Chapter 135

Lu Yanming opened the back door and said, "Hop in, Zhen Zhen, we're going to be late."

Li Zhen got into the car full of doubts, it wasn't Lu Yanming's first time changing cars.

Li Zhen didn't feel surprised, just...

"Mr. Lu, you're the deputy general manager of a group, is it appropriate for you to drive such a casual family car everyday?"

Before Lu Yanming could speak, Fei Zhao smiled and said, "What's inappropriate about it? My young master doesn't need to prove himself with just one car."

That's true.

Li Zhen was convinced.

Fei Zhao drove extra steady today.

Usually he drove pressing the speed limit, but today he went nice and slow without any hurry.

In the back seat, Lu Yanming casually poured a glass of water and casually handed it to Li Zhen, "Zhen Zhen, want some water?"

The doctor said drinking more hot water would be good for her.

Li Zhen wasn't really thirsty, but since Lu Yanming poured it for her, she accepted it.

Lu Yanming looked out the window, as if casually asking, "Zhen Zhen, what do you think... if we had a child..."


Li Zhen spit out the water.

Lu Yanming's eyebrows slightly furrowed, unhurriedly handing her a tissue to wipe herself.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Zhen waved her hand, having calmed down, "Mr. Lu, this joke isn't funny at all. How could we possibly have a child when we've taken proper protective measures?"

As Li Zhen spoke, her head involuntarily lowered in guilt.

What did he mean by asking this?

Could he have discovered that she had poked holes in the condom?

"I mean if, if you got pregnant..." Lu Yanming's voice lowered.

"There's no if, it won't happen, it can't happen, we've been so careful there's no way." Li Zhen awkwardly laughed it off to brush him off.

Lu Yanming fell silent.

He looked back out the window, the morning sunlight shining through the sparse leaves on the roadside, falling on him.

Fei Zhao sighed inwardly.

No wonder the young master didn't dare tell her, what if she didn't want it...

After a minute, Lu Yanming sighed to himself, then turned to look at Li Zhen again, "Zhen Zhen..."

"Hmm?" Li Zhen responded, turning to look at him.

"If a child comes between us, I would cherish him or her like a treasure, I would bring all the best things in the world before our child." Lu Yanming's eyes behind the glasses gazed at her steadily.

Li Zhen's heart suddenly started pounding irregularly, the thumping audible in her chest cavity.

She didn't dare meet those overly earnest eyes.

She shifted her gaze in panic.

Lu Yanming also didn't say anything more, and the car went quiet for a time.

Li Zhen drank water to conceal her irregular heartbeat, looking out the window, but she kept feeling like Lu Yanming's serious expression just now was imprinted on it.

She had imagined before what a perfect father should be like.

It seemed that it should be just like Lu Yanming's appearance just now.


They arrived at Honghai Corporation, Li Zhen got out of the car first.

As she got out, she couldn't help but glance back into the car.

Her gaze collided with Lu Yanming's, and she hastily retracted it again.

She hadn't gotten to the office yet when she first received a message from Zhang Xiya.

Zhang Xiya: [Little Zhen Zhen! My god! Hurry to the office!]

Li Zhen: [On my way.]

What was going on that had Zhang Xiya so excited?

Li Zhen got out of the elevator, still at the door, when she heard shocked cheers from the office.

She stepped inside and froze for a second.

The original wooden office desks and chairs had all been replaced with solid wood desks and leather chairs.

The edges and corners of the desks were all finely polished and rounded.

At first glance, it didn't look like an office, more like a high-end club.

The office was lively with excitement.

"Wow, did the company strike it rich?"

"These sofa chairs are nicer than the ones my mom bought for my wedding suite."

"Simply amazing!"

"This is way too, too, too comfortable! I absolutely love it!"

The company had announced that, as the advertising department's business performance was outstanding that quarter, and the work attitude commendable, the company was replacing the office desks and chairs as a reward.

This news spread swiftly through the company, shocking everyone upstairs and downstairs.

Just when people thought the company was already extravagant enough, at noon they realized that the extravagance had no upper limit.

At the serving windows in the employee cafeteria, people stared at the food inside, eyes wide.

Was this a work meal?

This was more like an extravagant feast for tycoons!

Inside the serving windows was matsutake mushroom soup, fish roe sauce, foie gras, Japanese Kobe beef, bluefin tuna...

How could the employees restrain themselves?

They swiftly uploaded photos and videos to their Moments, Weibo, TikTok!

Within just half an hour, it rapidly shot up to trending!

Big company employee meals #explode

In the comments under the trending topic, employees from other companies on Tianfu Second Street made up half.

[Back then I joined the company next door, now I regret it with envious tears, those were the tears my brain shed.]

[It's Honghai again! Ahhhhhh! Can it go bankrupt already! It's driving me insane with jealousy!]

[This is a work meal? Is Honghai still hiring janitors? Not for the work meals, I just genuinely love mopping!]

[Does this company do criminal things prohibited by law? So extra!]

[Looking at my company's bok choy and twice cooked pork, I'm deep in thought...]

[There's Iberian ham in the pics too???]

[Fun fact! I work at a company that sells the Yitian blush rice, made exclusively for wealthy households, at a price ordinary people can't even imagine...but early this morning, Honghai bought several tons from our company...]

Zhang Xiya stood stunned in front of the serving windows, "Are my eyes deceiving me?"

Meanwhile, Meng Yuanjie excitedly yelled with his tray, "Auntie! I want this! And this! And this!"

Li Zhen and Qiao Yi exchanged a look, then simultaneously rubbed their eyes.

Li Zhen, who had said her appetite was poor on the way here, fell silent...

The four got their meals and sat down, each person's plate piled high and overflowing.

As soon as they sat, Zhang Xiya put her palms together in prayer, "I'm willing to trade 0.0001 years of my lifespan for the company's enduring prosperity!"

Meng Yuanjie marveled, "I feel like all the employees' loyalty to the company has been maxed out this year."

Returning to the office, Zhang Xiya and the others blissfully took their lunch break naps.

Before falling asleep, they sincerely wrote 1000-word essays in their hearts, wishing the company greater success, begging it not to collapse.

But Li Zhen had trouble falling asleep, still worried about Yu Sheng saying he would make her accompany him to social functions every night from now on. Yet her body felt inexplicably tired for no reason, the fatigue leaving her drifting between lucidity and light sleep.

Speak of the devil.

Right after their break ended, Ren Zongshun called her to his office.

Ren Zongshun had placed a stack of money on his desk and slid it towards Li Zhen.

"Li Zhen, this was delivered early this morning by the marketing department, it's payment for your hard work last night." As Ren Zongshun spoke, his tone became unnatural. He glanced up slightly to gauge Li Zhen's reaction, "Mr. Yu just called, there's another dinner party tonight, and wants you to attend as well."

Even though she had expected it already, Li Zhen's irritation that had prevented her from napping at noon peaked.


Li Zhen gritted out, taking the money and slamming the door on her way out.

Ren Zongshun was stunned for a moment.

This...she accepted so readily?

Everyone was just coming out of their work station dazes when they saw Li Zhen stomp out of the manager's office in a huff.

They looked at each other in bewilderment.

Li Zhen was grinding her molars to dust.

Accept it?

How could she possibly accept it!

She had felt like her life was half drained just from last night, was she supposed to let Yu Sheng keep controlling her like this?

Li Zhen went to the marketing department floor and barged right in.

Seeing her arrive, Zhao Yan immediately stood with a smile to greet, "Li Zhen, looking for Mr. Yu..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Zhen had already strode past him in a gust of wind, straight into Yu Sheng's office.

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