"Yes, today I'm a crude, violent shrew! I'll splash anyone who pisses me off. Splashing drinks is nothing. I'll flip this table over today too!" She was in a bad mood and didn't want any of the three people here to feel good!

As Li Zhen spoke, she grabbed the edges of the table with both hands and pulled hard...

The other three quickly stood up in fright.

But the table didn't budge...

It remained firmly in place.

Dong Wanwan: ...

Xu Shan: ...

Yi RenRan: ...

All three felt embarrassed for Li Zhen. The atmosphere had built up to this point, yet the table didn't even flip.

RenRan sneered coldly, "Li Zhen, you..."

Before RenRan could finish, a large male hand suddenly gripped the edge of the table.

With a loud bang, the table instantly flipped over and crashed to the ground, sending tea cups flying everywhere.

The table landed just an inch away from RenRan. Her face turned deathly pale as she froze in place.

The loud noise gave the other tables on the terrace a fright.

Dong Wanwan looked up at the man and stammered, "Brother Yu."

Li Zhen turned around, her gaze meeting Yu Sheng's clear yet cold eyes.

"You should have left the getting physical to me," Yu Sheng said quietly as he looked at Li Zhen, his eyes deep and profound.

The three women stared at Yu Sheng in shock.

With his tall nose and dark eyes, Yu Sheng's features were still as flawless as in college, exuding an air of maturity, nobility and composure.

The campus heartthrob from back then was still doting on the inconspicuous Li Zhen after so many years.

Back in college, every girl had secretly crushed on the dazzling Yu Sheng.

The three women here were no exception. Their jealousy grew wildly like weeds.

Especially Dong Wanwan.

Seeing Yu Sheng casually swipe 10 million yesterday made her eager to probe Li Zhen. She wanted to confirm that Li Zhen was living better than them.

It would make up for the sense of disparity she felt in college for not catching Yu Sheng.

But now, seeing Yu Sheng still so attentive and caring toward Li Zhen, Dong Wanwan felt a surge of sourness in her heart that she couldn't suppress.

"Wanwan, you came out for afternoon tea and ended up like this?" Zhou Chaowen emerged from behind Yu Sheng.

"Dear..." Dong Wanwan's sour heart instantly revived as she snuggled into Zhou Chaowen's arms.

She was the real winner here. She had a rich husband, luxury cars, mansions, limited edition bags, servants at home, she was the prestigious Mrs. Zhou, the adored little socialite outside.

She was the winner!

Not Li Zhen!

Dong Wanwan chanted this in her heart.

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