Chapter 133

On the phone, there were mixed footsteps and respectful shouts.

"Miss Li..."

"Miss Li, slow down..."

Lu Yanming looked back at Fei Zhao.

Fei Zhao quickly said: "Our people have found Miss Li."

Fei Zhao took out his cell phone. On the phone, there was a live video from the other side.

Lu Yanming and Fei Zhao left the private room.

The people in the private room no longer had the heart to talk about Honghai's doing good deeds. They were all gossiping about what was going on with Lu Yanming.

Only one person was stunned like a statue: Wang Peng.

Wang Peng murmured: "Miss Li?"

"So it's not Zhenzhen or Jingjing, it's Zhenzhen?"

"It's Li Zhen???"

"It's Yu Sheng's ex-wife Li Zhen!!!"

Wang Peng's expression was wooden, but his mind was spinning fast.

Chairman Yu divorced on the day Lu Yanming returned.

Lu Yanming got married the second day after returning to the country.

So on the day he arrived, they were at odds at the welcome banquet!

So that time Li Zhen went into Yu Sheng's office, and the two were like fire and water.

So every time Li Zhen was injured and went to the hospital, was falsely accused of stealing a bracelet at the IF Mall, Jiang Keyan asked her to provide a letter of understanding at the meeting...

And today Yu Sheng forced her to accompany him for dinner...

Every time she had something happen, Lu Yanming was there.

I see...

So that's how it is!

Does Yu Sheng know?

He probably doesn't know, otherwise he wouldn't act like that.


What if Yu Sheng finds out...

Honghai Corporation won't explode, right!

Honghai didn't explode yet, but Wang Peng felt like his head was about to explode!

He just wanted to coast to retirement, is that so hard!

It's over!

I knew it! Office romances should be prohibited!


Huayang Famous Residence.

"How is it?" Fei Zhao asked anxiously.

The dozens of experts from various departments waiting at Huayang Famous Residence, Li Zhen fainted as soon as she was brought back.

As a result, these experts had been waving various devices around for ten minutes now, and no one was saying anything.

Lu Yanming stood to the side, his brows furrowed and eyes cold.

When he returned to Huayang Famous Residence, Li Zhen had already been sent back first. At that time, she was already a little incoherent, mumbling something in her mouth that he couldn't make out at all.

Then she fainted completely.

The doctors had been there for more than ten minutes already, but she still hadn't woken up.

When Lu Yanming didn't speak, his whole body exuded an innate oppressive aura.

The room was almost freezing over.

A doctor stepped forward and said to Fei Zhao, "Uh, Chairman Fei, according to our initial tests, she only drank too much and fell asleep.

Fei Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Doctor: "But there is one thing..."

Fei Zhao's breath hitched up again, "What is it..."

"We just did a test, there's something we're not too sure about. We've already asked the hospital to bring over the relevant equipment for a final test to confirm."

The doctor spoke very cautiously.

Before coming, the president had repeatedly told them to be careful and cautious, and to listen to everything.

Behind Lu Yanming's golden glasses, his eyes were icy cold. "Say it now."

The doctor swallowed, "This lady, maybe...probably...possibly..."

"Just say it! Possibly what?" Fei Zhao was about to explode.

"She might be..." the doctor said softly, "pregnant."

The room suddenly fell silent.

No one knew how many seconds or tens of seconds had passed.

Fei Zhao turned and looked at Lu Yanming like a robot.

Lu Yanming slowly opened his mouth, and his voice slightly trembled in a way he didn't even notice himself, "You...what did you say?"

The doctor, afraid of misjudging, quickly supplemented, "This is just our preliminary judgment that this lady may be pregnant. The blood test machine and ultrasound are on the way, we can confirm after testing."

Lu Yanming's ears buzzed loudly.

For a moment, it felt like the blood in his body was flowing in reverse.

His brain stopped supplying oxygen, even the simplest thoughts became difficult.

He couldn't hear anything else, only the word "pregnant".

He walked step by step to the bedside and sat down, his slender fingers gently caressing Li Zhen's hair, and then his gaze shifted inch by inch to her abdomen.

Li Zhen was covered with a thin blanket.

Under the thin blanket, her flat belly rose and fell slightly with her breathing.

Was his child in there?

Was he going to become a dad?

Was his flesh and blood in Li Zhen's body?

This brief shocking possibility made Lu Yanming's breathing rhythm mess up.

He would have a child with Li Zhen.

The child was in Li Zhen's belly.

Lu Yanming raised his hand, just about to touch Li Zhen's stomach, but didn't dare go further, suspended in midair.

He turned and asked the doctor, his tone low and hoarse, "Can I touch?"

Doctor: ...

This question was a bit too childish.

"You can, even if she's really pregnant, gently touching is okay." The doctor respectfully said.

Fei Zhao had already jumped in excitedly on the side. He was so excited!

But afraid of waking Li Zhen up, he still suppressed his voice and excitedly shouted in a low voice, "Ahhhhhhhh! The Lu family's little grandson is coming! My god!"

Fei Zhao excitedly stomped his feet!

This trip was sooooo worth it for him!

When he gets back, the old madam will happily find a daughter-in-law for him too!

This merit! When he's old he can walk around the Lu family however he wants!

The doctors looked at each other...

These two people's reactions were too scary.

If the final check turns out she's not pregnant, these two would be happy for nothing. Would they make it out alive?

It wasn't until the blood test results and ultrasound results came out.

The doctors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness!

She really is pregnant!

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