Chapter 129

"Isn't your younger sister trying to break up Yu Sheng and Li Zhen? Do you think it's enough to just get Li Zhen to leave MacroSea?"

Jiang Keyan: "Heh, there's no need for us to break them up now. Li Zhen and Yu Sheng have already gotten divorced."

"Naive," Li Yanran laughed. "Do you know Yu Sheng just withdrew from the Yu family registry for Li Zhen recently? You think Yu Sheng really wants to divorce Li Zhen?"

Li Yanran had only recently looked into things at Li Zhen's company and found out she and Yu Sheng were already divorced.

"Li Zhen is so lucky to have Yu Sheng protecting her, someone who dotes on her, and will have a man spending endless money on her in the future..." Li Yanran said, predictably seeing anger and resentment on Jiang Keyan's face.

Li Yanran leisurely continued, "So, to deal with Li Zhen, she needs to be completely ruined..."

Jiang Keyan raised her head, staring at the person across from her, "Just who are you? Why do you want to deal with Li Zhen?"

"That's not something you should know. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We're friends now." Li Yanran's tone was calm. She continued coldly laughing, "There's someone in your department called Qu Hu..."

In the employee cafeteria, Zhang Xiya was eating with her head lowered.

She chewed two grains of rice for a long time before picking up another two grains and putting them in her mouth.

Meng Yuanjie advised, "Xiya, you can't keep going on like this. You won't eat enough and won't have energy to feel awkward."

Zhang Xiya pouted, "It's all your fault! You didn't stop me!"

The memories from the night at the bar all came back when she woke up.

Thinking about how she had even wanted to touch President Lu's pecs.

Asking him about the experience right in front of him.

Zhang Xiya wanted to bang her head on a wall.

Li Zhen quickly denied responsibility, "I was drunk too..."

"Xiya, you were as strong as an ox last night. It was thanks to heaven we managed to pull you away in the end!" Qiao Yi glared at her.

Zhang Xiya was tearful, "Oh heavens! I hope President Lu has a goldfish memory and has already forgotten about today."

"You might as well pray you forget instead, that would be more reliable." Meng Yuanjie mocked.

Zhang Xiya mimed punching him, "Shut up."

Meng Yuanjie leaned back, and his elbow bumped into someone passing by him.

It was Jiang Keyan.

Jiang Keyan gave him a cold stare, then looked at Li Zhen.

She didn't say anything and continued walking forward.

Zhang Xiya said unhappily, "Little Zhen Zhen, I feel like the way she looked at you just now was odd. Maybe she's plotting something nasty..."

In the corner of the cafeteria, Qu Hu was looking at his phone.

On his phone were photos of Li Zhen from university, which Qu Hu kept flipping through. Photos from all angles, all of Li Zhen.

A few steps away, Jiang Keyan watched coldly.

It seemed what Li Yanran said was true after all.

So there was someone else in their department who had been watching Li Zhen all this time...

Jiang Keyan walked over and set her tray down. "Qu Hu, what are you looking at?"

Qu Hu hurriedly put his phone away. "Manager Jiang."

"I heard you went to the same university as Li Zhen?" Jiang Keyan took out a piece of paper and wiped the table.

"Yes, Manager Jiang."

"Then how come I've never heard you chat with President Yu and Li Zhen? Or talk about them?"

Qu Hu looked uncomfortable. He laughed twice, "Other than his roommate and Li Zhen, President Yu didn't interact with other people much in university."

Not just Yu Sheng, Li Zhen was the same.

Only Zhou Chao Wen and a few others could talk to them.

"I see..." Jiang Keyan nodded thoughtfully. "I heard Li Zhen was very popular in university, right?"

Qu Hu kept his head lowered. "Yes, she was quite popular in university..."

But Yu Sheng protected her very closely.

Qu Hu knew Li Zhen and Yu Sheng were hiding their relationship at the company, so he never brought it up.

But now Yu Sheng himself had announced they were divorced.

Everyone knew now.

"No wonder." Jiang Keyan spoke casually. "I heard from people in the advertising department that now everyone knows Li Zhen is single, many are asking her out to hang out and stuff. She's so popular, so I guess those who like her better hurry up..."

Jiang Keyan glanced at him. "Otherwise, if they missed their chance before, they have it now but don't take action, what a shame."

After speaking, Jiang Keyan lowered her head to eat without saying anything else.

Qu Hu clenched the chopsticks in his hand.

Manager Jiang was right.

Now Li Zhen had even been divorced once, but this was his first marriage.

He was more than a match for Li Zhen too.

In the past few days.

The advertising department had been exceptionally lively.

For several days in a row now, someone had sent Li Zhen flowers.

There was no name, just the two English initials "QH" on the card.

"This guy is going overboard today! A few small bouquets the last few days was one thing, but 199 roses? Her whole desk can't even fit them all." Zhang Xiya complained.

Meng Yuanjie mocked, "And he didn't even leave any contact info or anything. If she wants to reject him, she can't even get in touch. Li Zhen is quite helpless having a suitor like this."

Li Zhen threw the flowers in the trash.

Ren Zongshun, who was printing documents nearby, smiled and said, "Our Li Zhen is just so charming, look, she gets roses from admirers every day."

Li Zhen gave Ren Zongshun a speechless look.

Ever since Ren Zongshun found out she and Yu Sheng used to be married, she just couldn't get used to his way of speaking anymore.

After speaking, Ren Zongshun went upstairs for a presentation.

In the small office upstairs.

The planning, marketing, and advertising departments were present, along with Wang Peng and several executive vice presidents, waiting for the meeting to start.

Yu Sheng sat leisurely.

Zhao Yan next to him was very nervous. "President Yu, am I really summarizing the proposal later?"

"Why are you panicking?" Yu Sheng glanced at the sweat on Zhao Yan's forehead and said coldly, "Go back if you don't think you can handle it."

"I...I can do it!" Zhao Yan nodded hastily.

Yu Sheng's policy was "step up if you can, get lost if you can't", but it was also under Yu Sheng's high-pressure training that Zhao Yan knew his abilities had grown by leaps and bounds.

He also knew Yu Sheng was deliberately grooming him.

"Manager Zhao, whether you can or can't, you've got to!" Wang Peng joined in the chat before the meeting even started. "President Yu recommended Manager Zhao to me several times. Now that he's leaving, Manager Zhao will have to shoulder the marketing department. I feel the department has lost its pillar with President Yu's departure. Manager Zhao, you'll need to communicate more with your direct supervisor, President Lu, in the future..."

Recommendation? That goes without saying.

Naturally it was for the position of Marketing President after Yu Sheng left.

Zhao Yan looked at Yu Sheng gratefully.

The Marketing President position wasn't so easily obtained, but with Yu Sheng's recommendation, regardless of the final outcome, he would remember this favor.

Yu Sheng glanced at Lu Yanming, who had remained silent. "With President Lu overseeing the marketing department, I believe the department's performance will reach greater heights than when I was here."

Lu Yanming sat right next to Wang Peng, separated from Yu Sheng by one seat.

Normally, the proper response to words like Yu Sheng's would be polite modesty like "President Yu's accomplishments are unmatched".

But Lu Yanming's voice was deep and unhurried as he uttered four words.

"That is natural."

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