After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 118: If you don’t hit her, I will.

Chapter 118

Zhou Chaowen narrowed his eyes and suddenly sensed that something was wrong. "Wanwan, you..."

Dong Wanwan held her phone, looking both evasive and panicked.

"So, this is your room, right? Did you find this man? And the contraceptives on the floor, did you use them with him?" Zhou Chaowen connected all the pieces that didn't add up.

Yu Sheng froze, his gaze fixed on Li Zhen.

If she had really been intentionally assaulted just now, and he...

Dong Wanwan knew that she couldn't hide the truth any longer. She knelt down with a thud and said, "Husband, that man broke in by himself... I... I was assaulted by him."

Xiao Ning, who had been pretending to be unconscious all this time, couldn't hold back anymore and weakly said from the room towards the bathroom, "She told me to do it, and she came up with the idea for me to sleep with that woman. I installed a camera, you can see it..."

Xiao Ning had truly exhausted her strength this time and fainted from excessive bleeding.

Dong Wanwan's face turned pale.

She thought Xiao Ning was already dead.

Zhou Chaowen remained surprisingly calm.

He found that he didn't feel any anger, just a bit upset about being cuckolded.

In that split second, he understood even more why Sheng Ge had almost lost his mind in madness.

Zhou Chaowen spoke calmly, "Let's get a divorce. I'll give you a billion, enough for you to live half a lifetime."

But in just a second, Zhou Chaowen regretted it.

It was Dong Wanwan who almost let Li Zhen get assaulted!

Zhou Chaowen said, "No, leave empty-handed. I'm going to sue for divorce."

Dong Wanwan's heart sank rapidly.

She clutched Zhou Chaowen's thigh and cried out, "Husband, no, I won't divorce you. Can you hit me, please? Husband, I can't live without you. You can hit me and scold me, I don't want a divorce!"

Zhou Chaowen kicked her away with disdain, "Hit you? I don't have the energy for that."

"Husband, you can't abandon me..." Dong Wanwan cried out in a hoarse voice, "Just now, Yu Sheng thought that Li Zhen slept with other men, and he only hit her, he didn't say he didn't want her! I beg you, husband, please hit me too, I won't do it again!"

"You're the first person to ask to be hit by a man!" Li Zhen couldn't bear it when she heard that Dong Wanwan had harmed her, "Chaowen, if you don't hit her, then I will!"

Li Zhen wasn't asking, she was informing.

Before Dong Wanwan could react...

Li Zhen slapped Dong Wanwan across the face...

But there wasn't even a sound.

Li Zhen:...

She had no strength left, her whole body ached, but she also felt numbness that made her uncomfortable.

Forget it, she didn't feel like moving.

"I won't hit you, you can go to the police station with Yu Sheng and that man!" Li Zhen snatched the phone back again and dialed the police number, "Hello..."

Dong Wanwan hung up the phone again, but this time Li Zhen held it tightly and didn't let it be snatched away.

"Li Zhen, Li Jie! Don't call the police, if you do, I'll be ruined! I won't be able to stay in the entertainment industry anymore." Dong Wanwan pleaded, kneeling and knocking her head on the ground. Tears fell with a pattering sound, and her makeup was completely smeared on her face.

Zhou Chaowen panicked, "Li Jie, Sheng Ge was just confused earlier, don't call the police."

Yu Yang anxiously said, "Yes, yes, my brother is injured, he can't go in..."

Yu Sheng remained silent on the side.

His heart turned ice-cold, and every nerve in his body clenched. It felt like a lump of sour blood was stuck in his throat.

His wounds reopened from the intense movements just now, but he couldn't feel a thing.

What had he done just now?

While she was being bullied, he had hit her!

He didn't care about what Li Zhen wanted to do.

If she wanted to punish him by sending him to jail, then he would go.

Li Zhen remained calm and composed. "Zhou Chaowen, Yu Yang, I appreciate your help in stopping them just now, but he has hit me before. If I let it slide this time, there will be a next time..."

Yu Yang blurted out, "Zhen Jie, have you forgotten that my brother saved you..."

"Yu Yang! Shut up!" Yu Sheng suddenly shouted loudly, silencing Yu Yang instantly.

Li Zhen paused. Yu Sheng had never asked her to do anything in return for saving her all those years ago.

Even if she wanted to call the police and have him arrested now, he wouldn't object.

If it were anyone else, he would.

Li Zhen fell silent. After two seconds, she handed her phone to Zhou Chaowen. "Chaowen, take that man to the police station. As for Dong Wanwan, she is your wife. You deal with her."

Li Zhen walked past everyone and headed towards the exit.

Yu Sheng grabbed her wrist. "Li Zhen, I..."

Li Zhen pulled her hand away, but she couldn't free herself.

She turned to look at him, her gaze devoid of warmth, only indifference.

Yu Sheng struggled to find the right words to say.

He held Li Zhen's cold wrist, and there was still water dripping down her arm.

Li Zhen was shivering, her hair and clothes soaked.

She looked disheveled.

He suddenly remembered, "You're still in your menstrual period. You'll catch a chill. I'll take you to the hospital."

"It's necessary to go to the hospital. Otherwise, it will affect your health and make it difficult for you to get pregnant," Zhou Chaowen's expression changed drastically.

Li Zhen replied, "Yes, I know."

Yu Sheng said, "I'll take you."

"No need. My husband is available. You don't have to trouble yourself, ex-husband," Li Zhen's voice was icy.

"You don't have to say such things to provoke me," Yu Sheng's fingers trembled slightly, and he finally let go. "You go by yourself."

"It's not a provocation. I'll send you the marriage certificate later," Li Zhen no longer paid attention to the expressions of the people around her as she walked away.

As she passed by Xiao Ning, Li Zhen stepped on his hand that was lying on the ground and crushed it forcefully.

Xiao Ning woke up from his daze!

When he opened his eyes and met Li Zhen's gaze, he immediately closed his eyes again, pretending to be unconscious.

Li Zhen entered the adjacent room and left the door open. She took out her phone and dialed Lu Yanming's number.

He answered quickly from the other side, "Zhen Zhen?"

His low and clean voice echoed in Li Zhen's ears.

Upon hearing Lu Yanming's voice, Li Zhen had a sudden, inexplicable urge to cry.

"Zhen Zhen?" Lu Yanming patiently called her.

"Lu Yanming, I have to use you as a shield now. Can you ask your assistant to bring the marriage certificate to me?" Li Zhen sniffed, her voice low.

"Alright, where are you?" Lu Yanming replied warmly.

Li Zhen gave him the address and hung up the phone.

She stared at her phone for a few seconds, her heart fluttering. Lu Yanming didn't ask what was the matter or what she wanted to do; he simply said, "Alright."

He agreed without hesitation.

It was as if he would never refuse any request from her.

Li Zhen took off her nightgown, took a shower to warm up her body, and then changed into clean clothes before leaving.

Fei Zhao was already waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

"Assistant Fei, did you bring the marriage certificate for me?" Li Zhen asked.

She needed to take a photo of it and send it to Yu Sheng.

And then they would go to the hospital.

Fei Zhao stood by the car and, seeing Li Zhen come out, opened the back door. "Young Master brought it. Miss Li, where would you like to go now? Please get in the car."

In the back seat, Lu Yanming, with his tall and handsome figure, leaned slightly against the backrest. The faint lights outside the car window reflected his deep contours.

"Zhenzhen..." Lu Yanming's gaze fell casually on her.

But he clearly saw the ambiguous red mark on her neck.

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